Buddhism {60}

As Rahul skillfully drove through the busy streets, Keitaro relaxed in the passenger seat, his attention drawn to the metallic gloves he was wearing. The gloves sparkled under the afternoon sun, and their intricate designs seemed to be full of potent energy. Keitaro flexed his fingers, feeling the cool metal against his skin. The gloves felt like an extension of his own body, and he could almost sense the electricity coursing through them.

Keitaro felt a thrill of excitement. He knew that these were not just ordinary gloves, but rather a conduit for his own energy. He closed his eyes and focused his mind, imagining the flow of electricity. 

Slowly but surely, he willed the energy to surge through the gloves. A faint tingling sensation spread through his fingertips, and a low hum resonated through his body. When he opened his eyes, a soft blue light emanated from the gloves, pulsing in time with his heartbeat. Keitaro grinned in excitement. He had succeeded in controlling the electricity!

He continued to experiment, increasing the intensity of the current until the blue light brightened and crackled with an electric aura. Keitaro was amazed at the power he wielded, and he realized that the possibilities were endless.

Keitaro smiled, satisfied as he watched the blue glow emanating from his gloves. But his mind was already churning with another idea, more ambitious than the last. He wanted to integrate electricity with his nervous system, so his body could react instinctively to danger, bypassing the delay between his brain's perception and his body's response. He envisioned a network of buzzing energy weaving around his nervous system, achieving an inhuman level of reaction speed.

This concept was risky and uncharted territory. Keitaro had to be cautious and measured in his approach. He willed the electricity to spread, pushing the boundaries, but maintaining control. The tingling sensation intensified, and he felt a heightened awareness tingling in his fingertips. Suddenly, a jolt of pain ripped through him. He had pushed too far, too fast, and the electricity had lashed out against him.

Keitaro realized that mastering this concept would require patience and precision. He eased back on the flow of electricity, feeling a dull ache throb beneath his skin. He slumped back in his seat, dejected but not defeated. The potential reward of lightning-fast reflexes was too enticing to abandon.

As Rahul expertly navigated the car through bustling Indian border town, a cacophony of honking horns and shouted greetings filled the air. The vibrant chaos of India had etched itself well into Keitaro memory.– the overflowing stalls overflowing with spices, the brightly colored saris flitting through the crowds, the pungent aroma of street food mingling with the exhaust fumes. Yet, a subtle shift began as they crossed the border checkpoint.

The cityscape gradually gave way to rolling foothills, their green slopes dappled with sunlight filtering through clouds. The air itself seemed to change, the air felt a bit more fresh which was probably due to the fact that this place had alot cars and seem to have more trees around.

There seem to be no sign of polution whatsoever matter of fact everything just looked fresh in Keitaro opinion.

Vast swathes of emerald paddy fields stretched out on either side of the road, carrying with them quaint villages nestled amongst clusters of palm trees. In the distance, the majestic peaks of the Himalayas began to rise, their snow-capped summits gleaming like celestial pearls against the azure sky. A sense of awe washed over Keitaro. He'd seen pictures of the Himalayas, of course, but the sheer scale and grandeur of the real thing was breathtaking.

He rolled down the window, letting the cool mountain air caress his face. The cacophony of the city had been replaced by a symphony of nature – the chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, the distant murmur of a flowing stream. A feeling of peace settled over him, a stark contrast to the frenetic energy of India. Here, amidst the looming presence of the mountains, there was a sense of serenity, a tranquility that soothed his soul.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Rahul's voice broke the silence, a hint of pride lacing his tone. "Welcome to Nepal, Keitaro-san."

"Wow," Keitaro said breathing out, his voice becoming barely a whisper as he gazed out the window of the car. The landscape had transformed into a breathtaking vista. Lush greenery carpeted the rolling hills, dotted with quaint villages that looked like splashes of color against the vibrant green. But it was the distant mountains that truly stole the show. The majestic peaks of the Himalayas pierced the sky, their snow-capped summits glistening like a crown of diamonds under the clear blue sky.

Suddenly, a flicker of concern crossed Keitaro's face. "Wait," he said, turning to face Rahul. "Where exactly are we staying?"

A sheepish grin spread across Rahul's face. "Ah, that detail might have slipped my mind," he admitted. "But fear not, my friend! Panditji has foreseen our needs."

Keitaro raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He should have known better than to expect Rahul to be completely on top of things.

"Panditji has arranged for us to stay at Swayambhunath Stupa," Rahul continued. "He has a good friend residing there, and with Panditji's recommendation, we've been granted permission to stay."

Soon enough they were greeted by what seemed to be a monk and to be respecful Keitaro bowed his head a bit greeting the man.The man looked at Keitaro with what seemed to be a gentle expression before Rahul walked toward the man and handed him a letter.The man opened the letter and read it before his eyes landed on Keitaro again."So Panditji sent you"The man utter.

Keitaro maintained his respectful bow for a moment longer, then slowly straightened, his gaze fixed on the monk. The man exuded an aura of serenity, his shaved head and simple saffron robes marking him as a dedicated follower of Buddhism. Keitaro felt a sense of calm wash over him, a stark contrast to the thrill of discovery that had been coursing through him moments before.

Rahul stepped forward, a friendly smile plastered on his face. "Yes, Venerable Tenzin," he said, his voice respectful yet warm. "Panditji entrusted Keitaro to your care. He believes your teachings will be invaluable on his journey."

Venerable Tenzin's eyes flickered down to the letter in his hand. He skimmed the contents quickly, a thoughtful frown creasing his brow for a fleeting moment. Then, his expression softened once more, a gentle smile gracing his lips.

"So, Panditji sends you," he repeated, his voice a low rumble that resonated with quiet power. His gaze returned to Keitaro, holding the young man's eyes with a piercing intensity. "Tell me, Keitaro, what brings you to Swayambhunath Stupa?"

Keitaro straightened his posture, meeting the Venerable's gaze with a determined glint in his own eyes. "I seek knowledge, Venerable Tenzin," he replied, his voice respectful yet firm. "Knowledge about Buddhism and its connection to cursed energy. Panditji believed you could be the one to guide me on this path."