And the winner is {125}

Keitaro started to realize something, his curse energy amount was getting lower and lower with each passing second.

Having to keep up his simple domain activated along with having domain amplification on at the same time was quite draining.

But the fact was, he needed domain amplification in order to hit Gojo Satoru.

If he didnt have domain amplification then all of his blows would have been countered by Gojo infinity, plus the both of them were currently inside of Gojo's domain meaning Gojo had the upper hand.

This battle was like fighting an uphill fight, Keitaro however was in no mood to lose, he wouldn't lose, no matter what.

Cocking his fist back, Keitaro entered a state of extreme focus, everything else around him became nothing but a blur to him.

All he cared about in this moment was to win.

He tossed away any other thoughts, for a second he even seemed to have forgotten how to breathe.

He stops caring about his curse energy reserve running out on him.

His Vajra gloves seemed to react to this state he was currently in as the lightning around the gloves was now calmer than usual.

Instead of being their usual wild self, the lightning around the glove felt more peaceful, more reserved...more refined.

Blocking off Gojo's strike, with nothing but pure determination in his yellow eyes, Keitaro unleashed a powerful strike that landed on Gojo's chest.

The blow was so hard that Gojo felt as if his soul was being attacked, as if on instinct his curse energy went into protecting his soul.

However, it was too late, as a spark of black and blue was seen, before Gojo could think of anything, another powerful blow landed on his chest, causing space to be distorted where the blow had landed.

Gojo was sent flying back inside his own domain, having taken a significant amount of damage causing some cracks to appear around his domain.

Keitaro however still being as focused as he was now able to move his curse energy around in his body as if it was as simple as breathing.

Without wasting a second, he rushed toward Gojo, and while Gojo was still in flight, he cocked his fist back and threw the strongest punch that he could.

As the blow landed and space distorted once again for the third time, 3 consecutive black flashes were landed on Satoru Gojo.

The strongest sorcerer of the modern age had taken too much damage and couldn't continue keeping up his domain expansion.

Gojo Satoru's domain broke around him, which caused the sorcerer's eyes to widen a bit, he knew he had taken a lot of damage but it wasn't as much as for his domain to break.

As those thoughts passed through his mind he saw it, the reason his domain seemed to have been broken so quickly. then hit him, that was the reason Keitaro curse energy reserves weren't replenishing...His Kitsune companion was left outside the domain.

So his plan of stalling it out until Keitaro ran out of curse energy wouldn't have worked because Akane would have broken his domain from the outside.

At best Keitaro would have been left with 5% of his curse energy, which would have been enough for him to form one of those bootleg Rasengan and slam it into his guts knocking him out for good.

Plus Akane could have just rejoined with him and replenished his curse energy reply. This was a clever strategy indeed, but the strategy relied a bit too much on the fact that Keitaro's simple domain would have been able to stay up the whole time.

Gojo's eyes went toward Keitaro's simple broke....a small smile appeared on his face, so close.

Blood came out of his mouth as he felt his consciousness fade...

"Hell No!" Gojo shouted as he felt himself about to lose, him losing...that was a hilarious idea, he was the strongest sorcerer alive, he would not lose to one-second man.

He will not be known as the man who lost to one-second man.

Pushing his curse energy into overdrive, Gojo use blue in order to counter his current inertia before launching himself toward Keitaro at full speed.

Coating his fist with curse energy, he prepared his body for one last blow.....

Time skip.

Keitaro felt Akane licking his face, he groaned a bit as he forced his eyes open, he felt utterly drained, and he weakly managed to force himself to sit down.

As his eyes gaze around he notices the figure of the pass-out Gojo.

'huh, what happened' Keitaro thought to himself, he thought that maybe he had lost but seeing the past one Gojo on the floor, this couldn't be it.

Then what happened?

'Wanna see' Akane's voice was heard saying cheerfully in his mind.

"Yeah sure" Keitaro replied softly as Akane started working her illusion ability, showcasing to him what had happened.

Gojo had rushed toward Keitaro aiming to knock him out but halfway before he reached him, the damage that had been dealt to his body and soul couldn't really be ignored and had caught up to him.

And as for Keitaro...welp, he had passed out as Gojo's body gave up, he passed out due to his curse energy reserve hitting an all-time low of zero and welp, due to having tank 3 consecutive black flashes, his adrenaline had run out and as soon as that had happened...he...well, just got slump on the floor.

"Mind healing Gojo?" Keitaro asked his Kitsune companion to which she just pouted and looked away.

She did not seem like she wanted to heal him.

'He hurt master, he doesn't deserve healing' Akane muttered looking like a.....

"I will give you head pats for 15 minutes if you do it" Keitaro mutters softly...Akane ears seem to perk up at that.

'make it 30'

"20, take it or leave it, do not be greedy"


And just like that she was off to heal Gojo, wasn't this just fun?

A/N for anyone saying I am abusing black flash....take a moment and think...those 2 are quite literally the most even they could be...and the winner of each fight is usually determined by luck, and guess something in the jjk verse that happens when you get lucky.....

Plus they are so locked in right now, I do mean that those 2 are in a world of their own, the only thing in their mind is to win, and I frankly think that Mentally increases the chance of landing a black flash.
