Goodbye India {59}

A bittersweet feeling settled over Keitaro as he zipped up his worn backpack. Six months had flown by in a whirlwind of travel, learning, and using RCT to heal the land. India, once a foreign land, now felt strangely familiar, the scent of spices and the cacophony of street life a comforting melody.

He knelt before Panditji, his head bowed in respect. "Thank you," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "For your teachings, for your hospitality, for everything."

Panditji, his eyes crinkling at the corners, placed a weathered hand on Keitaro's shoulder. "The knowledge you seek is a lifelong journey, my friend," he said gently. "But you have taken a great stride. Remember, the lessons you've learned here are not confined to India. They are universal truths that can be applied anywhere in the world."

Keitaro rose, a determined glint in his eyes. "I won't forget, Panditji. I'll carry them with me, always."

As Keitaro prepared to take his leave, Panditji motioned towards a small table beside him. "There's one last thing I'd like you to have," he said, his voice soft.

Keitaro walked over, his curiosity piqued. On the table lay a single object, gleaming a deep bronze in the afternoon light. It was a vajra, a ceremonial club, but unlike any Keitaro had seen before. Its form was familiar – a ribbed spherical head with four prongs branching out at each end – but the intricate etchings that adorned it spoke of a rich history and potent power.

Keitaro's breath hitched. This wasn't just any vajra. This was a near-exact replica of the mythical thunderbolt wielded by Indra, the powerful Vedic god of storms and rain.

He looked up at Panditji, his apprehension clear. "Are you sure about this?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "This seems like a sacred object."

Panditji's smile deepened. "It is," he agreed, "but its power lies not just in its symbolism, but in the intentions of the one who wields it. You, Keitaro, have shown immense respect for nature and a dedication to healing. This vajra, a symbol of Indra's power, can also be a symbol of your own unique ability – a reminder of the strength and purpose you carry within yourself."

"Can I really hold such sacred treasure" Keitaro said looking at Panditji who just gave him a very soft smile as if to say go ahead try it.

Keitaro's breath stopped for a second. This wasn't just any vajra. This was a near-exact replica of the mythical thunderbolt wielded by Indra, the powerful Vedic god of storms and rain.

He reached out his hand to touch the cool bronze. But as his fingers graze against the surface of the Vajra that a strange thing started happening. The vajra started to pulse with a warm light, and with a very soft hum, it started to morph and reshape itself right in Keitaro arm..

Keitaro looked shock stunned even, he started to pull his hand back slightly in surprise. But In mere seconds, the vajra transformed fully and in its place lay a pair of sleek, metallic gloves, and on their surface, he could see the same intricate designs that had adorned the vajra. They seemed to blend perfectly to the shape of his hands, the metal strangely warm despite its Shine.

Keitaro stared at it dumbfounded, the gloves in his hand seem to hold so much. And To that Panditji's just smile "Interesting," he said, his voice now filled with what seemed to be wonder. "It seems the vajra has chosen a new form, one more suited to your needs, Keitaro."

Hesitantly, Keitaro slipped on the gloves. They fit like it was a second skin, he then felt a surge of energy coursing through him, tingling at his fingertips. He flexed his hand, and a faint blue light emanated from the gloves' surface.

"Thank you," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "This is more than I could have ever asked for."

Panditji's smile was a benediction. "Go forth, Keitaro," he said. "May your journey be filled with purpose and may your actions bring balance to the world."

Keitaro slung his backpack over his shoulder, the strange gloves tingling with potential on his hands. He turned and offered a final bow to Panditji.

Keitaro tossed his backpack onto his shoulder, the weight of the new gloves in his felt like a comforting presence against his chest. As he turned to thank Panditji once more, a figure emerged from the throngs of people leaving the temple.

"Keitaro-san!" boomed a familiar voice. It was Rahul, his ever-present smile splitting his face even wider than usual. "There you are! I almost thought I'd missed you."

Keitaro blinked, surprised. "Rahul? What are you doing here?"

"I will be your guide" Rahul added much to Keitaro shock.

He really thought Rahul would only be his guide for India but it seem like it wouldnt be as he though.

Well it wasnt like he minded it much,that just meant the person guiding him was someone he knew pretty well.

Now unto the second part of his journey...Nepal.

He wonder what kind of stuff about Buddhism he is going to learn there.

A/N Aight so i am sure some people want to know more about his curse tool.

Here a run down.

Vajra Thunderbolt (Severity: High):  A miniature replica of Indra's thunderbolt, forged from celestial metal. It crackles with lightning and can stun or even vaporize an opponent.

The modifies version however is a bit different, although it might be a bit heavy he could the lightning that is infused within it to power his own ability and give hi strikes a more static feeling along with speeding them up.

Aigh so as for his progress so far,it would be like, using Gojo as the comparison.

Curse energy: Around 45% more than current Gojo

RCT: He can heal poisons and whole limb along with also being to ouput it so on that front he is better than Satoru.

Physique: Like 20% weaker than Gojo as his build is more slim but more packed.

Curse technique: It has improved.

Knowledge about curse energy: He knows a bit more curse energy,his knowledge of the soul existence kind of put him a bit above Gojo on that Category.

And now he has a new