England (126)

Keitaro emerged from the arrivals gate at London Heathrow Airport, blinking against the weak sunlight filtering through the cloudy English sky. The crisp autumn air, a stark contrast to the stifling humidity of Tokyo he'd just left, sent a shiver down his spine.

He dragged his worn duffel bag behind him, its familiar weight a grounding presence amidst the unfamiliar surroundings.

A young woman, no older than twenty, stood out amidst the bustle of arriving passengers. Her short brown hair framed kind eyes that scanned the crowd, a touch of anxiety etched on her youthful face. When their eyes met, a hesitant smile bloomed on hers.

"Excuse me," she began, her voice a melodic lilt, "Are you Keitaro?"

Keitaro, surprised by the unexpected greeting, offered a hesitant nod. "Y-yes, that's me."

"Brilliant! I'm Amelia," she chirped, relief washing over her features. "Mr. Evans asked me to collect you. Please follow me."

With a grateful smile, Keitaro hefted his bag and fell into step behind Amelia. They exited the terminal, and a cool breeze tousled his hair.

The air smelled faintly of rain and something else, earthy and green, a welcome change from the exhaust fumes of Tokyo.

London sprawled before them, a sprawling cityscape of grey stone and red brick bathed in the soft, diffused light. Double-decker buses, a quintessential symbol of the city, lumbered down wide avenues, their red paint a vibrant splash against the muted backdrop.

Towering clock towers and gothic church spires pierced the skyline, their grandeur hinting at a rich history.

As they navigated the bustling airport grounds, Amelia pointed out landmarks – the futuristic silhouette of the Millennium Dome, the sprawling grounds of Hyde Park, and the majestic curve of the River Thames glinting in the distance.

Lush green parks dotted the landscape, offering pockets of serenity amidst the urban sprawl.

Keitaro, wide-eyed, absorbed the sights and sounds.

The orderly queues, the polite exchanges between strangers, the constant murmur of a foreign language – it was all a stark contrast to the frenetic energy of Tokyo.

Yet, there was a certain charm to this slower pace, a sense of history whispering from every cobblestone street.

As Keitaro delved deeper into the English countryside, assisting Amelia with errands and familiarizing himself with the quaint villages, he started encountering the whispers of the supernatural.

These weren't the monstrous, reeking curse spirits he was used to battling in Tokyo. Here, the curse spirits were more akin to mischievous sprites or cautionary tales woven into the fabric of English folklore.

* The Pixies:  These tiny, winged humanoids with iridescent wings flitted around ancient oak trees, giggling and leading unsuspecting travelers astray with their flickering lights. While harmless, they could be a real nuisance, especially at night.

* The Boggart:  A shapeshifting house spirit, the Boggart was more of an annoyance than a threat. It thrived on chaos, transforming into whatever frightened its target the most. A stern word and a firm demeanor were usually enough to send it scurrying back into the shadows.

* The Barghest:  These large, black hounds with glowing red eyes were said to haunt crossroads and lonely moors. They weren't inherently evil, but their howls were an ill omen, a portent of misfortune for those who heard them.

However, amidst these familiar folkloric entities, Keitaro started noticing something unsettling – a new breed of curse spirit.

They were wispy, formless things, coiling around unsuspecting people, whispering hateful invectives and prejudice. These spirits thrived on negativity, feeding off the fear and anger of discrimination.

The Wraiths of Bigotry:  These spectral entities latched onto those harboring prejudice, their whispers fueling feelings of hatred and xenophobia. Unlike the playful pixies or the solitary Barghests, these curse spirits were insidious, spreading negativity and discord wherever they went.

Keitaro, a foreigner himself, felt a cold dread pool in his stomach.

"Huh, welp this place sure is different" He muttered to himself as he watched the new curse spirits he had noticed for the first time in his laugh.

In his humble opinion swinging the curse of different countries was kind of cool, it helped to know what kind of cultures they had if those were the creations created by their negative emotions.

However, he felt like those curses at least for the so-called good curse, were way more twisted than their mythological counterparts.

Something in his guts told him....those creatures were anything but friendly.

The pixies, for example, could mimic a firefly and guide someone to a stronger curse that would devour the victim or worse yet just make them fall into a pit.

So no, they were not good, they were curses after all, it wasn't like he refused to see any good in curses but more like curses hadn't proven to him, that they could be good.

All the curses he found so far were very twisted individuals and unless he met a nice one, his opinion of them wouldn't change.


So I got just a bit sidetracked like just a little.

On a side note, I should have around 18 chapters in the draft by the time this chapter is up.

Also even though the Sukuna story is next well, I currently am stuck on what to do and my brain juice is just mostly being used mostly on coming up with a Clever way to give Keitaro a challenge while he is so fucking strong.

Also before you ask...I only write those stories in my drafts anytime I have motivation for them so it could be like...once a week.... once a month, to like 4 days a week, it's not constant otherwise I would burn out.

Anyway just comment on some country y'all want to see next so I can have a head up, I like doing my research beforehand so I don't have to find a curse on the spot.