New curses (128)

The late afternoon sun cast a long shadow across the charming village square as Keitaro settled himself onto a weathered bench.

The very cool breeze of the wind against his skin felt pretty nice, he liked this, it made him feel so nice.

He closed his eyes and started feeling the nature around him.

After a few seconds, he could feel it, it was there. Although not as potent as near the lake in the Himalayas, it was way higher than what was around his house.

It probably had something to do with the numerous trees around this area and the fact that this area was quite literally not a suburb but more like a place where farmers would live.

A plantation fit that description but welp there were plenty of other people around each having their own farm.

There was also a forest nearby, from where he was sitting he had a decent view of everything.

This place was pretty nice.

"Welp time to take some notes," He said as he opened a worn leather notebook, its pages filled with his neat handwriting and intricate sketches.

This was his curse journal, a dedicated record of the strange entities he'd encountered since arriving in England.

Also, where he kept most of his notes about curses, the intricacy of curses as a spirit filled him with quite a few numbers of questions.

Keeping a journal was one of the few ways that he could dedicate notes to anything that piqued his interest.

Today's entry focused on the Pixies. Unlike the monstrous curse spirits he'd faced in Tokyo, these were mischievous sprites with shimmering wings.  He meticulously sketched their delicate forms, noting their iridescent colors and playful expressions.

"Sure enough they are curses," He said as he noticed what one of the pixies was currently doing.

In his humble opinion, they were quite mischievous.

If he were to assign them a grade he would say a reasonable grade would be grade 4, as they were quite harmless for the most part.

If he wanted to glaze them, he could push it to semi-grade 3, however in his opinion they were not grade 3 material curse.


* Description: Tiny humanoids with iridescent wings, often flitting around ancient oak trees.

* Effect: Tricksters, are known to lead unsuspecting travelers astray with their flickering lights. While harmless, they can be a pain, especially at night.

* Encounter: Witnessed a group of Pixies lead a lost tourist in circles around a field for nearly an hour before tiring and flitting away.

Keitaro dipped his pen in ink, a pensive frown creasing his brow. He had noticed something unsettling about these apparently harmless sprites. Their laughter, initially lighthearted, seemed to take on a cruel edge when the tourist stumbled and fell.

Welp, they were cursed after all so he could really think that they were any different from their brothers and sisters.

They were born from negative emotions after all and were not fully sentient.

Was there more to the Pixies than playful pranks?  He made a mental note to investigate further.

Next, he flipped the page, his attention drawn to a meticulously detailed image of a hulking black hound with glowing red eyes.


* Description: Large, black hounds with glowing red eyes, said to haunt crossroads and lonely moors.

* Effect: Ill omen, their howls portend misfortune for those who hear them. Not inherently evil, but their presence inspires fear.

* Encounter: Heard a mournful howl echoing across the moors on a foggy night. Felt a sense of unease, but encountered no immediate misfortune.

A pang of curiosity gnawed at him. Was there a way to interpret the Barghest's howls, or were they simply random pronouncements of doom?  Perhaps deciphering their meaning could be a key to mitigating the fear they inspire.

The thing now was, what would be this creature's curse technique if it even had one, Keitaro could feel that the creature had the strength of a grade 2 curse.

Semi-grade one if he was pushing it so it wasn't something that he couldn't one-shot and study...

"From whispers in the shadows, darkness takes form. Let the night devour, let silence reign, in the embrace of the Unseen Storm."

As Keitaro finished his chant, his unseen storm was unleashed in all its glory, covering the whole town with it.

Keitaro then opened his mouth and started chanting again.

"Hear my rhythm, a cleansing beat,

Warding circle, make it complete.

Light's embrace, banish the night,

Seal the darkness, with sacred might.

Cleansing pulse, banishing the stain,

Here no evil shall remain."

He chanted as the seal was fully formed, without wasting any seconds at all, Keitaro used the reversal of his curse technique and teleported the creature inside the cage.

The creature howled in pain as the reverse curse energy in the seal was holding him still.

"Alright, now time to do that to every interesting curse spirit I find," Keitaro said with a smile on his face.

Meanwhile, every curse within a 200-meter radish felt a chill go down their back, they felt as if they were about to be hunted down.

A/N As I am sitting here writing this I now recognize how freaking long this story is going to be.

After this trip, they would be like 7 more trips, before Cannon, each trip lasting about 30 or 40 chapters give or take, not even taking the chapters that are when he is back in Japan.

This story might have 200+ before the canon starts, though granted when Cannon arrives some events will be skipped well because of Keitaro's existence.

This story might genuinely be my first book to reach 300 chapters, if we take everything into consideration, this story is looking like it's going to be very long

Well considering this is probably the last JJK story I write for a while, I guess it makes senses.

For anyone wondering why is that, it's simply because I do not want to be stuck in one world for too long.

Next arc.

Officially getting with Shoko.

Visiting America(Shoko there)(2010)

Teaching Megumi stuff about ten shadows.(early-2011)

Visiting a country in Africa. (meets Yuki)(mid-2011, early 2012)

Visiting Australia cause why not?(2012,2013)

Somewhere in here, he visit 2 countries, when he comes back to Japan he meets Yuta.(2013-2016)

He teaches Yuta alongside all the first years.(2016)

And that is about how far I have planned so far (more like all I am willing to share)

Also, only the main arcs are included so the mini-arcs taking place in those arcs are not included here.