First country {45}

A/N fair warning…due to me being horrible at describing scenes and shit, the couple of next chapters will use ai to describe a scene, do bear with it. Those chapters are quite important in explaining some stuff about him, if y'all can't take it,I will probably do a huge skip, over his whole journey.,like from this chapter all the way to chapter 84,so a lot of missed content and explanation as to how he is able to now do certain things...…




Keitaro walked toward the airport,he had already pack most of his stuff inside of a scroll that h placed inside a small portable bag.

Even though he was carrying alot of baggage he didnt get charged extra as the only thing on him that could visibly be seen were the backpack he was carrying o his back and that backpack was around 40 pound.

It was pretty light all in all,he had already brought the tickets so the whole thing was mostly just tedious all in all.

Boarding the plan sitting down,litsening to the captain annoucement and so on.

All he did was just watch everything happen and just look out of his window,he had never really flied before mostly just jump pretty high.

Watching the clouds beneath him and watching japan becoming smaller and smaller before his very eyes.

He placed his hands on the window and watched the country that he was in slowly vanish from his sight.

From some reason even if he knew he was going to come back there and that he wouldnt be gone for long,he felt a deep sadness ingrained itself into his heart.

In order to not let grief get to him,he decided to just close his window.

And to pass the time in his long flight he decided to take a flyer and started reading the fact on it,reading stuff about the country he was going was interesting to him.

Though he wasnt a master of their language he studied enough about it so that he could atleast not be illiterate.

After reading the flier,Keitaro put it down before going in his thoughts against,his mission was to get better at using curse energy and what a better way to do that then to find its origin.

Sure he could go to Europe as something told him that either the apple that Eve ate or human procrating with angels created curse energy.

He found that curse energy seem to find its root somewhere in buddhism so in order to start his journey he wanted to start where Buddhism started.

From what he gather in the 3rd century B.C., Ashoka the Great, A Mauryan Indian emperor, made Buddhism the state religion of India. Buddhist monasteries were built, and missionary work was encouraged. Over the next few centuries, Buddhism began to spread beyond India and soon enough found its way to japan.

So his first destination was india,second on the list probably was nepal considering it was pretty close.

He will just try and focus and learn more about jujutsu sorcerer there,his curiosity was peaked.

Knowing the flight was around 8 hours,Keitaro decided to take a nap.

He wasnt about to eat the food served in the plane.

Time skip.

Keitaro eyes slowly opening as he felt the plane altitude lowering itself,Keitaro blinked once then twice before fully opening his eyes and feeling the plane land.

The captain annouced a successful flight and the people on board started clapping,soon enough everybody started leaving the plan.

Keitaro stood up and remove his backpack from the container above him before getting in line and walking outside the plain.

As soon as Keitaro had left the plane and walked into the airport something felt different,he had noticed it as soon as the plane had left japan but the curse energy around him wasnt as optimised as it was in japan.

It was more raw,more primal in a sense and instead of being somewhat contain it was wild and everywhere.

This was different to him,though it did amaze him to see how much different curse energy work outside japan.

From what he could gather 99% of sorcerer where from japan so the chance that he encounter another jujutsu sorcerer where pretty low.

However there were not zero and he was still pretty hopeful.

He walked through all the process of checking his bag and so on,he even had some of the yen he was carrying with him into indian Ruppe.

He was prepared for this, the whole process of getting out was pretty tedious but he bore through it until finally he was able to finally go outside.

Though what greeted him was not what he expected, as soon as he stepped out the airport he had to squint his eyes as a blast of hot hair managed to hit him in the face.

Inside, the air conditioning had lulled him into a false sense of security. Now, stepping outside, he was met with a sound of honking cars, a screeching that seemed ridiculous just moments ago.

A sea of yellow Ambassador taxis appeared in his line of sight, their chrome bumpers shining in the harsh afternoon sun. Men in white Gandhi caps leaned out, their shouts merging into a single, indecipherable word.

'oh..this is not what i expected' Keitaro though to himself noticing the scene infront of him this was not what he expected at all.

Beside the taxis, rickshaws buzzed like angry bees. Painted with tigers and Bollywood stars, they weaved through the throng, their drivers' calls a melodic counterpoint to the car horns. Overhead, a tangle of electric wires snaked across the sky, a messy halo over the scene.

The road itself was a dusty river, steaming with life. Men in crisp kurtas and dhotis walked alongside women draped in vibrant saris, carrying baskets overflowing with mangoes and bananas. Street vendors, like colorful islands in the flowing crowd, hawked their wares - spices whose names Keitaro didn't know existed, textiles in impossible shades of pink and blue, garlands of jasmine strung on threads like fragrant beads.

The smell was a potent mix of car exhaust, a musky undercurrent that might be sweat, and the sweet, heady scent of jasmine. It tickled Keitaro nose and made his stomach churn a bit in excitement.