
Jake woke up but the room he woke up to was unfamiliar to him

Where the hell am I Jake wondered 

He got up and went outside to scout the area that his at and as he went out he saw a scene that left him speechless.

He saw the people using horses and and cowboy hats which left him to use his brain.

Judging by the people and the way they dressed as well as the look of the buildings which leaves him to believe his located in the 17th century but the question stands how did he get there but that's a question to be answered after he finds a way to get out but then he needs the the information of how he got there to get home and then his in a endless cycle of thoughts

Lets see what we know about this time period thought Jack

The American frontier which is also known as the Old West and most popularly known as the Wild West which encompasses the history, geography, folklore and culture associated with the forward wave of the American expansion in mainland North America that began with the European colonial settlements in the early 17th century that ended with admission of the last few contiguous western territories as states in 1912. The era was with migration and settlements was encouraged by presidents giving the rise of expansionist attitude also known as manifest destiny and historians frontier thesis thought Jack.

Ok know I just need to blend in.

Jack went back to the room he woke up in and found some clothes to wear for him and went out.

As he went out he looked for any signs that might help him but found none.

As he went back to the house he woke up in he found a women come to the door and greeted him warmly with a kiss.

Jack was confused but his confusion got worst as the women called him by a other name.

Fin is everything alright asked the women with concern in her voice.

Yes love everything is fine, just feeling under the weather do not worry about it Jack said adapting to the situation.

Ok food is ready go wash up the women said and went back to the kitchen.

As Jack made his way to the washroom he saw his face for the first time in a mirror and what he saw was not himself but someone else as which confused him again and he tried to think of how it was possible but the only thing he could think of was that he was in the body of someone else which made no sense to him but then again nothing did ever since he entered the world of the supernatural.

He left the washroom and went back down stairs and his mind and body kept adapting at and insane rate which was not normal to and person.

He then sat down and ate and spoke to the presumed lover of the body he inhabited.

As they went to bed he went to sleep but little did he know the mind of the body he was in was slowly creating another conscious which in the future he would be able to switch with.

As he woke up he went to the kitchen and his wife told him something that intrigued him.

So what monster are you hunting today.

Jack adapting to his role said a simple I have not decided yet.

OH was his wife reply 

So no demon hunting today the wife said.

I guess not Jack said as he stood up and went to leave the house.

You forgot your journal his wife said as she handed it to him. 

Thank you Jack said as he went to take it but his wife pulled the journal back and said not getting it without giving me a kiss.

Jack being the single his whole life was not sure how to deal with the situation but he did it anyway even if he had no knowledge of what his doing.

As he got his journal he left to continue looking for a way back to his own world.

He went to a bar and as he entered the whole bar that was noisy went still.

Ok either this guy is very hated or has a very good reputation cause a single person cant make a bar go quite this quick without having a reputation Jack thought as he went to sit down.

He was there for a while collecting information without revealing to any information about himself.

As Jack was sitting drinking his whiskey someone grabbed his shoulder and flung him across the room and before Jack had anytime to get up he was kicked through a window and the guys who did it followed him.

Is this the guy who killed so much of our brothers one of then said.

As Jack got up and look at the guys who attacked him the first thing that caught his attention was the glowing purple eyes with black spots. 

As Jack was about to fight back they over powered him and kept attacking without stopping until Jack started to spasm and black out and as he woke up all his attackers had there heads and stomachs open with there guts spewed everywhere while he stood with a blade in his hand.

As Jack was confused which seems to be happening a lot to him a voice spoke to him telling him to head home which Jack without much thought complied with.

As he got home his wife told him to go clean up as if it was a everyday event that happens.

Jack cleaned himself up and then went to his room opened his journal and read the contents of it and what he found scared him.

Demons the follows of the King Of Hell Lucifer. They can be noticed by there purple eyes with black spots which will appear if they use there power. If they don't use there power they will have the same strength as normal humans which was a restriction set by god to give them a disadvantage in life so that humans would be able to identify then if they had any bad intent. The way to kill them is to stab them with a blade made of hell metal which can only be found in meteors.

As Jack put the book down he was scared but confused as to why God would give them an ability to hide there as anyone who is not a hunter with a hell blade wont be able to survive an encounter with the demons.

As Jack went back to bed not worrying about food and slept.

Little did he know there was someone who looked just like the body he has trap in a pure white room trying to get out and the only thing that was not white was a screen that displayed the outside world.

LET ME OUT!!!!!!!

As God closed a book with the name Jack one on it he turned to another person and asked.

Lucifer what do you think of these IMPERFECT creatures God asked his favorite child.

They are amusing but my favorite part was when you sent him in a body back in time while pausing his original time line said Lucifer.

I do got one question for you Father said Lucifer to God.

Yes my son said God.

Why do you keep the children of the human named Kev asked Lucifer to God.

So that when Kev does enter one day he will have some motivation and might give me a little entertainment said God.

So that's why you sent me to kill his kids said Lucifer 

Yes and when he grows attached to the Jack boy we kill him as well just for a little more motivation for him said God as he went back to Kev's book that writes itself but stop when he stopped time in that timeline.

This is fun said God with a smile that stretched to the corners of his eyes.

Hope you guys enjoyed