The party {37}

Keitaro swung the katana with practiced ease, each slash leaving a clean, shimmering air-trace against the practice dummy. Sweat beaded on his forehead despite the cool morning air. He repeated the sequence five times, his movements precise and controlled. Finally, with a final flourish, he sheathed the blade with a satisfying snap.

Silence reigned for a beat. Then, with a soft thud, the dummy split cleanly in two, then four, then eight, collapsing in a heap of perfectly severed sections. Keitaro sighed, a hint of frustration flickering across his features. It wasn't enough. He needed to anticipate the delayed effect, to truly master the timing of his strikes.

A vibration in his pocket pulled him from his thoughts. He retrieved his phone, a faint smile playing on his lips as he saw the notification: Jujutsu High Group Chat. He didn't even need to open it to know who the first message was from.

"Yo, Minato, gracing us with your presence or chickening out again?" the message read, punctuated with a single, infuriating eye emoji. Gojo Satoru, never one to miss an opportunity for a playful jab.

Keitaro chuckled softly. "This idiot," he muttered, his voice laced with a fondness that belied the playful insult. He typed a reply with practiced ease.

Keitaro sighed, the sound echoing in the empty training room. Glancing at the clock, he saw he only had a few hours until the pre-graduation gathering. "Time to get ready," he muttered to himself.

With a practiced flick of his wrist, Keitaro vanished in a burst of teleportation, reappearing in his apartment. The convenience of his technique never ceased to amaze him. He took a long, luxurious bath, letting the hot water soothe his muscles and ease the tension that had built up during his intense training session.

Emerging from the steam, Keitaro meticulously dried himself before turning to his wardrobe. He scanned the clothes, a faint smile playing on his lips. No need to overdo it tonight. This was a casual get-together, a chance to catch up with old friends, not a runway show.

A thoughtful frown creased Keitaro's brow. This pre-graduation gathering required some forethought. Nanami would likely be there, stoic and ever-practical. Utahime might attend, drawn by Shoko's presence. The solution? Beverages. Gojo was the sole sweets enthusiast; everyone else likely preferred a stronger drink.

With a plan in mind, Keitaro materialized outside a liquor store in a flurry of teleportation. He efficiently selected a variety of liquors, catering to different palates. Next, a quick stop at a renowned sweets shop secured a box of exquisite delicacies – a peace offering for those with a sweet tooth (besides Gojo, of course).

Lugging everything around was a hassle. Keitaro unfurled a scroll, a practiced movement etched from years of Jujutsu training. He carefully placed the drinks and sweets atop the scroll. With a single, swift ram hand sign, a puff of smoke materialized and then dissipated, taking the refreshments with it. A satisfied grin spread across Keitaro's face. He was now well-equipped for the "snack department" of the party.

Now, the real question lingered:  how to navigate the "actual party part" of this whole stick?

Keitaro squinted at his phone, double-checking the address with the GPS. It matched perfectly. This wasn't one of Gojo's usual pranks, of that much he was certain. He'd specifically verified with someone else. Still, a sigh escaped his lips as he approached the door. Taking a deep breath to fortify himself, he pushed it open and stepped inside.

A wave of boisterous laughter and chatter greeted him. It seemed he was the last one to arrive. Familiar faces filled the room – Shoko and Utahime, their conversation animated and punctuated by bursts of laughter; Nanami perched in a quiet corner, a book propped open in front of him. But someone was missing.

Before Keitaro could even scan the room for the absent classmate, a voice, dripping with amusement, sliced through the chatter. "For someone who prides himself on his speed, you sure came dead last."

Keitaro turned to find Gojo lounging against the opposite wall, a playful smirk etched across his face. For the first time ever he seem to be wearing a suit.

"Gojo," Keitaro acknowledged, a hint of exasperation coloring his voice. "Don't start."

A mischievous glint appeared in Gojo's single visible eye. "Just messing with you, Minato. But seriously, where have you been? We were starting to think you got lost."

A wry smile played on Keitaro's lips. "I believe I arrived precisely at 7:30 pm," he countered, a playful edge to his voice. Before he could elaborate, Shoko's voice cut through the air.

"And you believe him?" she said, her tone laced with amusement and disbelief.

Keitaro blinked, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "Now that you say that..." he conceded, realizing he'd fallen victim to Gojo's usual playful jabs. Much to Gojo's delight, even after his awakening, his mischievous spirit remained untamed.

"Alright, alright," Keitaro chuckled, deciding to change the subject. "Anyway, I brought something." He reached into his back pocket and retrieved the scroll containing the refreshments. With a practiced flick of his wrist, he performed the ram hand sign, and a puff of smoke materialized before dissipating.

In its place lay a small bounty – a selection of liquor bottles and a beautifully wrapped box of sweets. A flicker, almost imperceptible, crossed Shoko's eyes as she caught sight of the treats. Keitaro could almost swear it resembled a glimmer of light. He knew she could likely counter the negative effects of alcohol with her reverse cursed technique, but seeing her express any form of indulgence was unexpected.

"You didn't have to do that, Keitaro," Utahime chimed in, her voice warm. "But these sweets do look tempting." She cast a glance at Shoko, who simply shrugged, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

"I just felt like it,no need to thank about it to hard Utahime-san"Keitaro said carefully much to Utahime delight so atleast they were some people alive able to give respect to their elder not like someone she knows.

As those thought passed through her mind she looked at the figure of Gojo who just smilled saying "What about me Minato-kun,dont tell me you forgot about you dear old friend"

".....I got you Sakura mochi,"Keitaro said dryly.