Speed vs strength {36}

Keitaro was seen fighting with a curse, he was moving around at insane speeds, and yet th. e curse could still keep up with him.

An image of a gigantic creature was captured, which appeared to tower over most humans. The beast was around 12 feet tall and had either crimson or jet-black skin with bulging muscles. It had two sharp horns that curled back from its brow, and its face was twisted in a permanent snarl, revealing rows of jagged teeth. The creature's body was often surrounded by wild flames, which were fueled by its burning rage. Oni, as this creature is called, usually wears minimal clothing or none at all, and Its entire demeanor radiates raw power and primal savagery.

Keitaro however didnt seem to care that his opponent was basically twice his height nor the fact that this curse was probably a very strong one.

Keitaro dodged under another of its attacks, his eyes analyzing the curse as if wondering what could possibly be his curse technique.

The Oni started to get angrier and as its anger started to consume it, the Oni eyes turned red and veins were seen appearing on the Oni body.

The Oni threw a punch that Keitaro dodged by teleporting away from the Oni.

The punch destroyed where Keitaro leaving nothing behind, The Oni screamed out in rage, its eyes completely red.

"So he can transform rage into power, "Keitaro thought to himself with a thoughtful expression on his face.

The Oni eyes then went toward Keitaro before launching what seemed a wave of destructive energy toward Keitaro that Keitaro dodged by teleporting away from the area.

Keitaro appeared behind the creature before placing a mark on the creature's back before teleporting away just as the creature launched a hit toward him.

Keitaro watched as the hit landed on the Oni causing the beast to scream out in rage as it started to grow stronger and stronger.

It had probably reached a special grade level of strength right now, though Keitaro didnt feel like letting this beast grow any stronger and thus.

Keitaro started to rotate curse energy in his hand in a very rapid motion as he looked at the creature.

The spinning ball in Keitaro's hand started to form becoming bigger and bigger until Keitaro vanished from the curse vision and appeared behind the curse and slammed it, the rotating ball ground against the creature's skull.

Keitaro kept pushing down on it with a lot more force as the ball kept grinding deeper and deeper into the creature's skin, it seemed as if because he had become so strong, its skin had become a lot more durable although this wasn't something that Keitaro hadn't was taken into effect as the second he felt the creature put all its energy into reinforcing where he was currently slamming an orb of spiraling energy into the back of its head.

Keitaro smiled before vanishing from his spot and appearing infront of the curse where he proceeded to use his kunai to slash the curse's throat wide open, killing it instantly.

Keitaro made sure to teleport away just before the blood could fall on him and before the cursed body could vanish from the ground.

He summoned Akane and just like a happy puppy, his fox companion walked toward the curse before absorbing it.

And he meant it, she absorbed absolutely everything, there was nothing behind even to let somebody that an Oni was there, to begin with.

She seemed to have enjoyed eating that special curse, Keitaro pondered that maybe it was because this curse was probably the closest she had gotten to eating a special grade and maybe this was the reason why she seemed too giddy to absorb it.

In any way Keitaro had nothing against it, she was getting stronger and she was an investment eventually she would be useful to him but until then he would have to take care of her.

As if she was a child as she was pretty dam fragile in the state that she was in.

As Keitaro was seen walking outside the place where the fight had taken place, he decided to finally lower the curtain.

The second the curtain was lowered he just teleported back to his apartment, his life felt a bit monotone, as if he was just going through the rhythm, he would exercise curse then go back home over and over again without any purpose just doing as he was told.

He felt like he was a cog in a machine and that idea didnt sit well with him, he wanted to explore the world a bit more.

Thinking about it for a bit, he had decided for himself, as soon as he graduated jujutsu high in about a year or so.

He would travel the world and see what he could find.

He is sure he will find his answer outside of Japan.

The words that Yuki had said to him that day still resonated with him, he truly wondered how curse energy was in its rawest form.

Until then, he will have to master how to use a sword as a kunai was good in all but the range of it wasn't something he found to be optimal.

Sure it fit his quick fighting style but he wanted to try something new for once.