Next country 101

Keitaro made sure to savor every sip from his sweet yet slightly bitter cappuccino, he liked the flavor of it, it tasted so rich and fresh to him and that was why he liked it so much, plus it stimulated his brain like no other drink could.

His eyes then went toward the map that was currently in his hand, he wondered which country should he go to next, the choice was basically endless for himSuddenly as he was in the middle of trying to find which country would be best for him to go to, he heard a familiar voice near him saying."Why don't you go to England next?"

Keitaro looked up to see Satoru Gojo perched up nonchalantly in the chair opposite him, with the same playful grin that he always had on.Keitaro looks up at Gojo seemingly being just a bit confused. "Why England?"Why out of all places would Gojo suggest England?

Gojo shrugged his shoulders looking to be very nonchalant, he then slowly raised his eyes from whatever he was looking at before saying. "You already speak English, don't you? So why waste time learning another language when you can just head to an English-speaking country?"Keitaro looked at Gojo, what Gojo was saying held some truth to them but at the same time Keitaro had never really thought about it.

He had learned English because it was part of his curriculum back when he was still going to regular school and not a jujutsu school, and he had never forgotten how to speak it because he actually tried to practice some English from time to time.

However before he could ponder much deeper in his thought, he was interrupted by Gojo's voice saying."Plus, you have that whole British tendency, wouldn't you agree? The 'it needs to be in my possession' vibe?" Keitaro could basically smell Gojo's attempt at teasing him, but why the heck did Gojo mean by that?

Keitaro looked at Gojo a bit annoyed as he opened his mouth and said "The heck do you mean by that?", his voice sounded just a tiny bit irritated as he looked up at Gojo."I'm not some antique collector, just a guy on a mission!"

Gojo chuckled a bit as if Keitaro's annoyance was making him happy."Relax, Relax" Gojo said in a soft voice as he waved his hand infront of him dismissively. Just saying, there's a certain... determination in the way you approach things. That unyielding desire to acquire knowledge, wouldn't be surprised if you fit right in with some of those old British sorcerers."

"Now that I think about it, your constant strain for knowledge you would probably fit right in the Zenin clan," Gojo said with a thoughtful expression."I don't view women as lesser beings...."Keitaro replied dryly to which Gojo just opened his mouth and said "Touche"

Though Keitaro could not help but think, the words that Gojo was saying held some truth to them, he was always chasing new knowledge and new power, was this the only thing he was destined to do...

Nah fuck no, all he was doing his bringing out 100% of his potential, and as things stand right now, he didnt have anyone he was overly worried about, he was free to do whatever he wanted to do without any boundary.

In his stay in India and Nepal, he had figured out after some research, the main way to truly become good at curse energy to become the strongest....was to become a monster...a calamity with no regard for human life.

Just tossing your humanity away for power, was the route he could see...the question now would he follow that path...would he become a monster for more power.....He would much rather cut his fucking tie with curse energy before he becomes a monster, he knows for certain curse energy is not the only source of power and so if it wanted him to become a monster then curse energy could go fuck itself.

He would no go back on his resolve....going against your own resolve your oat, was the worst thing a sorcerer could do, doing so would end in their death, as soon as you no longer live by your own ideal, you are no longer using 100% of your potential.

Keitaro however was removed from his daydream by Gojo's words, "Earth to Keitaro"...Keitaro looked at Satoru before looking deep within the depth of Satoru's soul.

Without being able to control himself he opened his mouth and said "You are not alone"Before Keitaro managed to snap back out of it, Keitaro then clapped his hands together before saying."Alright, Alright" he then proceeded to close the world map infront of him.

"I will go to England, I can probably find some good cultural stuff there"Gojo seemed to have been taking out of his stupor as he looked at Keitaro and said "You going to England for the culture..... that's very funny"

Keitaro raised an eyebrow."They like Kakashi.....nearly 99% of their culture was stolen from someone else"...

A/N....the dialogue below was found in my other story, if y'all like it, do keep it in mind that is the main character's personality.

"Let me just say this, as things stand right now, Daiji would beat the ever-living shit out of you, he is like a teenage boy before being tempted with sex for the first time, he is high right now, high of power and like any teenage boy his mind is just filled with that, making his reasoning way worse than usual," Aaron said as he ate the strawberry one.

Tamaki seems to have a dumbfounded expression on his face like a lot of people in the room.

"Yow Minecraft Steve, would you be thinking straight if Hana offered to let you hit," Aaron said dryly as he looked at Tamaki.

Tamaki looked stunned as his face flushed red, he tried to say something but nothing came out of his mouth.