Ultimate for Ultimate {122}

The crimson energy ball that Gojo had launched seemed to be rushing toward something at full speed.

Upon closer inspection, it was revealed that it was going towards the lapse blue that Gojo had placed there earlier in the fight.

Before the red could hit the blue, the sound of Gojo chanting could be heard in the background. "Nine Ropes, Polarized Light, Crow of Liberation!"

Keitaro for a fact knew what the purpose of those chants were and he would be an idiot if he did not stop the red from meeting the blue.

And thus only aiming to stop Gojo's attack, Keitaro teleported right infront of the red beam of energy, his fist already cock back.

As he watched the red approach him, Keitaro's fist seemed to now be covered up with a bunch of electricity...Keitaro's glove seemed to be responding to the energy that he was feeding them.

Thus as Keitaro's fist clashed against Gojo's red, the raw power of the collision between Keitaro's fist and Gojo's attack caused shockwaves to ripple in the air.

"Not today, "Keitaro said as he was pushing the red far away from the blue, a red wasn't supposed to be this tanky,  Gojo had to modify this red somehow, Keitaro just didnt know how yet.

Keitaro's eyes were wide as he heard Gojo continuing chanting like there was no tomorrow.

"Between the front and back," Gojo declared, as those final words left Gojo's lips, a second beam of red that Keitaro hadn't noticed earlier sprung up from the ground with lightning face speed.

Slamming into the blue before Keitaro could even react.

Keitaro's eyes widen...so this was Gojo's plan the whole time.

Keitaro looked at Gojo and saw the goofy look on his face, nope Gojo probably had just freestyled this on the spot.

The red that had just slammed into the blue was the 140% boosted red that Gojo had launched earlier.

Chances were high that the explosion that happened was just a covered-up so that Gojo could hide the fact that the red was still active and distracted Keitaro with the stuff he was throwing at him.

'so he wasn't just imbuing his Ce into everything' Keitaro thought to himself as he realized that Gojo seemed to be imbuing his curse energy into everything throughout their whole fight.

As Keitaro was still in the air, he didnt have many options, he could teleport but only short distances, the long-distance teleport took some time and this hollow nuke was not going to give him the luxury of being able to choose.

"Here comes the sun" Were the words that Keitaro heard from Gojo.

Before Keitaro could think anything else, the hollow purple in the air exploded, everything within a 200-meter radius of the blast was covered in a white light.

'did he just make a....' Were the last thoughts going to Keitaro's mind as the hollow nuke destroyed everything around?

Everything was destroyed, reduced to nothing but mere ashes, even the air itself felt as if it was being destroyed,

As the dust settled, Gojo was seen walking out of it relatively fine, all of his wounds seemed to be minor.

Suddenly a yellow flash was seen and before Gojo could even react to it, he was being slashed from all sides as a yellow flash was seen battering and slashing the ever-living shit out of Gojo.

The yellow flash even managed to slash one of Gojo's six eyes.

Gojo raised his hand to catch the lightning but the lightning just dodged him and continued on its rampage.

As Gojo twisted his body around in order to block another strike.... a ball of spinning energy was slammed into his gut.

Gojo's eyes widened a bit as he was sent flying a couple of feet away.

As Gojo's body was currently being ground by the spiraling back, 60 feet away from the battlefield, Keitaro was seen raising his hands in the air.

A Kirin was seen walking out of the sky, the lightning beast rushed toward Keitaro's gloves and was thus absorbed by the magnificent glove.

"I am going to make you regret hitting me with that shit," Keitaro said his voice sounding extremely salty, I mean who could blame him, he just had to tank a full-on hollow nuke, and the only reason he barely took any damage was because he teleported to one of his kunai which were 100 meter away and use domain amplification the second he had teleported.

He still took damage but just now as much as he would have tanked if he had tanked that full unlimited hollow nuke.

He was petty enough to launch his strongest move at Satoru even in a spar....

"More..."Keitaro said as his body pulsed with energy that he could barely contain, he poured every ounce of natural energy he had in his body into that strike.

He supercharged that shit to the max.

"Indra...arrow," Keitaro said as he unleashed his most powerful shot yet.

The arrow traveled at such speed that it looked like it teleported to Gojo.

A/N...Welp, he is not petty right.....aldo check the post