The ending of the fight {81}

Upon the domain activation, the surrounding area started to transform into a more desolate wasteland mirroring the dance floor of Shiva's cosmic dance. The sky was crackling with cursed energy, and the ground crumbles beneath their feet.

Keitaro felt something was off, he was not getting hit by the sure hit, nor did he felt like the sure hit of this domain was like the sorcerer in japan.

Upon deactivating his simple domain, Keitaro started dancing, much to his confusement his body started dancing along side the Shiva curse.

As Shiva danced though, Keitaro found his dance mood quite familiar....wait they looked like the dance move he was doing before the domain was opened, the dance that he would perform to destroy something.

As Keitaro realise that, he also realise that he had to follow Shiva movement unless he wanted to get hit by his technique, it seem as if he would be punish for making a wrong move.

As they both danced inside the domain, Keitaro couldnt help but notice that the environment around them was also changing a bit.

'not doing that' Keitaro though to himself as he activated his simple domain and rushed toward Shiva and started to attack the god like curse.

Shiva dodged under Keitaro hit and threw a punch of his own, that Keitaro skillfully block before throwing Shiva away.

As the two combattant continue to clash, Keitaro was mentally counting the amount of time that the domain sure hit would try to get to him only to get block by his simple domain.

There was definetly an interval in between each attempt and certain action resulted in that, as of now what he needed was more info in order to find if he could do it or not.

Rushing toward the curse, Keitaro threw his Kunai with his left hand, while also having a kunai in his mouth, this kunai was there for a reason.

As his kunai flew toward Shiva, Keitaro deciding to show his speed a bit, by using his Teleportation Strikes, Keitaro move from one point to another within his line of sight,appearing just to be a yellow flash, and while doing that he activated his afterimage as he left behind mirage-like afterimages as he moves.

All of that happen in a centisecond, from the kunai throw to Keitaro teleporting all around Shiva, all of it was done in that instant.

Shiva eyes were to busy looking at the kunai to notice that the real goal behind Keitaro throwing his kunai was just to be a diversion and as the curse was no longuer looking at him, Keitaro was free to appear infront of the curse as Shiva attention was on the kunai that was behind the curse.

With a quick yet precise blow aimed at the curse neck, blood splatted all around them as the curse fiery blood fell all around them....

Shiva skin turned even more red as his eyes widen a bit looking at Keitaro,Keitaro using curse flash step, dissapeared from Shiva sight, just as the kunai that he had throw earlier went straight to where Keitaro had slashed earlier.

The slash mark on the god neck was then penetrated by a kunai infused with lightning energy, the kunai piercing power was no joke as it teared through Shiva neck and pierced his skin till it existed from the curse neck by piercing right through it.

As Shiva skin turned more red,and the wound on his neck started to heal, in the corner of his eyes, he noticed a kunai that was left near him.

His eyes widen a bit upon realising that when Keitaro had striked him for the first time....he had tossed a kunai in the air but he had blurred his vision with that yellow flash that appeared when Keitaro had teleported infront of him, plus with the fact that the god was being slashed proved on thing to Shiva.

All of this was a set up, everything up to the last minute detail had been planned....and just as those thought flowed through his mind, He felt a distrubance in space appear behind him, Shiva eyes was able to turn around to notice Keitaro in the air, holding his kunai in his hand, with a ball of energy rotating in his arm.

"No.."Shiva yelled out as if not willing to let this ball strike him, using all his might he threw all of his destructive power toward them.

Shiva watched as his destructive power destroyed....Keitaro attack,along side a part of Keitaro himself.

Though he noticed that Keitaro had a grin on his face.

"Got ya"Keitaro said as he appeared infront of Shiva, where the kunai that was in the air was,with the swirling ball of energy in his hand.

Keitaro slammed the rasengan in the Shiva chest.....

He watched as rasengan started drilling through Shiva stomach and his own hand but Keitaro didnt care as he shoved his rasengan deeper into Shiva guts.

Keitaro could feel it, his arm was being destroyed in the process but he didnt care, with a final roar that came from deep within his soul, Keitaro pushed through as the Rasengan treathened to consume him and Shiva at the same time.

Due to his intense concentration, Keitaro didn't notice that his Atma was changing, his very soul was changing, Shiva eyes widen a bit upon feeling his very essence being hit by that attack.

His eyes just for a second seem to glow a pure azure blue and the feint image of someone that ressemble him had appeared behind looking to be extremely proud before vanishing in a flash.


A/N....let see who can find where ai was used in this chapter....though do keep in mind cause this is a chapter with a fight scene, about 98% is purely my writing style, probably can notice it with the lack of fancy word and the straight to the point writing style.