I may have mad a mistake {123}

As the explosion settled down, the debris no longer flying everywhere, Keitaro could finally see the aftermath of his devastating attack. The area looked even more destroyed than when Gojo had launched his hollow nuke.

There was some spark of lightning on the floor here and there. it seemed as if a good 6 inches of dirt was wiped from the surface of the 200-meter range of his lightning dragon.

Keitaro's eyes then landed on the person the attack was aimed at.

Gojo was seen standing amidst the wreckage, his clothes basically ruined, he was basically shirtless, there was no shirt left or whatever remained of the shirt couldn't be categorized as a shirt anymore.

His body was seemingly covered in blood and his skin seemed to have been burned, he looked like charcoal, though Keitaro could see something from where he was.

Even though Gojo was currently more burnt than charcoal, he could see one blue eye staring into the depth of his soul, a feral look seemingly present on the sorcerer's face, he seemed to have entered that feral state once again.

Keitaro still at a safe distance away, felt a chill crawl down his spine as his gaze met with Gojo's. The playful sorcerer that he had known was completely gone. The only thing left was a predator ready to pounce on his prey.

"Oh...I am cooked"

Gojo now looked lost in the sauce and rushed toward Keitaro, before Keitaro could teleport away, Gojo had appeared in Infront of him, using blue in order to pull himself toward Keitaro.

Keitaro could feel it, a distortion of space was happening as Gojo basically used a mini black hole in order to pull himself toward where Keitaro was.

He then pulled Keitaro toward him before throwing a punch that Keitaro dodged, Keitaro took out his kunai and threw it at Gojo, who dodged the strike before grabbing Keitaro by the gut and slamming him into the floor before throwing it in the air and tossing him away.

'Shouldn't his output be decreasing, why the heck do his punches hurt so much more now' Keitaro thought to himself as he felt as if Gojo's output was increasing by the minutes.

This shouldn't really be possible, his soul punch should be weakening Gojo's output, even if one punch were to weaken Gojo's output by like 0.5%, he landed more than 100 punches so that should at least be 50% of his output gone, taking resistance into effect around 30 to 20 percent of Gojo output should be gone,

So why would a 70,80 percent output Gojo be able to dog walk him so easily, this did not make any sense.

Before Keitaro could hit the tree behind him, he teleported away, making sure to throw six kunai at Gojo, in an instant Gojo disappeared and reappeared behind Keitaro, with a feral grin on his face, he threw a punch toward Keitaro, who managed to teleport to one of the kunai that he had threw earlier in order to get out of the way.

Before Gojo could react, Keitaro appeared behind Gojo with a spinning ball of energy in his hand that he slammed into Gojo's back. As The hit landed Gojo grabbed Keitaro's hand saying "Got you"

In order to make sure Keitaro wouldn't run away, Gojo made sure to use blue in order to make sure was secure nice, and tight, that he wouldn't be able away in his watch, he would make sure that Keitaro ate every single punch in the diabolical combo that he was about to receive.

Keitaro's eyes widen a bit as Gojo cocked back his fist and pushed Keitaro in the gut. As the punch landed, a distortion in space happened, Gojo had landed a black flash...Keitaro's eyes went white for a second but this was all Gojo needed...Throwing Keitaro to the floor, he used blue to pull Keitaro back to him.

Keitaro being unconscious at this moment could do nothing to defend himself as his body was being pulled toward Satoru Gojo.

He could only really hope that this blow wouldn't do much damage, unfortunately for Keitaro, Gojo was locked in and was going to receive the sparks of black.

Landing another black flash, causing Keitaro's pupil to vanish...He wasn't done yet, he proceeded to toss Keitaro's body away causing the teenager's body to crash into multiple rocks shattering them.

Keitaro managed to regain consciousness just in time to teleport away, but it was too late, Gojo was already behind him...Another black flash landed on Keitaro's back causing the boy to puke out some blood as Gojo grabbed him by his face and threw him away.

"Domain expansion...unlimited void" Were the words that left Gojo's mouth as Keitaro was tossed away.

Keitaro did not waste even a second of healing himself, instead, he used his Ce to create a simple domain in order to nullify the sure hit inside of Gojo barrier.

The second he saw that the simple domain was up, he tried to heal his body in order to not be fighting at only 40% capabilities but it seemed like Gojo had other plans.

A/N....welp, Gojo is the strongest sorcerer of the modern era right.