Raw power {80}

Shiva rushed toward Keitaro and started trading blows after blow with the teenage boy who was seen barely being able to keep up with Shiva might.

'is it just me or is he getting faster and faster' Keitaro thought to himself as he blocked another hit from Shiva.

Each time,he blocked a punch, he felt as if he was being burn alive, Keitaro really had to hold it all in as each blow to his body felt like it was being destroyed.

He had to constantly use Rct in order to not get fully destroyed, Keitaro was once again sent flying away from Shiva and as he land on the floor.

A seal seem to appeared underneath him, as he rushed toward the curse with the kunai in his hand.

Keitaro thrusted his Kunai forward only to be met by Shiva fist, Keitaro watched as Shiva fist destroyed the Kunai...no more like decompose the kunai...

'so he is all the power of his weapon in this state' Keitaro though to himself as he was now on the defensive, being forced to block a bunch of blows coming from the god.

It was however becoming clear that Keitaro couldn't keep up with Shiva might as he was currently being manhandle, Keitaro blocked Shiva punch, only to be met by three fist punching his gut at the same time.

Keitaro spat out some blood as he was sent flying a couple of meter away...

Keitaro did a backflip while in the air to land on his feet,he then immediately rushed toward Shiva while making some hand sign.

Keitaro then took in a deep breath before unleashing a powerful, firedragon toward Shiva.

"Have you not learn yet" Shiva said dismissingly as the fire ball,was destroyed before it even reached the god.

Shiva eyes immediately went behind him as only one word left his mouth "Predictable" It seem as if he was getting used to Keitaro patterns.

With a wave of his hands, everything In front of Keitaro and all around him was destroyed, leaving nothing behind but ashes.

Shiva suddenly felt a sharp pain, his eyes immediately went toward where he had destroyed the fire ball only to notice his hand was missing....

Had the human followed after his technique while sending a clone behind him to distract him...

How clever.....however...

Shiva hand regenerated immediately after it was cut as Shiva started punching at Keitaro with all of his might.

Shiva eyes widen a bit, as he felt energy gathering up toward Keitaro.....

Shiva rushed toward Keitaro and threw a powerful punch toward Keitaro gut....Keitaro caught Shiva fist before punching the curse in the gut.

Shiva felt as if every bone in his gut was destroyed as his organs felt like they were being destroyed.

As he look up at Keitaro, he couldn't help but notice the orange eyeliner above his eyes...

"Let get serious" Keitaro said as Shiva just grin.

The two fighter rushed at each other and started trading blows after blows, with each blow it felt as if the mountain itself was crumbling, the raw power that this curse possess amazed Keitaro.

He could see it now....pure destructive power, this was what Shiva had under his control, he was in essence a god of destruction.

Keitaro and Shiva continue trading blows, going back and forward with neither giving an inch to each other.

Keitaro Vajra glove started crackling with electricity once again as Keitaro seem to have a smile on his face.

The electric property of glove was doing being subdue by Shiva sheer might...this curse may only be the amalgamation of people fear for the god but it was hella strong.

Keitaro punched Shiva away, before proceeding to do a bunch of hand sign, his hand moved at an alarming rate as what seemed to be 5 hand sign seem to have been made in the span of one second.

From Keitaro body, 3 new Keitaro appeared.....

It was now a 4 against one, but the curse didn't seem to care...

All 4 Keitaro fought in unison, it was as if they were all one well oiled machine with one purpose in mind.

They did not give Shiva anytime to breath and just kept on pilling the blows..

Blows after blow landed on the curse...but the curse immense resilience seem to be protecting it from most of the damage.

Keitaro even analyze that Shiva seem to be getting stronger from the damage being done to his body, he seem to be enjoying in it, enjoying it even, Shiva skin was turning red....with each blow that was landed on his body, it seemed as if Shiva skin was turning into fire.

'this must have a limit, there is no way he can go on infinitely' Keitaro thought to himself as he noticed that, Shiva seem to be taking damage from it.

So the technique had a limit, a hard cap, so if Shiva overdoes it, he will die.

So Keitaro job was to now pile on the damage, no matter how small the damage may be, he must pile it up.

Though what happen next was something Keitaro didn't expect....something that he did not wish to happen.....

The air crackled with an oppressive energy as the world around them warped.  Mountains crumbled into dust, replaced by a desolate wasteland of cracked earth and shattered rock.  A monstrous grin spread across Shiva's face as he announced, 'Domain Expansion: Tandava - The Dance of Cosmic Dissolution!'  The very fabric of reality seemed to bend to his will, promising a dance of ultimate destruction.

A/N....domain expansion go brr