The conclusion {44}

As Keitaro's fist landed on Gojo landed on Gojo, a spark of black was seen as Gojo coughed up some blood.

Gojo domain was only able to be activated for only .0001 seconds. Keitaro's brain thankfully was not overloaded with too much information and with some quick RCT healing his brain was.....fine

Keitaro was able to heal the damage done by Gojo's domain pretty easily.

Keitaro's eyes then landed on Gojo, before his eyes turned white and he passed out on the floor right next to his friend.

The orange hue disappeared from his eyebrow and the frog-like look of his eyes vanished, although his hands seemed to be turning to stone, however before they managed to spread further to his body.

Akane appeared and started to put curse energy into Keitaro's body, managing to refuel his curse energy reserve causing the stone that was appearing on his hands to disappear.

Akane licked Keitaro's face before walking back inside his necklace.

Time skip.

Keitaro woke up on the cold floor of the forest, he felt a bit dizzy but at the same time, he felt as if all was alright.

His eyes then landed on Gojo who was sitting down on a nearby tree.

Noticing Gojo being awake, Keitaro's thoughts flooded with memory, did he lose the fight, he had no memory of it.

Gojo noticing Keitaro awaken just opened his mouth and said "You finally decided to get up Keitaro"

Keitaro looked at Gojo confused to which Gojo just replied "I thought you were about to sleep the whole day"

"Heh, after the beating I gave you, I slept well," Keitaro said with a smile on his face to which Gojo just chuckled a bit.

"You sure did, "Gojo said with a smile on his face Keitaro looked confused.

"I lost, "Gojo said looking at his hands, he couldn't believe that he had lost, since his awakening he was the one winning, he even had a streak where he had won 10 times back to back.

This was the first time in 2 years since he had genuinely lost a battle where he was going out all out.

"I only won because I landed that black flash at the end"Keitaro added to which Gojo just dismissed it before saying "No, you would have won without that final black flash"

Keitaro looked confused showcased by his raising his eyebrow to which Gojo explained "The blows you landed on me while in that form did a lot of internal damage to my body so even if my domain had landed, it would crumble away before your simple domain would have given away, your black flash just sped up that process up" Gojo said as he raised his eyes to look at the moon in the sky.

His blue eyes seemingly glowing while looking at the moon.

"Neat so guess we have a tie," Keitaro said as he tried standing up only to feel immense pain throughout his body.

he forced his body to stand up as he started to use the reverse curse technique to heal himself, though he noticed something as he was healing himself up, he was using less curse energy than before.

He feels like he could heal his body from battered to fine like 5 times over.

And with Akane, he could do it about 20 times, Gojo's eyes then went toward Keitaro before saying "Your curse energy has come back, even your output is back, i am guessing it's your shikigami work isn't it"

Keitaro nodded his head as Akane appeared on his shoulder."It's all thanks to this little cutie" He said as he patted Akane on the head causing her to pur a bit.

"Huh..a Kitsune...and you wonder why I call you Minato," Gojo said as he looked at the Kitsune on Keitaro's back much to Keitaro's annoyance.

"I cant catch a break now can I "Keitaro said sighing a bit to which Gojo smiled saying "Nah, you can't "

"Now all you need is a kid with whiskers and becoming crispy cream donut and you are him, "Gojo said with a smile on his face before he opened his mouth and said "Though the last part is not a requirement"

"Shut it bootleg Kakashi," Keitaro said as his eyebrows twitched a bit.

To that, Gojo just laughed it off.

He then looked at Keitaro before saying "So, what are you planning to learn overseas"

"oh that, i want to see how curse energy is outside of Japan, how sorcerers outside of Japan are, the curse that spawn around Japan, i am pretty curious about their culture and want to know more"Keitaro said with curiosity clearing brimming in his eyes.

"That seems nice, "Gojo said with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"You can come with me if you want"Keitaro added with a gentle expression on his face.

"I would like to but I can't "Gojo added to which Keitaro's eyes widened a bit, yeah how could he have forgotten, Gojo was a clan head after all even if he was this goofy plus with him gone there would be a power vacuum and the higher up would have less to worry about when they do their evil ass scheme, all in all, it would be a big heavy mess.

"Then I will just bring souvenirs and come back once in and while"Keitaro added...

This was his promise...

A/N...hey final chapter before overseas stuff starts and I have to start getting creative with stuff he is going to see.

The first country up is...