Place to stay (127)

Keitaro placed his bag onto his shoulder, he could feel the weight of the bag pressing against his back, he should have gotten used to it by now but even then he could still not ignore the warm feeling he felt.

As Amelia showed him around, he watched the English countryside being unfolded right before his very eyes, it was truly pretty.

He was glad he didnt choose to go to the city side of England, he was in no mood to get overwhelmed, and thus he chose somewhere peaceful where he could practice his jujutsu in peace and quiet.

He saw a bunch of green hills that were dotted with sheep, quaint cottage houses, and so on, sometimes if he were to really squint his eyes he would see a scenery straight out of a postcard.

Unable to contain his curiosity any longer, Keitaro turned his attention to Amelia, his voice tinged with wonder.

"This place looks amazing, Amelia! It's so different from Tokyo. What are people's lives like in these parts?"

He asked this question mostly out of curiosity as England was the first country that he had visited where he had noticed that there was a curse for racism.

Sure there might have been a curse like that in Tokyo or Nepal or even India but the thing was he never noticed it.

Or it was so small that he had never seen it a day in his life, probably because it was dormant, he wasn't just going to blindly believe his country was safe from that curse.

Japan was a very xenophobic country, after all, he probably didnt notice it because he never saw a foreigner.

But here, the curse seemed to thrive, out of the 50 people he saw, about 30 or 40 of them had that curse looking over their shoulder.

He also couldn't help but notice the look in the people's eyes as they looked at him as if he was a new specimen.

Wasn't this just a whole new world?

Amelia's eyes seemed to sparkle with amusement as she slowed down her pace to match his.

"Well, Keitaro, life here is certainly a bit more...sedate compared to the hustle and bustle of a big city. Most folks around here work in farming, raising livestock, or running small businesses in the nearby villages.

We spend a lot of time outdoors, enjoying the fresh air and the beauty of the countryside."

She chuckled softly. "There's a real sense of community here, everyone knows everyone else. We have village fairs, harvest festivals, and pub nights where everyone gathers for a pint and some friendly chatter."

"You don't say!"Keitaro added as he noticed one of the houses of this small humble neighborhood was quite far from the town.

If he had a guess he would say it's either one, the crazy person lives there, or two.....

There are foreigners living there...

As they rounded a bend, a large two-story house with a thatched roof came into view. Ivy crept up the red brick facade, and flower boxes brimming with colorful blooms adorned the windows. A plume of smoke curled from the chimney, hinting at a welcoming warmth within.

"This is your home for the next six months, Keitaro," Amelia announced a hint of pride in her voice. "Mr. Satoru has it all set up for you. He even stocked the pantry with enough food to last a few months."

'How the fuck does this man have so much money' Keitaro thought to himself as he looked at the house, he knew this wasn't cheap so he wonder how in the flying fuck his friend could just afford to spend so a huge some of the cash.

Sometimes Keitaro forgets that his friend was born into money, that the word broke was never once in Satoru's vocabulary.

He was a rich boy

And that is why he liked his house so much, there was just so much space inside, he could do whatever he wanted and there, and because it was his grandma's house it was now his house now that she had passed away.

Following Amelia inside, he was greeted by a cozy living room with plush armchairs and a crackling fireplace. The scent of freshly baked bread hung in the air, further fueling his sense of homeliness.

He descended the creaky stairs to the basement, a pang of surprise jolting through him. The shelves were neatly organized, overflowing with cans, packets, and boxes of various foodstuffs.

It was enough to last him for months, easily supplementing the supplies he carried in his cursed seals.

A relieved smile spread across Keitaro's face. Food wouldn't be a concern for him during his stay in England.

Now, all that was left was to explore this charming new environment and delve deeper into the mysteries that awaited him.

He pulled out his notebook, welp it was about time he started noting down what every curse around this place does.....for research purposes.
