Edgar {133}

Time skip.

Keitaro's gaze looks at his bank account... There were a bunch of zeros in there, much more money than he thought he could achieve in such an amount of time.

His eyes went toward his Vajra gloves, they were pretty good and he didnt think he personally needed more cursed tools.

The Vajra gloves were doing their job just fine, for this journey in England he did not wish to learn a new power but more to reinforce his basics, to reinforce what he already knew.

His curse energy efficiency was good but it was still very much below the level of Gojo's efficiency, even though he knew that due to Gojo's six eyes, he probably would never reach Gojo's efficiency with curse energy.

He wanted to get as close to it as possible, he clenched his fist a bit feeling the power behind his muscles.

His body hadn't reached its physical limit yet and thus he still had room to grow. His curse energy amount would naturally grow as time went on and as he slowly expanded his own reserve by a small amount every day.

His control over natural energy was still way too flawed, he needed to gain better control of it, he would use his visit to this country in order to see how much he could improve it.

Another goal he had while in England was to learn how to do a domain expansion. He had the basics down and knew he could do it if he tried it.

In his lifespan, he had experience,3 domain expansions, and about 1 incomplete one and he knew how dangerous those suckers could be. {A/N...His first fight with Gojo...the domain from the Rakshasa and finally, 2 more domains from Gojo}

He was in no mood to become a 'special grade' sorcerer anytime soon, he liked his brain how it was and he refused to receive brain damage for something so dumb.

Keitaro's gaze then drifted toward the silver-haired boy near him, Alistair's son.

The boy fidgeted a lot under Keitaro's gaze, Keitaro could see that the boy's posture was stiff and his shoulders were hunched.

The boy was practically radiating nervousness, he looked completely different from his father.

Keitaro decided not to scare the boy further, and gave the boy his sociable face before saying " You must be Alistair Jr.,"

He made sure he sounded pretty friendly as he did not want to scare the child too much.

The boy seems to visibly flinch upon hearing the sound of his voice..."It's actually Edgar, sir." His voice was barely a whisper, Keitaro could also notice that the boy seemed scared.

Keitaro just chuckles softly, this would be fun. With his very intuned sense, he could sense something pretty strong coming from the boy.

This meant that the boy had potential, he could make the boy stronger like this, he had checked Alistair's curse energy amount alongside his physical traits.

Even entering hypersensitivity mode to get a read on the manpower....all signs pointed at the man being a semi-grade one sorcerer.

A grade one but nothing more, Even himself in his sophomore year in jujutsu high could beat this man in a fight and thus he wasn't much trouble.

"Edgar, then. It's a pleasure to meet you." He said gesturing towards a nearby plush armchair.

"Why don't you take a seat? We have a lot to discuss."

Keitaro watched as the boy hesitantly approached the chair before lowering himself into its cushion with the stiffness of a horny teen seeing porn for the first time.

Keitaro also noticed that the boy was quite adamant about avoiding eye contact which was pretty weird but Keitaro could handle it.

"So, Edgar," Keitaro Added, his voice low and conversational, "tell me a bit about yourself. What kind of Jujutsu do you practice?"

He wanted to know what the boy knew about jujutsu sorcery.

Edgar's head snapped up, what seemed to be a flicker of surprise crossing his features." Jujutsu, sir? I... I don't practice Jujutsu." The boy seemed rather confused about what Keitaro was asking him.

As if jujutsu sorcery was a foreign concept to him.

Keitaro raised an eyebrow...so the boy did know what Jujutsu sorcery was even though his family was probably part of the 1% of Jujutsu sorcerers in England.

That was good information to know.

"Then what do you practice, Edgar?" He added sounding pretty curious, he wondered what Alistair taught the boy.

Edgar straightened himself as if to make sure he was standing perfectly straight to say what he was about to say.

"The BIOA style, sir. It's... it's different from Jujutsu." The boy sounded quite proud of himself as those words left his lips.

Keitaro raised an eyebrow, so this is what they called jujutsu sorcery here..... The BIOA style....wow, Gojo would have a field day with this one.

Although he was curious, he wondered what the boy's curse technique might be.

A/N....Random stuff.....

As Keitaro was seen walking around the streets of Japan, his vision suddenly changed to someplace else.

He did not know where he was.

The whole room was white and the only thing he could see infront of him was an olive-skinned man with yellow eyes looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Alright, now just need to find the tomb raider" The Olive skin was heard saying as a portal appeared next to Keitaro.

What seemed to be a tall, handsome, and muscular young man with gray eyes, sharp facial features, and black hair with bangs that dangled all the way down to his eyes was seen.

"Alright...I will leave the bootleg Uchiha and overpowered ass bender for later" The man was heard saying before suddenly he jumped back just in time to dodge the strike of a shadowy figure.

"Yow, calm your tits, no need to get so rough I am not your girlfriend"

As those words left his mouth, both Keitaro and the other teenage boy had a sweat drop down their head...

This olive-skinned man reminded them of a certain white and blue-eyed individual they knew all too well.