The deal {132}

Keitaro gaze stayed as calm as it was usually, not even an ounce of emotion could be seen behind his blue eyes, however at the same time he did not look cold or like a murderer, he just looked neutral.

As if his face was currently on neutral.

Alistair's face remained calm and composed, a mask that he wored on his face for most of his life,even after Keitaro remark about England's "acquisitions" were made his face remained as neutral as it was humanly possible to be.

The Silver-haired boy, Alistair'son from the look of it, the two of them looked near-identical. The boy shifted uncomfatably on his feet, he looked to be pretty nervous about everything that was happening.

Finally, Alistair cleared his throat, as his eyes landed on Keitaro. This young man was pretty interesting, it would be a good idea to stay on his good side. It never really hurted to have strong allies.

"Mr. Keitaro," he said, his voice calm and controlled, "your...unconventional approach is certainly...intriguing.

Perhaps we can find some common ground."

The way he spoke made it seem as if what he was saying was something that he had rehearse countless time.

Keitaro gaze landed on the man, the man presence felt the same as those higher ups in the zenin family.

The look on their faces as they looked at people with strenght, he could tell from the look on the man eyes that he did not view him as a human with emotions and feelings.

All they saw was a very powerful weopon that they could use, something meant to be controlled.

Keitaro watced as the man gaze flickered between himself and the man son. A sly smiled appeared on the man lips, a stark contrast to the man earlier arrogant demeanor.

"Tell me, Mr. Keitaro, are you familiar with the concept of...mentorship?" As those words left the man mouth, he gestured toward his son.

Keitaro had a rough idea of what the man wanted him to do, however he had not reason to actually do it.

This boy was the man so, so he had access to the best teacher that England could offer so why him.

"Perhaps you could impart some of your...unorthodox techniques to my son. In return, the BIOA could offer you...resources."

Keitaro raised an eyebrow, he seemed pretty amused by what the man was saying, his blue eyes seem to glow just a bit as he looked at the man.

He could see the slight sliver of nervousness in the man silvers eyes. "Why should I?" He finally added.

His voice a smooth contrast to Alistair...well arrogant voice.

Keitaro noticed the smile on the man face widenening, he seemed like he had expected this refusal from Keitaro.

"Resources," The man repeated, his voice now sounding pretty noble..arrongant, Keitaro couldnt find the word for it.{A/N,....he probably could but my vocabulary aint that big}

Plus he wasnt running low on funds anytime soon so he wasnt really interested in that money, no matter the amount offer he will be fine and not fold.

"Financial resources. One hundred million Euros. Enough to acquire... anything your heart desires."



One hundred million Euros, that like 12,495,000,000 Yen..that was alot of money...well enough to ensure his future generations would not have to be broke.


However Keitaro felt like he needed more, that was probably his ego talking but he knew that if this place truly was the government that was controlling the actual England governement undercover then, they must have access to all the overpowered curse tools.

Keitaro turned toward Alistair, a neutral expression on his face betraying how he felt on the inside.

"We have a deal"

He then walked closer to the man before opening his mouth and saying.

"But the terms are changing.

I'll train your son, but in exchange for full access to the BIOA's resources, not just financial. I want to be able to take 1 curse tool of my liking,i get to pick 2 if the result of my training prove satisfactory. I also want to take a look at the Archive, i came here for knowledge anyway"

The man eyes seem to narrow a bit, as if he was pondering the pro and con of the man offer, it wasnt like Keitaro was asking for much, but at the same time, full access to their archive that was some insane stuff.

The knowledge in there, they had made a vow in order to not let any outsider inside...wait, that right, even if they agree here, he wouldnt be able to enter.

"Very well," he said, his voice sounding very firm.  "You have your access.  But be warned, Mr. Keitaro, the BIOA's secrets are not for the faint of heart."

Keitaro's smile seem to widen  a bit .  "Secrets are what I thrive on, Lord High Keeper," he replied, his voice laced with a hint of hidden danger.  "Now, shall we begin?"

One hundred million Euros might not have swayed him, but the promise of hidden knowledge, of powerful cursed tools... that was a prize worth playing for.

A/N....Before anyone say the amount is actually 17,450,278,600 yen....remember the year currently is 2010, not 2024, so i look up what was the yen value back then and did the transfer. I will leave the amounts below so if yall want to do the math be my guess.

August 2010: 1 EUR = 124.95 JPYSeptember 2010: 1 EUR = 125.45 JPYOctober 2010: 1 EUR = 126.15 JPYNovember 2010: 1 EUR = 126.65 JPYDecember 2010: 1 EUR = 127.15 JPY