The past {50}

"Understanding the Atman is a lifelong pursuit, Keitaro," he began, "but there are ways to begin your journey. Meditation is a powerful tool, a key to unlocking the inner sanctum of your being." He gestured towards his closed eyes, a serene smile gracing his lips.

"Imagine your mind as a turbulent ocean," he explained. "Thoughts churn and crash like waves, constantly pulling you away from your center. Meditation helps calm these waves, creating a space of stillness where your true self can emerge."

He explained the concept of pranayama, the yogic practice of breath control. "By focusing on your breath, slow and deep," he said, "you can quiet the mental chatter and create a doorway to the deeper layers of consciousness."

Keitaro listened intently,he made sure that not even a single word went over his head,he wanted as much information as possible. Panditji's words resonated with him, somehow intuitively clicking into place. As he continued, detailing different meditation postures and techniques for visualization, Keitaro found himself absorbing the information at an alarming rate.

'so this how it work' He thought to himself as he had ever view breathing technique as something particulary useful to him but he was being proven wrong.

"It will take dedication and practice," Panditji cautioned, unaware of Keitaro exceptional grasp. "Many spend years honing their meditation skills before experiencing a glimpse of their Atman."

But Keitaro, emboldened by a newfound clarity, surprised them both. "I understand," he said, his voice firm and filled with resolution. "It won't be easy, but I'm determined. Can we start now?"

Panditji's smile widened, a flicker of awe replacing his initial caution. This young man, with his open mind and eager spirit, was proving to be an exceptional student. "Excellent!" he exclaimed. "Let's begin."

He guided Keitaro through a simple meditation technique, focusing on the rise and fall of his breath. To his astonishment, Keitaro sank into a state of near-instantaneous stillness. The chatter in his mind seemed to dissipate, replaced by a quietude that Keitaro was familiar to.

This breathing technique was familiar to him somehow,it made him feel like how he felt like when he was in that 'state'.

He could easily entered it.

Minutes melted into what felt like an eternity. Panditji watched in silent wonder as Keitaro face softened, his features taking on an almost ethereal glow. A faint golden light seemed to emanate from around him, a testament to the depth of his focus.

When Keitaro finally emerged from his meditation, a disoriented smile lit up his face,thought as soon as he opened his eyes he noticed that unlike within his mindscape hours had passed outside and it was already night outside.

"Did i take to long"Keitaro said scratching the back of his head a bit embarassed he didnt think it would take him that long.

"No,young one,you must not worry about the amount of time you took,everyone go at their own pace so it would be rude of me to push you like that" Panditji added as he looked at Keitaro.

"Now tell me what you saw"Panditji said looking at Keitaro, Keitaro on the other hand open his mouth and said "I saw a village...."

Panditji, his eyes gleaming with a newfound respect, nodded slowly. "A glimpse, perhaps," he murmured, his voice filled with wonder. "A taste of the inner world that awaits further exploration."

In that single session, Keitaro had achieved a level of focus and connection that would normally take seasoned practitioners' months, if not years, to attain. Could it be, Panditji wondered, that his past lives, the echoes of her Atman's journeys, were granting her an uncanny ability to access his inner self?

One thing was clear: Keitaro journey towards understanding his Atman was just beginning, and it promised to be an extraordinary one.

Rahul watching this felt something he hadn't felt like this in a while.

'so this is what a prodigy look like' He thought to himself upon seeing Keitaro rapid progress.

Time skip

A month unfurled like a vibrant tapestry; each day woven with new experiences in the bustling tapestry of India. Every morning, Keitaro would wake up with a renewed sense of purpose. Sunlight streamed through the window, painting his room in a golden hue, the perfect backdrop for his meditation sessions.

He would make sure to meditate everyday using the techniques he was taught by the gentle man.

With each session Keitaro dived deeper into the stillness within himself. Guided by Panditji's gentle words and his own unwavering focus, he navigated the turbulent ocean of his mind, seeking the calm waters of his soul. The initial sensation of disconnectedness he felt faded, It was all replaced by a profound sense of peace and belonging.

