Grandma {51}

Keitaro was seen sitting inside of a room meditating,his eyes being shut,his breathing seeming peaceful,his body language looking relaxed.

Keitaro was in the perfect position to meditate, he was alone with no one around as this was his challenge to overcome,he alone had to do this.

Keitaro took in a deep breath as he let himself be one with the world,he took in a deep breath and let the energy all around him circle around his body.

Letting it enter and leave his body freely, he seem to be completely in the zone.

Pov change.

Keitaro eyes slowly opened a bit, as his eyes fully opened to look around him,he realize that he was not where he was sitting before he started meditating,he seemed to be in what seemed to be a field.

A very peaceful field,as he blinked the field vanished only to be replaced by what seemed to be a barren wasteland with the only thing in sight being what seemed to be a small water pond.

Keitaro eyes looked up at the sky only to notice a bunch of shining star connected into one star.

Even though this place looked like things that could only be found in scifi and science fiction,this place felt weirdly peaceful to him as if he was always meant to be here.

"My little speedster grown up..." A voice suddenly said from behind him which caused Keitaro to freeze.

He could recognize this voice in a sea of millions of people,this voice was undeniably his grandma voice.

He turn around to be met with the figure of his grandma standing there looking at him with a warmth smile on her face.


Keitaro expression was filled with question but an emotion stood up among the rest.

A singular tear fell down his eyes as he rushed toward her and hugged her in his arm not willing to let her go.

"Dont hold dear"She said as she patted his head meanwhile Keitaro was seen crying like a litteral child in her arms.

"I am sorry...if only i was there you wouldnt have died...if only i..."As those words were about to leave his mouth,his grandma index finguer shush him as she opened her mouth and said " dont have to blame yourself"

"But...i was.."Keitaro said trying to find words but she decided to shush him again saying "No dont have to blame yourself for that"

She patted his head before wiping hear tears away from his eyes saying "You dont have to blame yourself,it was my choice"

To those words Keitaro eyes widen a bit, as those words left he mouth it suddenly clicked in his mind.

The voice that had said this action would have sacrifices...the fact that his necklace seem to have glowed in that moment.

That sudden surge of energy he felt....he should have known something was up at that moment,after studying jujutsu for atleast a year he should have known there was nothing as free power back then.

That energy that was fueling him had to come from somewhere.

'i killed my grandma' he thought to himself as Keitaro felt himself slipping closer to the brink of his sanity.

He had killed his grandma...the reason she had died was because of him, that energy that was fueling him through the necklace at that time.

Was his grandma life force....................he killed her.

He suddenly felt himself being pulled into a warm hug as his grandma held him close to he saying "My sweet little speedster,dont blame yourself for that"

"But...I"Keitaro try to say but he was caught off as his grandma opened her mouth and said "You have a long life ahead of you Keitaro,while my life was already nearing its end,it was just only logical of me to sacifice my life in order to let you live your own"

As those words left her mouth she hugged him tighly,she then kissed him on his forehead before saying "I couldnt let my little yellow flash life get cut short"

She then gently patted his head.

""He added in between tears to which she just gave him a gentle smile before saying "If you want to thank me how about giving me those grandchildren i may not be alive but i still want to see them"

A slight blush appeared on Keitaro face as he scratched his cheeks saying "Grandma....not the time"

"I can't help it"She said as she held his cheeks squeezing it in her hands.

"Though if there is one thing i need you to take seriously is natural energy..."She added to which Keitaro eyes seem to widen.

"...what.."He said confused.

"I was able to save your life last time by sacrificing my own but if you get consumed by it,you wont ever come back...just like your father"His grandma said although the last part she mutter it to herself.

Keitaro eyes widen as he opened his mouth and said "Didnt you say he was told me he would come back"

She stayed quiet and her silences was all Keitaro needed in order to piece it all together....

She hugged one last time as she started to vanish.

"Grow up big and strong....make sure to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables..."She added as she started to fully dissapear.

"I will..."Keitaro mutter as he catchs the last remaining dust of her,he smile gently as tears started flowing from his eyes.

This was painful...way to painful.

A/N.....Aight next chapter might be him learning Atman and probably how people there deal with curses or something like that.

Also yes that is how I will explain the reason he didnt die when Toji slashed his throat....His grandma sacrificed her life in exchange for his...

Some sort of binding vow