The accident {86}

Keitaro gazed at the destruction in astonishment. Satoru's once sleek black car, a symbol of his extravagant taste, now lay in ruins, its twisted metal and shattered glass scattered amidst the rubble of a collapsed construction site. The unfinished bridge clearly couldn't withstand a high-speed joyride.

"So..." Keitaro finally managed, his voice hoarse. He turned to Satoru, who was sheepishly scratching his head, his white hair standing out against the swirling dust."Looks like I underestimated the laws of physics," Satoru admitted with a forced chuckle that didn't quite mask his embarrassment.

Keitaro deadpanned, "You think?" Stranded in the middle of a chaotic construction site, all thanks to Satoru's reckless need for speed and disregard for common sense.A sigh escaped Keitaro's lips. He supposed he shouldn't be surprised. Satoru, despite his strength and skill, was still a walking disaster zone. Maybe even the strongest jujutsu sorcerer couldn't defy the laws of physics, Keitaro mused, a hint of dark humor creeping into his thoughts.

"Well," Keitaro said, pushing himself out of the car with a groan, "looks like we're walking."Satoru winced. "About that..." He sheepishly revealed a flat tire on his glass. "Looks like Infinity can't fix everything."

Keitaro stared at him, his deadpan expression turning into a slow, exasperated grin. "Seriously, Satoru? You couldn't even keep your own glass safe?"Satoru's sheepishness melted away, replaced by a playful glint in his eyes. "Hey, at least I got you out of the airport, right?"

Keitaro couldn't help but chuckle. Despite the situation, Satoru's ability to find humor in the absurd was infectious. "Alright, alright," he conceded. "Let's just figure out a way out of this mess."He surveyed the area. They seemed to be on the outskirts of the city, with the nearest town several kilometers away. Just what he needed after a long flight.

"Maybe we can call for help?" Keitaro suggested, pulling out his phone. Of course, with his luck, there might not be any signal.As if on cue, his phone displayed the dreaded "No Service" notification. Keitaro sighed, shoving the phone back into his pocket.Satoru, however, seemed unfazed. "Nah," he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Let's just take a shortcut."

Before Keitaro could question him, Satoru placed a hand on his shoulder. The world around them blurred for a moment, the familiar feeling of being folded and unfolded washing over Keitaro.

When his vision cleared, they were standing on a bustling street, the wreckage of the car and the construction site a distant memory.Keitaro blinked, momentarily speechless at the sudden change in scenery. Satoru, a smug grin plastered on his face, clapped him on the shoulder."See? Told you I had a way out," he declared.

Keitaro shook his head, a mixture of amusement and exasperation bubbling up inside him. Satoru may be a reckless goofball, but there was no denying his ingenuity, even if it often came with a side of collateral damage."Alright, alright," Keitaro conceded, a smile tugging at his lips. "Just...try not to break anything else, okay?"Satoru winked. "No promises."

A wave of warmth washed over Keitaro as he stepped through the familiar doorway of his grandma's house. The air inside held a faint, comforting scent of lavender and something vaguely sweet – a scent that instantly brought back childhood memories of baking cookies with his grandma. Despite being empty for a year, the house was spotless and pristine, which didn't make sense until Keitaro realized what had happened.

He whirled around, catching a glimpse of the white-haired sorcerer, Satoru, disappearing around the corner. A grin stretched across Keitaro's face as he called out to him.

Satoru reappeared, feigning innocence when asked "What's up?" Keitaro simply met his gaze with a knowing smile and said, "Thanks," holding a wealth of gratitude in the simple word. Satoru's grin widened, a hint of pride flickering across his features.

"No need, i just had some free time" Satoru said as he walked away.

Keitaro just smile a bit before entering the house and getting himself right home.

He started by putting all of his stuff in his room along with all the scroll he was carrying,the house was cleaned so he didnt need to waste his energy cleaning the house so that was one thing taken care of.

The only thing that he wanted to do right was take a much needed bath and go straight to bed which was what he was going to do right now.

Keitaro managed to drag his tired body from the bed and into the bathroom, where he proceeded to take a nice warm shower.

He felt all the stress leave his body as he took the bath, this felt so good,it felt so right.

This felt like home, the familiar air, the familiar scent in the air....everything indicated that he was back home.

This was pretty nice....

He could get used to this.

For an hour straight, Keitaro relaxed in the water before eventually walking out of the bathroom with towel wrapped around his waist.

He walked toward one of his scroll before taking out some clothes from it, he then proceeded to just fall asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

He was so dam tired.