Lunchtime was an explosion of flavor and laughter. Rahul, ever the enthusiastic companion, introduced him to the wonders of Indian street food. From savory samosas and fluffy dosas to vibrantly colored curries and melt-in-your-mouth desserts, each meal was a delectable adventure.

During afternoons, they spent their time exploring the fascinating world of Hindu mythology. Rahul's contagious enthusiasm brought the ancient stories to life, and they visited stunning temples that displayed intricate carvings depicting the scenes from the Mahabharata and Ramayana. Keitaro was amazed by the vibrant colors, majestic statues, and the aura of devotion that filled these sacred spaces.

However, his journey inward wasn't without its obstacles. Panditji, observing his meditations with growing curiosity, noticed a persistent barrier. Despite his progress, there seemed to be a veil obscuring her access to his innermost self.

There was something holding him back from reaching his truth potential.

One afternoon, after a particularly focused meditation session, Panditji approached Keitaro with a thoughtful expression. "Keitaro," he began, his voice gentle yet firm, "your dedication is commendable. You've achieved a remarkable level of focus in a short time."

Keitaro smiled, his mind brimming with newfound peace. "Thank you, Panditji," he said. "The feeling of calmness, of connection, it's incredible."

"Though i feel like i am hitting a road block"He added to which Panditji eyes widen a bit,so even Keitaro could feel himself hit a block most people would try to brute force their way through it but here he was admiting that he couldn't go further.

What a humble man.

Panditji nodded, but a slight frown lingered on his face."there seems to be a lingering resistance. A veil of negative emotions, perhaps grief or unresolved anger, that prevents you from fully accessing your Atman."

Keitaro looked confused as if wondering what had caused this.....Then he remember....the death of his grandma and his inability at the fact that he couldnt save Riko...

Sensing his turmoil, Panditji offered a comforting smile. "Don't worry, Keitaro," he reassured him. "These emotions are natural. But to see your inner self, to truly connect with your Atman, you must learn to let them go."

Keitaro gaze fell, a wave of uncertainty washing over him. Letting go of such strong emotions seemed an insurmountable task. "But how, Panditji," he asked, his voice laced with apprehension. "How can I just... let go?"

Panditji's smile softened. "There are many paths, Keitaro," he explained. "Yoga, with its emphasis on physical and mental discipline, can help release pent-up emotions. Practicing compassion and forgiveness towards yourself and others can also pave the way for inner peace."

He held her gaze, his voice taking on a soothing cadence. "Meditation itself can be a powerful tool for emotional release. As you practice focusing on your breath and quieting your mind, these emotions may surface. Acknowledge them, Keitaro, but don't judge them. Let them flow through you, and then release them into the universe."

Keitaro pondered his words, a glimmer of hope rekindled within him. Letting go didn't have to mean forgetting. It could be about acceptance, about acknowledging his pain and then letting it go. It was a daunting task, but the promise of a deeper connection with his Atman fueled him determination.

A/N side story part 2.

"Minato arent you fast,dodge the hits next time"Gojo said with a smile on his face to which Keitaro reply.

"If i do that,i will essentially be sacrificing my attacks next round"

"Oh yeah....i forgot "Gojo said with a silly expression on his face.

The fight continue for a while until Keitaro had given up after seing the curse that Geto plan to hit him with.

"Why didnt you just tank it"Gojo asked with a curious expression on his fae.

"The heck you take me for a pratice dummy"Keitaro added looking at Gojo.

"Now its your turn...Bootleg Kakashi..i choose you"Keitaro said looking at Gojo must to his annoyance it was his turn now to use Gojo and he will make sure to use him well..

The votes the same,5 comments, and if y'all keep hitting the goal,the travel will go back in a Giffi,I thought really hard about it and I realize that his travel there is kind of really very important