Date {102}

Pov Change

Keitaro was seen sitting on a chair in a restaurant, and across from him Shoko was seen sitting on what seemed to be a metal chair, she was currently in the middle of finishing her meal, and in her mouth what seemed to be a lit cigarette was seen dangling on her lips.

Though it seemed like she had not bothered changing from her doctor uniform which to be fair, Keitaro did not really care about.

"Why am I here again?" Shoko muttered, her voice sounding midly dissapointed in what was happening which to be fair, she was very, very tired.

"Last time I saw you, you seemed like you were on the verge of just breaking snapping in half,"Keitaro replied gently, a hint of concern could be heard in his voice.

"I thought a change of scenery, some relaxation..." He added as he look into Shoko brown eyes, he was not trying to do it directly but due to him staring at her in the eyes, he was able to perceive her soul....what was happening in there.

Shoko took in a deep breath inhaling what seemed to be a huge amount of smoke from the ciguarette before puffing all of it out."Relaxation? You dragged me to a fancy restaurant for that? You're a real knucklehead, Keitaro." She said as she looked at him, there was no really anguer in her voice...something was off though.

Keitaro was clearly able to tell that she did not mean any of the words that she had said, he could clearly tell that due to his attune senses, though the last part about him being a knucklehead did seem to come from the deepest part of her soul though.

Though he just wanted to help her out, he couldnt help but be confused, what had he done to deserve being called that.

Shoko took another big puff from her cigurate as Keitaro watched as her body healed the damage done by the ciguratte as the damage itself was being done.

This was new,usually she would finish smoking before healing her lungs, she was probably training her Rct ouput like this

Shoko avoided his gaze, taking another deep drag from her cigarette before stubbing it out in the ashtray with a sigh. "Nothing," she mumbled, her voice quieter now.

"Do you mind not smoking while we're here?" Keitaro asked politely as they were inside a restaurant and last time he check smoking was not really allowed in there.

The date...hum the visit went well, it was pretty smooth sailing from there, it was very nice the both of them just enjoyed each other presences, it was relatively peaceful with nothing to really worry about, it was just very great, they were both seen currently walk back together, Keitaro eyes was seen looking at the sky. The sky was very pretty that night, it looked incredibly beautiful

Shoko seem to be a bit more relax than she was when this whole thing started, her stress level seem to have lowered  drastically as she was not even seen smoking her ciguarette which she would be seing doing for the most part.

"It wasnt so bad" She mutter to herself as her eyes landed on the sky, the stars seem to be shining a bit brighter that day.

"See. i told you that all you needed was some proper rest and then you would be fine" Keitaro added with a gentle smile on his face.

Shoko looked at Keitaro in the eyes before saying ...."Guess you were right"

They walked along the sidewalk with a comfortable silence between them,this felt very nice to him, they would occasionally talk and make some jokes here to there, it was all in all a beautiful night, As Shoko was seen laughing at something, Keitaro couldnt stop his gaze from looking at her....She looked wonderful...and so did her soul.

The more the day went on, the more Keitaro was starting to realise something, this little stroll of their was slowly turning into a date, and as if to solidify his idea, the both of them went to buy icecream....yeah,this felt more like a date than anything else to him...

The two of them ate their icecream as they looked at the setting sun, Keitaro blue eyes seem to have a gentle glow to them as he gazed into the sun...for some reason this sight was beautful, it wasnt something that he would ever get bored of...The setting sun was pretty.

As the time flew by,it continued with them speaking as they walked back toward Shoko dorm room,Keitaro felt it was only nice that he walk her to her dorm room.

It only felt right, it was after all the best thing to do...right.

"Thanks for tonight, Keitaro," she said, her voice barely a whisper. "It... actually wasn't that bad."

A slow smile spread across Keitaro's face. "Yeah," he agreed, his voice sounding pretty warm. "Maybe next time I won't drag you to a fancy restaurant."

Shoko chuckled, a genuine sound that warmed him from the inside. "Maybe next time," she echoed, her eyes sparkling in the moonlight.

Keitaro gave her a wide smile

Shoko noticing that Keitaro seem to be denser than a black hole decided to do something that would finally crack a dent in this man.

Before Keitaro could walk away, Shoko surprised him by leaning forward, her lips brushing against his lips. She kiss him.
