He quickly prepared to depart. The store got closed for the rest of the day while the dwarf is out making a weapon for me.
I stood outside, waiting for him. The skies are already quite orange, which means it should be night time by the time we are done. I do hope it can be finished in a single night. I don't want to work until morning.
He came out of the store, bringing two large bags filled with his tools and toys. He placed them in his space ring, and he turned to me with his usual annoying look.
"So? How do we fly?"
"Like this."
Two large shadow wings suddenly burst open and attached to my back. Seeing the beautiful gigantic black angel wings behind me definitely shocked a lot of people, including the dwarf master and his student.
I purposely made it extra beautiful, by creating more feathers on the wings. If it wasn't for the people looking, I would've just made a simple bald bird wing.
And while they are busy admiring my wings, I formed a giant shadow talon on my right hand. I grabbed the old dwarf with the shadow talon--
"What are you doing?"
-and then started flapping my wings.
The old dwarf screamed as we got lifted tens of meters in the air, all the way until we were nearly five hundred meters above the kingdom.
Everyone on the street watching us in awe as we take off from the ground. The lady from before is simply waving her hand at us awkwardly as we reach tens of meters into the air very quickly.
Who would have thought there is someone who can fly here. If it was me from when I first arrived here, I would've been surprised as well.
The dwarf has calmed down and told me where to go. He pointed at the mountain on the north not far from the kingdom. So I flew there and increased my speed.
We arrived around ten minutes later on the flat top of the mountains.
The dwarf looked like he was holding a puke, but he was able to hold it back. He set up some items like a smithy table and some other stuff I don't know the names of. After he was done, he walked to me.
"Now. Take out the blade."
Wait, we are doing it here?
I took out the gigantic sword without asking questions and placed it on the ground. He studied the blade as he commanded a bunch of stuff to me.
"First, take off the blade from its handle. Leave only the metal part, and place it inside a giant shadow cooking pot.
Second, I want you to stand under the cooking pot and shoot your flames to the pot. The shadow might not melt, but it still will transfer the heat to whatever is inside. Make the bottom as thin as you can so the heat can transfer perfectly. Close the pot as you do it, or else the heat will only leave through the top.
Third, keep on flaming the bottom until the blade has completely melted. Then I will use my earth magic to move it around as soon as it turns into molten lava.
Got it?"
Sounds rather simple. I was expecting something more complex, but I guess the most complex part is definitely in the designing, which is his job. My job is to simply melt it.
"Then, we can begin."
The old dwarf changed into his forging clothes, while I simply wore my inside dark grey shirt that is worn underneath the adventurer set gear.
I quickly formed a giant cooking pot in the middle of this large flat mountain. The dwarf told me where I can make some improvements on the pot. The material will be very heavy, so it is wise to make the support for the pot as strong as possible.
There are four giant pillars that are supporting the giant pot. I made them as sturdy as possible, with a lot of concentration. After making the perfect shape, the dwarf nodded.
He studied the sword once more and asked me.
"This might be a little too much for a simple scythe. So what do you want to do with the rest?"
It was indeed too much for a simple scythe. The size of the Nychromium greatsword is so big, that the whole volume should be enough to make like fifteen scythes.
I pondered for a while, and then came with a solution.
"How about a full set of armour?"
"Hmm, what kind of armour do you want?"
"A heavy one, but still doesn't limit my movements. Let's see... Gloves, plates on the arm--"
"Okay, okay. I know how to make that kind of armour! I'll make a heavy one where it's easy for you to move around. And I bet you wanted style?"
I nodded very quickly.
"Right. But even after making an armour, what will you do with the rest? There's still plenty."
I pondered again. It doesn't hurt to have a spare weapon, but why do I need that many spare weapons?
Then a brilliant idea came across my mind.
"How about putting everything into the scythe? Like a pressured... Thing?"
"Y-You mean a Reinforced Nychromium??"
"Yes… I think. I don't know what it's called."
Looks like he understood what I was talking about, which makes him look so much older from just thinking about it.
It's definitely a mad idea to make an even stronger metal out of the world's already strongest metal, so it makes sense why he looked so lifeless. But, in this world, anything is possible. The dwarf knows that, and he probably understood how to do it.
The dwarf let out a sigh and stared at me sharply.
"It is possible, but difficult. But why do you even want to make a reinforced Nychromium? It's already the sturdiest material in the world, and imagine if it got compressed-'
"It will be even stronger. I need… the strongest weapon."
The dwarf let out a sigh again, knowing that this can be quite difficult for him. But he is kind of curious as to what the result will be.
To have the world's strongest material compressed... That is interesting to any blacksmith with the right mind!
"Fine! But, you will have to do everything I say, or else we might collapse this entire mountain."
"Got it."
And just like that, the process began.
I placed the blade part from the minotaur's giant blade after splitting it from the handle, and then I walked to the bottom of the pot.
The dwarf had made a giant stone pillar so that he could see the inside of the pot from above, but I closed the pot's top with a shadow pot cover.
"I'm ready!"
"Do it!"
Hearing my shout from the bottom, the dwarf gave me the command to begin.
I lifted both of my hands and took a deep breath. I immediately formed a dark purple fire blaze and shot it at my own shadow pot. The flames from the dark purple flames burned the bottom of the shadow pot, and yet the shadow isn't melting at all.
Meanwhile, the ground around me began to turn red. I quickly covered the entire ground with shadow magic or else the ground might actually melt and the pot will fall over.
I kept on shooting my flames to the pot for thirty whole minutes while sitting on the ground. I can feel that the air under the pot became super hot, and my clothes got heavily wet from the sweat.
The dwarf then approached me, saying to open the cover while he himself went back to the top using his stone pillar. I removed the cover and the dwarf can see it clearly.
With my dark purple flames, it is so much faster to melt the strongest metal. It should have progressed quite a lot--
"Halfway there! Keep going!"
"Damn it!!"
Still half way?? For real???
But, if I use a King tier, it might take a whole evening doing this. Due to Emperor tier flames being four times hotter than a King tier, it is so much faster to melt the blade. So instead of complaining, I should be glad.
After the second thirty minutes, the dwarf went up again and checked the condition. It is now completely melted.
"Okay! It's melted! To the second step!"
The second step is to cast some of the molten steel into the blueprint that the dwarf has made the past hour. I opened a small opening on one side of the pot and the blue molten lava flowed down the path made out of shadow as well, all the way until it filled the blueprint the dwarf had made on the ground.
I closed the lid just in time when the molten lava filled the blueprint.
"Okay. That is all for the armour. Now for the compressed one, you need to heat it again."
"The compression had to be done while it was being extremely heated. At its highest heat point, you need to start making the pot smaller and smaller, until the size is perfect for the scythe."
"How much is the perfect amount?"
The dwarf turned to the blueprint of the scythe that he had created on the ground, and I understood just how much I would need.
I went back to the bottom of the pot and started heating up again. After ten minutes, the dwarf told me that the highest heat point has been reached, and it is time to start compressing.
I opened a small opening at the top of the pot, just to let the air inside go out as I slowly made the pot smaller and smaller. When all the air had been released, I closed the opening and stopped making the pot smaller.
"Remember. This might be difficult, but you have to focus and not let a single section out. Or else, that part will break and the molten insides will spill out."
"... Got it."
Slowly, I began the compression.