Say What now? {85}

Keitaro was seen with his backpack walking around in the airport, he had gotten everything that he had needed since this plane landed.

The only thing he had to do now was leave the airport and.....

Wait, hold on, he doesn't have a house.

A worried look appeared on Keitaro's face, he didn't have a house, he stayed at the jujutsu high place when he was a student so he didn't have to worry about that but he graduated about a year ago.

He didn't want to be a super senior....he hadn't thought too deeply about his future huh?

Though he could stay at his grandma's house for a bit.

As Keitaro was deep in thought thinking about how fucked he was, he suddenly heard the sound of a bunch of girls fangirling over something.....

There were 2 reasons that this may be happening, one if this energy signature was anything to go by...Satoru was here and two Gojo were here.

"Long time no see Minato, "A playful voice said from behind Keitaro, Keitaro slowly turned around to be met by the figure of Satoru.

Yup, he was right, the reason girls were fan Girling was that this man was here, frankly he didn't see where they were coming from, Satoru was a dick most of the time but thinking about it like that, chances are the girls simply wouldn't care, and would just care more about his looks.

Standing behind him in all his 6-foot glory, was Satoru Gojo with hair looking as white as snow, and his blue eyes seemingly glowing on their own, he seemed to be wearing a crop top along with a white shirt.

He was still wearing his tinted glass from last year, at least that part about him didnt change much, and to finish his looks, he was wearing some baggy white pants.

"What up Satoru," Keitaro said nonchantly upon looking at Satoru.

"Is that how you welcome a friend you havent seen in a year, you truly break my heart" Gojo said in his usual teasing demeanor.

'yep, he havent change one bit' Keitaro though to himself looking at his friend, this was a 100% the Satoru from last year.

Nothing about this man had changed at all, he was still the same....that was good to know.

"So did you like my gift" Gojo said with smile on his face.

"You mean the fact that you made my guide call me Minato for more cash" Keitaro said looking just a bit annoyed as his gaze landed on Satoru.

"Why are you looking at me like that, its not like I force him to do it, he had a choice" Gojo said with a cheesy smile on his face.

"....You cheeky bastard..."Keitaro said looking a bit annoyed much to Satoru amusement this was fun to him. Very fun

"So, what did you get me" Gojo said looking like a child ready to receive his gift,

Keitaro sigh a bit before pulling out a scroll from his inventory and handing it to Satoru.

"Here you"

Satoru grab him from his hands and just gave Keitaro a smile....yep he hadnt changed at all.

Time skip

Keitaro was seen sitting on the passenger sit of a car, he didnt know how to feel about this, one end the view was nice.

On the other hand the driver of said car was Satoru Gojo.

"Calm down, i probably wont crash" Satoru said as he turned the car around a bit.

"You are not very reassuring" Keitaro added making sure his seatbelt was on extra tight.

"No need to be a scaredy pants" Gojo said as he took a sip from his drink.

"When exactly did you get a license" Keitaro asked with confusion on his face, he didnt take Satoru as the type of guy to drive, he would much rather let someone else drive the car for him.

"Oh, i just took the exam, no biggi" Gojo said as he pressed the gas just as the light turned yellow in order to make the car cross the streets before the light turned red.

Luckily he barely made it.....

"Who the heck gave you, your license" Keitaro added after seeing Gojo recklessness.

"Oh, you break my heart, did you think so little of me that i couldn't get the license normally" Gojo said with what seemed to be puppy eyes.

"Satoru....did you cheat..."Keitaro asked looking at Gojo hoping that maybe he was wrong.

"Do you think that little of me, that i would have cheated" Satoru exclaimed looking as if he was hurt.

Keitaro started second guessing himself, maybe he was being a bit to judgmental, maybe Gojo had passed the test legitimately and was just getting use to driving around a car, maybe just maybe he was being a bit to judgy.

"Cause I definitely did cheat" Satoru admitted as Keitaro's eyes widened a bit...did he hear what Satoru had said.....

