Time running out {124}

Keitaro managed to duck out of the way of Gojo's strikes as the two sorcerers started clashing in hand-to-hand combat with Gojo pressing Keitaro with every single blow.

With Keitaro working at 40% of his capabilities, he was getting cooked beyond belief as Gojo domain gave him a buff, Gojo output may now even be at 120% of its original value, while Keitaro was stuck at 40% output and most of his internal organs destroyed.

Gojo's black flashes had dealt significant damage to the young sorcerer, however, he refused to lose, he couldn't lose, and he wouldn't let Gojo have a 2 back to back wins.

He just couldn't let something like this happen, from the deepest part of his soul, he refused to let it end like this.

A draw would be way better than losing again.

And as if the world itself could feel Keitaro's resolve being formed and hardened, Keitaro could feel it...his soul, his very essence itself, he could feel it.

His eyes landed on Gojo, the person currently running toward him at full speed.

He could see the shape of Gojo's soul along with something else...he saw it, natural energy and without any hesitation, Keitaro immediately absorbed all the natural energy that was around into his body.

As Gojo rushed toward Keitaro again, he launched a powerful punch aimed at Keitaro's head, however, Gojo's punch was stopped by Keitaro's fist.

Keitaro slowly looked up at Gojo, his eyes now resembling that of a frog with an orange eyeliner over his eyes.

"This won't be so easy," Keitaro said as Gojo saw Keitaro's wounds heal at a speed perceptible to the human eyes.

Gojo unwilling to let this go on, threw a punch toward Keitaro who proceeded to block the punch.

Keitaro then proceeded to throw a punch toward Gojo's face, Gojo even with one six-eye currently activated was able to block Keitaro's punch with his left hand.

As Gojo blocked Keitaro's fist, he was punched in the face, and his six eyes widened a bit, what was happening, why did he feel like he was getting punched and why did he feel his output dropping?

Keitaro Vajra's gloves glowed brightly as Keitaro started clashing fists against Gojo, Blow after blow landed against each other, it was as if both sorcerers had agreed that the first person to block was a wuss.

'more...more..more..' Keitaro thought to himself as he started fueling his attack with more and more power, he didnt care if he was drained of energy completely after this clash ended, his job was simple, deal as much damage as possible to Gojo before he took enough damage for his simple domain to break.

As Keitaro's last blow landed, Gojo was sent flying back into his domain, as Gojo backsmacked against his own domain walls, he stood up a bit, using RCT to heal himself back to full.

This was the fifth time in this fight where he genuinely had to heal his body back to full, he was quite literally forced to heal back to full, unless he wanted his domain to shatter.

His eyes then went toward Keitaro....he could stall until Keitaro's simple domain eventually broke...Gojo's gaze landed on Keitaro's simple domain, it was holding up just fine, it seemed like Keitaro was constantly supplying it with Ce in order to keep it running.

There was also the fact that this simple domain was bound to Keitaro....in essence, the simple domain would break the second Keitaro took too much damage.

He could just stay far and spam red, and there would be nothing that Keitaro could do about it.

Inside his domain, he was the fastest one of the two, plus Keitaro didnt have access to his curse technique and was working with only 20% of his curse energy reserves while he was at 50% of his curse energy reserves, meaning he could stall this out.

He had way more Ce than Keitaro and due to his six eyes, he will lose Ce slower than Keitaro.

The problem with that strategy was Keitaro's fox companion...he couldn't have her get close to Keitaro as if this happened.

Keitaro would be healed back to full and the fight would become way too tricky by then.

"Keitaro~kun, why do you try that little trick you did last time" Gojo said with a smile on his face as he looked at Keitaro.

"And get brain damage...fuck no," Keitaro said not biting into the obvious bait that Gojo was throwing at him.

"But didnt you say your barrier skills were better than mine, why don't you try again" Gojo answered honestly.

"As if a prodigy such as yourself wouldn't have implemented a backup plan" Keitaro blurted out.

Gojo smiled...he could play this smart and not attack Keitaro and let his Ce run out on him because, at the rate he was losing it, Keitaro would lose this fight very soon.

However, he did not want Keitaro to have any excuse when he beat him and thus.

Gojo rushed toward Keitaro and started fighting against the sorcerer once again, imbuing his fist with blue, he aimed to beat Keitaro fair and square.

'Tcth...I don't have enough curse energy to keep this going for longer...Akane...hurry up' Keitaro thought to himself as he thought of his Kitsune companion who currently wasn't in his necklace.

A/N The fight ends next chapter