Ill-fated destiny

"How could you deceive me and my father? Why hurt me so much?" Selina sobbed.

From where Zane stood, the pain, hate, and tiredness were evident on her face for him to see her gnawing in agony. He glanced away from the heartbreaking sight of her on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably.

Zane gulped down dry and moved closer to her while he squatted to her level. He cradled her face in his hands, lifting her bitter-teary eyes to meet with his steely eyes.

With a tender sweep of his thumb, he brushed off the tears that streaked her cheek. "Do not resent me, Selina. Some promises are meant to be broken."

She grasped his wrist and steadily removed his disgusted hand from her face. "You shouldn't have made a promise you cannot uphold. You shouldn't have played with my trust!" Her voice broke, striking a hard blow on his chest, yet he was impassive, accepting her blows without protest.

She ceased her onslaught when she realized no amount of anger she directed at him would erase the betrayal and anguish he had given her.

"Why? Why be this cruel to me, Zane? Why betray me over again?" Selina whimpered.

"Toying with your trust, body, emotions and everything about you was great fun," He replied and her jaw dropped with a stunned gaze at him.

"You hurt me intentionally?"

"That was the game I played in this marriage," Zane remarked as a sneer rested on his lips.

Selina gazed straight into Zane's eyes with a mix of despair and longing in her eyes. She searched his face, hoping to find even the slightest hint of an emotion he had never shown before.

"Have you ever felt anything for me in these four years, Zane?" she asked, despite feeling foolish for doing so.

She needed the truth, to confirm whether her perception of Zane's feelings for her was accurate or if it was just her insecurities.

Zane didn't break eye contact with her. His words cut through the air like icy blades as he uttered, "No, I never nurtured a slight feeling and never thought of loving you someday." His tone was devoid of warmth, ignoring the way his words pierced her heart.

She sat still there, a single tear tracing a desolate path down her cheek and she heard him added. "Now I have gotten what I wanted, this marriage should end as well. I was only obsessed with keeping you with me because you are perfect in the bed, just like the whores I fucked every day."

In a surge of anger, Selina jolted from the floor and her hand flew across his face.


That was the sound that echoed in the air immediately after the last sentence left his mouth.

Her slap caused Zane's face to twist to the side, and he found amusement in her boldness to hit him in the face.

Zane tasted the warm blood from his busted lips and licked it off from dripping as his eyebrows creased and his dark aura grew stronger.

The atmosphere grew intense with her broken gaze mixed with vengeful emotions this time around.

"How dare you say that to me!" Selina growled at him without fear, as he clenched his jaw and fists, trying to hold back his emotions from spilling out.

She let out a scoff, rolled her eyes, and then returned them to him with a resentful glare. "It's so surprising that you finally want to abandon me in the end, after taking everything from my family and leaving me with nothing. But I'm going to make you pay for this betrayal!" She vowed.

Zane noticed vengeance brimming in her teary-broken eyes and how deadly serious she sounded, though that didn't make his heart tremble.

He grabbed her hand and placed the divorce agreement into her hand, which he had already signed. "We owe each other nothing, so take the divorce agreement and leave."

Selina moved from her spot and went to the master bedroom, took her luggage, and stepped out of the room.

Stepping down from the stairs, she approached him, stopping five steps away from him.

She lowered her gaze, trying to fight back her tears from pouring because of what she was about to say to him. She had never dreamt that a day like this would come for these words to leave her lips in this way.

However, she felt compelled to express those words in order to unburden her heart of the longing she felt for him. She wiped her wet face with the back of her hands and fixed a stare at Zane.

After mustering the courage, she clutched the hem of her gown and confessed in a miserable tone. "Do you know what I regret most in my life, Zane?" Selina asked, but there was no reply from Zane.

However, his curious gaze was on her as he waited for her to reveal. "It was knowing you and loving you with my heart, body, and soul. My ill-fated destiny in this lifetime was being entwined with you. No matter how much I try to get over you, I can't do it and would rather keep waiting for your love, but it's exhausting. I don't want to love you anymore. Tonight, between heaven and earth, if there would be an afterlife and a man like you would be part of my life, then I do not wish to exist; I would gladly accept my soul to perish for eternity in darkness so it cannot find its light back to you again."

She slid off the ring on her fourth finger, and it dropped to the floor with a sharp rattle sound echoing in the momentarily silent living room as it rolled at Zane's feet, abandoned.

It was their wedding ring.