To heal

Anastasia nestled beneath the soft sheets of her king-size bed. As she stirred, she felt the stiffness in her body from sleeping in the same position.

She turned to change her previous position and a beam of sunlight pierced through the curtains, assaulting her eyes and prompting her to let out a lazy groan.

"Good morning, Anna." Anastasia heard Augustus's greeting from her room, and an affectionate kiss gently landed on her cheek.

Anastasia opened her eyes and saw he was sitting on her bed beside her. "Good morning, Austin." She greeted him in return and then she sat up.

She observed his weary eyes and it was obvious she had stolen his sleep again as she felt a bang of guilt in her chest that he had to stay up all night to watch over her and make sure she felt safe when sleeping.

"Sorry, I made you worried last night," Anastasia apologized.

Augustus noticed how pale she appeared again after waking up from sleep every morning. "You don't have to apologize Anna. You only needed someone to hold on to last night and I had to stay back to take care of your fever," He said and Anastasia drifted her eyes to the tabletop, and it fell on the small basin of water with a towel that he used on her fever.

"Are you hurting much?" Augustus asked while he held out his hand to the bedside table and took an iPad from the tabletop.

"It hurts a lot, and I'm just exhausted as usual," Anastasia muttered, feeling her heart aching badly with a slight headache piercing her head.

"How is my health? Was there something different last night?" She inquired, sounding curious.

She was worried about her health after her therapist warned her that confronting her trauma would lead to a disturbing flashback and nightmares just like she had experienced when she first saw Zane.

After the incident in the past, she began experiencing nightmares every night and received a diagnosis of intrusive syndrome.

Augustus nodded. "Your heart rate and blood pressure increased from their usual record. This is not a good health report."

Augustus informed her from the medical report he had on the iPad that was connected with the medical BioWare wristwatch she was wearing to monitor her health condition.

Anastasia heaved a sigh as she expected the report wouldn't be a good one, since her mental health wasn't improving at all.

"I think this will be a tough advice to follow from my therapist. I hope facing my trauma will help improve my health since avoiding whatever triggers it isn't working." Anastasia said.

"You are likely to experience a discomfort feeling before him." Augustus reminded her with a concerned look.

Anastasia beamed at him. "That's why I'm back to heal. I can't keep on running from my shadows."

Her mental health made her reluctant to approach Zane, fearing that her irregular, rapid heart rate and shortness of breath would lead to death from cardiac arrest.

"I understand it's difficult, but don't be frightened because I'll always be by your side. I know you can do this, Anna," Augustus said, as he took her hand into his warm palm, cozying her hand in comfort and reassurance. "But if you feel much discomfort, let me know, and we'll meet up with your therapist."

"I will let you know when I can't hold back anymore. Anyway, my therapist isn't in the country yet, I will manage."

"I know about that. Since she isn't back yet, consider me to be your therapist until she is back." Augustus assured her with a warm smile that curled on his lips.

"Okay then." She smiled back at him.

"Take your warm bath and join us for breakfast downstairs."

"I'm sorry I can't have breakfast with you. My parents want to have breakfast with me at Beverley's house instead. Also, I have to meet with Beverley's attorney for this bruise on my neck."

Augustus smiled at her as he patted on her hair, gently. "I know you will find a way to deal with your safety, Anna."

"Sure I have to," Anastasia said.

Augustus's gaze fell at the bruise on her neck as he slightly clenched his jaw. He was desperate to beautify her neck with the silver necklace which was ruined by that prick. He couldn't bear to stare at the bruise for the next second as he looked away. It would be another day to have her wear it, he thought.

Augustus brought out a small round porcelain container from his pants pocket and held it to her. "Take it and apply it to the bruise. It will ease your pain and get rid of the bruise quickly. I don't want to see a bruise on your body."

Anastasia collected the container from him and opened it. She touched the creamy ointment inside that was cool and had a pleasant scent. "I won't forget to use it."

"All right," Augustus said. He picked the basin of cold water from the table and stood up before he added. "Go take your bath, and I will drive you to Beverley's house."

Anastasia watched Augustus leave her room. She stepped down from her bed, striding to her washroom.

She stepped into her bedroom and packed her hair into a loose ponytail, standing before the mirror on the wall.

She observed Zane's fingerprint impression on her neck. She didn't expect he would he actually choked her after seeing her for the first time in five years, despite she was in a different identity.

Does he despise her so much that he would hurt anyone who looks like her? Anyway, what expectations was she thinking of having from her killer?

Anastasia caressed the bruise that was hurting her under her slight touch while she winced.

She shifted her gaze from the mirror and moved to the bathtub filled with fresh rose petals that was already prepared by the servants.

She stepped into the warm water, feeling her sore body and muscles gradually getting relaxed while she slowly immersed her body in the warm water, her head above the water.

The pleasant scent of the rose petals teased her smell, sending a relaxed sensation to her mind as she closed her eyes, scrubbing her body.

After a refreshing bath, Anastasia stepped out of her room. She was wearing a short floral dress with her hair tied in a neat tight ponytail while descending the stairs to the living area.

As she descended the stairs and took a few steps further, her gaze drifted to Augustus and a little kid with him, sitting at the dining table while the maids served them breakfast.

"Mama?" That little kid sitting at the dining table called for his mother when he saw he met her gaze.