Teaching and info dump{136}

Time skip a month.

So over the course of around a month or so, Keitaro trained the boy to the best of his ability, turning his ass control over curse energy into something that was better.

The boy had the potential to grow into something much greater than he was now, he could grow up to be a powerful grade-one sorcerer.

Becoming a grade one sorcerer was basically a guarantee, if the boy wanted to achieve special grade status.

He would need a domain expansion, reverse curse technique, better control over his curse energy, and probably an extension technique.

Which was a lot to ask from basically a small child, but oh well, the kid had his whole future infront of him.

So surely he could grow and fit the role of a special-grade sorcerer.


Keitaro's training schedule was very tough and pretty meticulous if the boy wasn't busy calibrating his curse energy with the strange paper.

Then Keitaro would make sure that the boy was doing some physical activity in order to push the boy to his absolute limit.

He was being paid for this and he could gain 2 curse tools from his visit to England.

Though he wondered why the man was so eager to give him such a huge sum of money, it seemed as if they were expecting to gain something big from this.

Keitaro's eyes went toward the ground, he could feel a powerful energy coming from it, if he could sense this right, this was a curse.

A special grade curse at that.....was it haunting this place?

If so why were the people here unaffected?

So many unanswered questions, well Keitaro had a small idea about everything that was currently happening.

From what he could gather, this curse seemed like it was resting.....

It better stay that way...

Keitaro watched as Edgar was close to collapsing, he walked toward the boy before lowering himself to the boy's level.

He placed his hands on the boy's shoulder before using Rct to heal the boy's body back up to full, making sure to wash away any of the fatigue the boy might be feeling.

The boy was now in prime condition and ready to endure much more training, without wasting a second, Edgar went back to calibrating his curse energy while doing physical exercises.

Guess he moved on to the second level...the third level would be sparring against Keitaro while calibrating his curse energy.

The final level would be for the boy to apply all of this in an actual fight instead of well....only doing it in practice.

This was the purpose of all of Keitaro's practices.. to ingrain the boy with all the muscle memory that he would need to do it.

If he had the muscle memory down then he would make a great sorcerer.

After the little physical exercise, Keitaro tossed the boy some books to help a bit, after all without those books then he wouldn't know how to create more stuff.

After all, he needed the atomic structure of something to make them...

Something that Keitaro had observed over his time with Edgar was the fact that creating something out of nothing was quite draining to the boy's curse energy reserves.

Keitaro wonder if it would take less curse energy if the boy already had something there to help him.

What if instead of creating something out of nothing, he already had something there to work as a base to make everything else that he could wish to make?

He would need something that was very malleable so that the boy could form it into anything he wanted, but something that wasn't quite solid yet.

Edgar would need something like a mineral, some sort of metal considering everything that he was building was made out of metal.

He would need some sort of...liquid metal...

This could work, as long as he brought enough this could be possible...

Plus Keitaro had some liquid metal back home, he was carrying around some mercury....don't ask questions, it was for research purposes....yeah, research purposes

It seemed as if Keitaro calling his curse energy efficiency garbage had sparked something with Edgar, as Keitaro could notice the young boy being extremely determined

He watched as Edgar read book after book, his mind like a sponge soaking up all that knowledge about his abilities.

It seemed as if all the effort poured in was not in vain as Edgar now created a brand new dagger, it wasn't rusty nor old, it looked like an actual dagger.

Edgar threw the dagger at a nearby wall and it stuck....

Good to know.

Edgar then proceeded to conjure about 20 swords, they looked kind of incomplete but it seemed as if that was what Edgar was going for as Keitaro watched those 20 swords pop out of the ground.

'huh, so he is finding creative ways to use his curse technique...however..'

Keitaro watched the boy fall to the floor completely exhausted, he had completely run out of energy...yep this was what Keitaro had expected...20 swords were too much for the boy's baby reserves.

That was good for him....on the side though...Keitaro was working on refining his basis, he spent a few month just refreshing his skills making them even better than before.

Soon...he should arrive at the level of domain expansion...

He will try it.


