Her blessing

The little kid jumped down from his seat and ran towards his mother, who was striding towards him with her arms wide open.

Anastasia bent down to embrace her five-year-old son, who ran into her arms as she showered his face with tender kisses, and noticed his blushed cheeks.

"How was your night, sweetheart?" She asked with a radiant smile on her lips as she ruffled his black, curly hair.

"It was great, and I slept well, Mama." the little kid, Aiden, answered while smooched a kiss on his mother's forehead, and she giggled, hugging him tightly.

Aiden broke the embrace and noticed the pretty designer silk scarf tied around his mother's neck, which he found odd. He remembered clearly that his mother wasn't fond of putting a scarf around her neck.

"Why do you tie a scarf on your neck, mama? Are you unwell?" Aiden asked with curiosity glinting in his eyes.

Anastasia gazed at Augustus, who was standing behind, staring at them quietly with his hand crossed on his chest.

She returned her gaze to her child. "I had a cold and I have to stay warm, else I fall sick." Anastasia lied.

She had to hide the bruise from her child and didn't want him to understand what was happening at his age. She didn't want her child to grow with bitterness in his heart against anyone, just like she grew up with a painful memory.

"But Mama, your neck is red, and it looks ugly. Does it hurt?" Aiden pointed at the bruises on his mother's neck, which he could see through a narrow opening from the scarf.

Anastasia adjusted the scarf around her neck to hide the bruise, then put on a relaxed expression. "No, sweetheart, it doesn't hurt. Mama is fine." She answered reassuringly.

Aiden gazed straight into his mother's eyes, but she couldn't maintain eye contact with him. At this moment, he felt she was lying to him. "Mama, you don't have to look strong if it hurts a lot. You can tell me if it hurts, and I'll try to ease your pain," Aiden said softly, lowering the scarf as he blew a gentle breeze onto the bruise.

Anastasia felt his gentle breeze performing a magical work on her bruise along with the ointment Augustus gave to her. She now felt better after his gentle breeze on her bruise.

"It's not hurting anymore, right?" Aiden asked, his brows furrowed slightly with concern.

Anastasia nodded sheepishly, stroking his hair. "Yes, the pain is gone."

She regretted everything she had with Zane, but she never regretted having Aiden, even though his vein runs with the blood of his cruel father.

Aiden is a blessing to her and the reason she is living after the rumor in the past almost pushed her to take her life. Fortunately, her child took after her features, except for the cold amber eyes he inherited from Zane.

"But what happened there? It looks ugly."

"It was an accident from the co-artist. We have to make our acting look real, and that was why he went harsh."

"Sorry mama. You don't have to take up such a role because you are cute, and cute things can't be harmed." Aiden stated, and Augustus nodded in agreement from behind.

Anastasia smiled. "How cute am I?"

"You're 100 percent cute," Aiden said with an OK gesture while he chuckled along with his mother.

"Thanks, sweetheart." Anastasia stroked his hair. She was pleased to have him by her side, as he always made her feel happy.

She stood up from his level and added. "Go have your breakfast before it gets cold,"

"Are you leaving to somewhere?" Aiden inquired as he noticed his mother looked extra pretty for the day.

"Yes, sweetheart. I have somewhere important to go and I will be back soon." Anastasia answered.

"Then can I come with you?" Aiden asked with a cute smile lingering on his lips.

Anastasia almost fell for his charming smile to bring him along with her, but she remembered his presence outside the mansion in the Netherlands was dangerous.

"No, you can't come with you. You stay behind and play games with your Aunty Emery in her room." Anastasia politely declined his offer so as not to hurt his feelings.

"But Mama, I want to view the city scenery with you. I promise I will be a good boy and won't roam around. Please, mama." Aiden pleaded, his lips pouting in persuasion.

"I will take you to beautiful places in the city once Mama's job is over. I'm still working on something, and there are many people out there who will try to snatch you away from me because you're too cute. Do you want them to take you away from me?" Anastasia playfully pinched his cheeks softly as she feigned a sad expression at him.

Since Beverley's family and everyone didn't know about her being the fake Anastasia, she couldn't bring Aiden to Beverley's house or a public place yet.

Zane never wanted him from the day she conceived him, nor did he know about her child's existence yet. She couldn't imagine what he would do to her child once he crossed paths with Aiden, not after what he had done to her in their previous meeting.

"I won't let them take me from you, Don't feel sad." Aiden injected, looking serious while he held his mother's hand, affectionately.

"Thanks, sweethear. You wait a little longer and make a bucket list ready, okay?" She coaxed him, and he nodded sheepishly.

"Aiden, you have to eat well and grow healthy so you can protect your mama from harm. What do you think?" Augustus's tender voice cut in from behind.

"I think it is a good idea, Uncle Augustus. I won't skip my meal." Aiden said, as he turned around to face his uncle. He returned his gaze to his mother as he added. "Mama, promise me you won't hurt again while you wait for me to grow big like Uncle Augustus."

"I won't get hurt next time."

Aiden looked up at his mother with big, hopeful eyes. "Pinky promise?" he asked, extending his little finger towards her.

Anastasia smiled and carefully wrapped her little fingers around his, sealing their promise with a gentle squeeze. "Pinky promise," Anastasia promised.

Aiden broke the pinky promise and rushed back to the dining table where his nanny was waiting to feed him.

Anastasia was still standing in her spot when Augustus walked towards her.

"Are you ready to leave, Anna?" Augustus asked softly while offering her his hand, waiting for her to take hold of it.

Anastasia looked down at his outstretched hand, then placed her own on top before nodding with a smile.

Augustus wrapped her hand around his arm, guiding her outside to his Black Badge Rolls-Royce Cullinan.

When they reached the car, he opened the front passenger seat, and she got in.

He then walked around to the driver's seat, got in, and drove away from his mansion's grounds.