A wild night {38}

Keitaro was observing the gathering with a mix of amusement and concern. The alcohol he had brought for the occasion was being consumed at an alarming rate. Utahime, who was usually composed, had quickly consumed half a bottle. Nanami, who is always stoic, was nursing a drink, but the tightness around his eyes betrayed his grief over a lost friend. Keitaro felt a pang of sympathy for him and made a mental note to use the Reverse Cursed Technique on Nanami later to ensure he wouldn't be incapacitated by alcohol.

However, the most shocking sight was Shoko. She had downed the remaining three packs, each containing a dozen bottles according to the label. Her cheeks held a faint flush, and a light, almost giddy glint shone in her eyes. To see Shoko, the ever-serious medical professional, exhibiting such uninhibited behavior was surreal.

"Whoa, Shoko, slow down there," Keitaro said cautiously, approaching her. "You might regret that tomorrow."Shoko hiccupped a sound that was both comical and concerning. "Nonsense, Minato," she slurred, her voice surprisingly cheerful. "This stuff's delicious!"

"You drank like 36 bear,you should chill out a bit"Keitaro added holding her a bit as she was just slurring around.

"I dont know what you talking about,i am fine"Shoko said looking to be very tipsy.

She walked out almost slipping on everything.

"Dont you think you drank a bit to much "Keitaro added to which she just dryly reply.

"I didn't drink enough "Shoko added looking a bit drunk.

Not even a bit drunk,she was 100% and there was no denying it at this point,it felt like at this instance she had more alcohol in her vein than blood.

This wasnt really good.

She reached out her hand and grabbed a whiskey before chugging it down...Keitaro just blinked once then twice, she still had enough left to drink that much he wonders if he should feel worry or just amaze at the amount of alcohol she can drink.

As she finish chugging down another one,she took a bottle of alcohol and looked at it for a bit,she then started to walk toward his direction much to his confusion showed on Keitaro face.

What could she possibly be thinking walking toward him like this.

Upon reaching him,she placed one of her hand on his shoulder causing Keitaro to blink before suddenly,he felt something touch his lips.



Wait hold up was this alcohol, he thought as Shoko made him drink a whole bottle of alcohol,his mind started to blur at this instant as he had never drinked alcohol not a day in his life so tasting it for the first time was a brand new experience for him.

Pov change.

Keitaro's eyelids fluttered open, revealing a scene straight out of a bizarre dream. A towering Waffle House sign dominated his blurry vision.  "Waffle hoe?" a voice slurred from above.  He squinted upwards to see Shoko precariously perched on the giant yellow W, a mischievous glint in her eye.

Suddenly, a giant metal S whooshed past him, propelled with surprising force. It slammed into the ground with a clang, leaving a sizeable dent.  Keitaro's mind reeled.  Shoko... throwing a giant metal letter?  Was this real?  A flicker of panic ignited within him.  Had they both gotten that drunk?

Instinctually, he channeled his Reverse Cursed Technique, a wave of clarity washing over him.   The chaotic events of the night snapped into focus.  The reunion, the absurd amount of alcohol, Shoko's surprising tolerance...

Another letter, a giant E, zipped past them, narrowly missing his head.

"Waffle hoe!" Shoko declared with drunken glee, completely oblivious to the potential danger.  The once-proud sign now bore the mangled inscription "Waffle hoe."  Honestly, Keitaro had to grudgingly admire her destructive creativity.  But getting her down from that precarious perch was his top priority.

"Shoko, get down from there!" he called out, his voice laced with concern.

Suddenly, the missing "O" materialized mid-air, propelled by Shoko's drunken strength.  It careened towards Gojo, who was doubled over in laughter a few meters away. Gojo, ever playful his Infinity technique likely deactivated.

"Satoru, duck!" Keitaro roared, the urgency in his voice cracking through Gojo's amusement.  The idiot finally reacted; a mischievous grin still plastered on his face.

"Hehehe, Waffle Hoe!" he exclaimed, completely missing the danger.  The giant "O" connected squarely with Gojo's chest, sending him flying backwards with a surprised yelp.

Keitaro stared in disbelief.  Gojo, the strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer he knew, incapacitated by a drunken prank fueled by stolen Waffle House signage.  He rubbed his forehead, a groan escaping his lips.  This night was officially out of control.

Time skip

Keitaro's eyelids fluttered open for the third time that night, each time revealing a scene more surreal than the last. This time, he found himself sprawled across the backseat of a moving car. A dull ache throbbed in his head.

He caught the rhythmic thrumming of the engine and the occasional rumble of tires over uneven pavement.  His gaze drifted to the front passenger seat, where Nanami sat, slumped over with his head resting against the window. Unconscious. Great.

A flicker of panic ignited within him. If Nanami, usually the picture of stoicism, was down for the count, that meant...

He slowly turned his head to the driver's seat. His breath hitched. There, behind the wheel, sat Shoko, a manic grin plastered across her face. Her eyes, normally sharp and focused, were glazed over with a dangerous glint. In her hand, she gripped the steering wheel with surprising strength, her foot seemingly welded to the gas pedal.

"Wheee!" she shrieked, her voice a high-pitched squeal that sent shivers down Keitaro's spine. "This is fun, Minato! Wanna go for a joyride?"

"Oh no," Keitaro muttered, his voice barely a whisper.  This was officially a nightmare scenario.  A drunken Shoko piloting a car at breakneck speed?  This was a recipe for disaster.  He had to do something, and fast.

A/N This is a night he probably will never forget.also I used a funny TikTok I found as inspiration for Ashoka drunk state...thought I can't seem to find the username of the person to give them proper credit.

By the time this chapter up I should probably have a link to their channel below.