Name: Keitaro Namikaze.

Age:19 years old.

Grade: Special grade.

Nickname: The yellow Flash of jujutsu high... one-second man, the prodigy,walmart Minato.

Curse technique: Swift Mirage Cursed Technique:

Teleportation Strikes: Keitaro can instantly move from one point to another within his line of sight, akin to Minato's teleportation techniques. This allows him to execute lightning-fast attacks or evade incoming threats.

Cursed Seal Marking: Keitaro can place cursed marks on targets upon physical contact. These marks act as beacons, enabling him to teleport directly to those locations at will. The more precise the marking, the faster the teleportation.

Temporal Distortion: Keitaro can create a localized distortion in time, briefly slowing down his surroundings. This gives him a heightened perception of events and enhances his reaction speed during critical moments.

Mirage Afterimage: Keitaro can leave behind mirage-like afterimages as he moves, confusing opponents and making it challenging to predict his true location.

Cursed Flash Step: Keitaro can perform rapid, short-range teleports in quick succession, creating a disorienting blur of motion. This technique is useful for both offense and defense, allowing him to outmaneuver adversaries effortlessly.

Mirage Rasengan: Infinity PiercerConcept: Keitaro combines the swirling chakra of the Rasengan with his ability to teleport to create a devastating attack that bypasses Gojo's Infinity.

Powerup: Sage mode...fire state.

Duration: 10 minutes if used only for the buff...5 minutes if abilities are used.

Ranking in the verse: Currently tied for the strongest.

A category he dominates in: Speed.

Love interest: Shoko Ieri.

Curtain: "Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure.

Chants for the binding seal: By the power of binding, I command thee to halt! Walls of stone, rise from the earth, and Chains of iron, bind their worth. Cursed energy, weave a cage so tight No darkness escapes, no evil takes flight.

Positive energy variation:Rhythmic and CleansingHear my rhythm, a cleansing beat,Warding circle, make it complete.Light's embrace, banish the night,Seal the darkness, with sacred might.Cleansing pulse, banish the stain,Here no evil shall remain.

Unseen storm:"From whispers in the shadows, darkness takes form. Let the night devour, let silence reign, in the embrace of the Unseen Storm."

Chants for the technique....

Full chant.

Teleportation Strikes:Arcane whispers, shadows entwine, teleport me now, in speed divine. Strike unseen, swift and true, with each teleport, my power anew.

Cursed Seal Marking:Upon the touch, a mark I cast, in realms of curse, our fates contrast. Teleport to symbols, swift and bright, with cursed markings, navigate the night.

Temporal Distortion:Time's embrace, a moment's respite, in distortion's dance, my senses ignite. Slowed seconds, a window wide, in temporal waves, my strength shall guide.

Mirage Afterimage:Illusions trail in motion's grace, a mirage dance in the fleeting space. Afterimages linger, a ghostly array, confusing foes in the light and gray.

Cursed Flash Step:Flash steps cursed, rapid and free, teleport in succession, a dance to be. Blur the lines, between here and there, swift transitions, in the spectral air.

Short chant

Teleportation Strikes:Shadows dance, strike unseen, swift.

Cursed Seal Marking:Touch marks, teleport's embrace, navigate.

Temporal Distortion:Time bends, senses ignite, guide.

Mirage Afterimage:Illusions trail, confuse in motion.

Cursed Flash Step:Flash steps, blur transitions, dance.

Maximum technique: None

Domain expansion: Work in progress

Shikigami: Akane{5 tail Kitsune}, Kirin.

Anti domain techique...Simple domain,domain amplification, falling blossom emotion.

Rct usage: The best(A/N i know technically Gojo has the better Rct usage because of his six eyes but unlike Keitaro he cant use it to heal people and Keitaro can heal soul damage to, so even though Gojo clearly better at healing himself, over all....}

Anyway, i put those down so yall know what he has right now, if i miss anything let me know but that should be most of his skill in her.

The clones are made using the markings by the way and the reason they became physical is well because Keitaro used 2 binding vow on that specific skill, your goal is to find it out.