Teaching Edgar the basic {135}

Keitaro was seen looking at Edgar who seemed amazed that his curse energy reserves were replenished.

The young boy had a thoughtful look on his face as he wondered what the reverse curse technique might be, considering he had no idea of what it was maybe it was something extremely rare.

Or perhaps was it that healing BIOA art that the head nurse possessed, it felt pretty similar to her but this one felt better, this one felt as if his very spirit was healed.

Not even an ounce of fatigue was left in his body, if he were to compare the two of them he would say that Keitaro was at least 4 to 5 times better, if not more.

The difference between them was night and day, the young boy gazed at the back of the 19-year-old man infront of him.

What kind of prodigy was he?

Keitaro looked at the boy before giving his honest analysis of the boy's current state.

"Your curse energy efficiency is kind of garbage," His voice was completely devoid of malice, he spoke as if what he was saying was the complete and honest truth without sugarcoating anything at all.

Edgar's shoulder slumped down a bit, and a flicker of disappointment could be seen crossing his features.

He knew his curse energy control was nowhere near perfect, he thought they were just a bit above average but to hear the man infront of him calling his control trash.

His control, something that he was praised for was being called garbage by this man.

As if being able to sense how the boy was feeling, Keitaro quickly added. "Let's fix that." With a smile on his face. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a single sheet of paper, the paper looked to be brand new.

Edgar didnt know why but he felt as if this paper was more complex than what meets his eyes, he felt as if this energy was curse energy but put in a way that make it, Volatile...

Keitaro noticing the confused look on the boy's face walked close to the boy before saying.

"This paper has a seal on it,"

He then looked at Edgar as he handed him the piece of paper. The boy took the paper from his hand and looked at it with a strange look.

This was just a piece of paper right?....So why did it feel so complex?

"Pour too much-cursed energy, and it'll give you a little shock. Too little, and nothing happens. But if you hit the sweet spot, well, something nice happens."

Keitaro explained with a thoughtful look on his face, he was quite curious about how the boy would react to this.

Edgar's eyes seemed to widen a bit, this tiny piece of paper had the same properties as one of the machines that he used to do his control training.

Something he only had access to if he asked for permission was being given to him like this without a care in the world.

The boy held the paper in his hands and began analyzing it with his eyes. The piece of paper felt soft and as he put some force into it, he realized that the paper was also quite durable, it felt like cloth.

His eyes then went toward the seal in the middle of the paper...

"How do I know what the sweet spot is?" Edgar asked curiously looking up at Keitaro.

What seemed to be sparks of determination could be seen flickering in his young eyes.

Keitaro's earlier words about his curse energy efficiency being garbage may have been harsh but they were a wake-up call for him.

The boy was now very eager to improve, he wanted to increase his control over his curse energy.

Keitaro chuckles softly. "That's the beauty of it, Edgar. You have to find it yourself. Focus on channeling a small amount of cursed energy, a steady stream. Imagine pouring water through a narrow funnel – not too much, not too little. When you hit the mark, the paper will react."

Taking in a deep breath the boy started Experimenting with the paper, at first he only poured a very slight amount of curse energy into the paper.

The paper did not react in any way whatsoever ever and just stood still.

The boy started pouring more and more curse energy into the seal which caused the boy to feel a slight shock to his fingers.

Keitaro sitting on the very comfy chair watched as the boy continued trying to get the perfect amount, it was quite fun to watch it happen.

Watching the boy progress in real time was pretty fun for him, deciding to give the boy a helping hand, he poured some of his curse energy into the boy anytime the boy's reserves were low.

He could potentially do this forever since his own reserves regenerated faster than the boy needed recharges.

Keitaro's eyes went toward the paper in his hand showing his grade.

{Name: Keitaro Namikaze}


{Grade: Special grade}

And the rest was just his ID, along with his height and weight.

He was like 5'10 and like 142 pounds, pretty lightweight.

Unlike his 6'1 friend...How the heck did a Japanese man grow up to be that tall?

A/N.....Shenanigans Part 3.

"Aight so my name is Aaron, the grave robber is Kenzo and the Minato wanna-be is Keitaro...did I get that correctly" Aaron said with a smile on his face.

"Yes.." Kenzo replied quite dryly.

"Why are were here?" Keitaro suddenly asked looking at the boy infront of the man.

"Well, I got bored...."





"We got kidnapped because you were feeling bored," Kenzo said as if trying to get what he was saying.

"Hey....kidnap is such a strong word, I call it surprise adoption....."





"Well, you see both of you are from the same main universe, just different timelines..."


"Long story short, you were groomed to become the host for a god and he is the reincarnation of Minato"

"I was not groomed"

"At the age of sixteen, you received a system that made sure you grew up big in strong so your body could handle having the biggest grave robber ever....."

"I was fifteen..."

"And you think that makes it better how"

"I do not Rob Graves"

"You are a necromancer...I don't think you are the kind of person to ask for their consent before putting them in your army.....all necromancers are grave robbers"

"I am shadow monarch"

"So....a glorified grave robber"



My biggest regret was clicking on the Gojo tab....I never knew Gojo simps could be so....