Blue mixed with red make {121}

As Gojo was in his thoughts thinking about how this shikigami was able to bypass his defense, a sudden bight aura enveloped her body of what seemed to be pure fire.

The creature now seemed to be reassembling fire itself as her white fur now turned her a crimson red color, the creature's eyes also seemed to change as now it also seemed to be a bright red color, and even its claws seemed to be made out of fire.

As Gojo watched the Kitsune, The Kitsune started multiplying as suddenly 4 more Kitsune appeared, could this Kitsune create clones just like Keitaro...

This was something he would need to test out for himself, he needed to find out if the clones were physical or not.

All of them rushed toward Gojo, their teeth seemingly enveloped in a burning fire, as the Kitsune reached the strongest sorcerer of today.

A 6-inch long, 1 inches of fire seemed to appear near their claw as they swiped at Gojo.

In order to defend himself Gojo activated his infinity as he knew it would keep him safe...however, something he didnt expect to happen, as his infinity made contact with the fire claw, a sizzling sound filled the air.

A faint blue aura momentarily flickered around Gojo barriers, it looked as if Gojo infinity was negating the Kitsune attacks.

However much to Gojo's complete shock. The heat coming off the claws caused Gojo to feel pain. He could feel it, the heat was actually managing to burn

Gojo's eyes widened in surprise. how was he getting hurt by just that, his infinity was supposed to protect him from anything.

Keitaro noticing his friend's confusion opened up his mouth and said "You must be wondering how she can bypass your infinity"

"Enlighten me would you" Gojo said with a smile on his face.

"I got to thinking for a bit, your Infinity works by compressing the space between yourself and an object or your opponent, essentially creating an infinite series of infinitesimal distances.

Heat, on the other hand, is the transfer of thermal energy through particles.  Since Infinity focuses on spatial manipulation, it wouldn't directly affect the transfer of heat."Keitaro said with a thoughtful look.

"I know heat gets through your infinity for the simple fact that you can get hot or cold, if you could negate it with your infinity you wouldn't catch a cold from being in the freezer for too long or be as hot as a steaming bowl when you got out for too long in the summer," Keitaro said with a very a sly smile on his face.

"So that got me thinking, my Kitsune friend can manipulate fire but fire also produces heat and so I got to thinking...what if instead of just making her do a bigger fireball, instead of brute force with flames, we focused on the heat itself.  We superheated the air around you, Gojo."

Keitaro seemed proud of himself as those words left his lips, Gojo on the other hand was seen frowning just a bit, something about this explanation wasn't adding up.

"My Infinity should still be stopping her flames," Gojo said with a thoughtful look on his face.

Keitaro however had a big smile on his face, a mischievous glint was seen in his eyes as he opened his mouth and said.

"Does your Infinity stop the wind from hitting your face, Satoru?"

As those words left Keitaro's mouth, it all came rushing toward this is how he was doing it.

Sometimes he forgot Keitaro has access to another energy source that basically made him become one with nature.

He should have thought of this way beforehand, he should have thought about how his Curse technique would react to this all.

That was his fault for that one minor inconvenience.

"Interesting. You have managed to exploit a pretty nice area of my infinity. Sure it can stop objects and cause energy attacks but it doesn't stop everything like light, if it did stop light from reaching me then I would be invisible to decided to hit me with thermal energy." Gojo said with a smile on his face.

"How clever of you," Gojo said as he started stretching a bit.

Keitaro looked confused as Gojo didnt seem to take his attack seriously...

"But you my friend forgot one thing...."Gojo said as his eyes glowed a bright blue color.

"And that is?, "Keitaro said looking confused.

"Lapse blue," Gojo said as he formed a blue in the air....the blue worked like a mini black hole sucking everything in....including the heat.


"Welp that 3 days of work down the drain," Keitaro said with a blank expression as he saw his plan failed.

"I can almost taste your tear from here... I feel proud of myself" Gojo said with a grin on his face.

He then heard growling and as he turned around he saw a 15-foot-tall, 5-tailed Kitsune behind him charging up an attack.

Akane rushed toward Satoru and started attacking him, Satoru and kind started attacking the fox, somehow the fox claw still managed to leave a burn mark on his body, however with the blue in the sky, he didnt have to worry much about that.

As Gojo threw a punch at Akane, the Kitsune grabbed Gojo's hand with one of her tails before slamming the man into the floor causing a crator to be created where Gojo was slammed.

What seemed to be a red ball of pure heat seemed to charging in her mouth...she was about to shoot it at Gojo but on the last second, she heard it.

"" As those words left Gojo's mouth, a reversal red was shot at her.

At the last second, she was barely able to avoid the red. Akane grinned upon noticing Gojo's attack hadn't landed.

"I wasn't aiming for you," Gojo said as the red was seen going straight from the blue in the sky.

"This was fun but the ending of this battle was inevitable," Gojo said with a smile on his face.

A/N....remember what Akane Ct is...please do keep it in mind before anyone accuses me of being inconsistent with her power.