Two Face

Jack woke up but he was not in the home he was when he fell asleep but in a field where multiple dead demon bodies.

Who the hell did this thought Jack and then looked down and saw he was bloodied with the hell blade in his hand and as soon as he saw that he got a sudden realization and connected the dots which all lead to him doing it but he could not have as he has zero recollection of fighting so many demons but then again if he could recall he knows he would not be able to kill so many by himself.

Its times like this Jack wished Kev was with him to help out but he stopped thinking about it as he knows that it will not get him home.

This left one possibility and that was he had a split personality.

Lets see what I know about split personalities: spit personalities also known as Dissociative identity disorder which the splits personalities that act different from each other each having its own perks but a disadvantage as well as when switched with the other personality the rest will not know what the other does.

So that has to be the reason as to why I did not know why I was in the middle of the field thought Jack.

Well there no reason to stay and think about it thought Jack as he was about to leave and then he just saw black.

When he woke up he saw the wife of the body he was in laying next to him with a smile on her face.

As he tried to stand up he saw he had no clothes on and due to him moving he woke his wife next to him.

You were so amazing last night she said to Jack who looked shocked.

Wait I got it now Jack thought as he went back down and let his wife cuddle up to him.

If I am in this body then the owner should be the one who takes over when I black out but then that means his a badass who can kill multiple demons thought Jack.

As he was in thought the windows of the room shattered and as if instinct he went to cover his wife from the shattered glass.

As Jack got up and went to the window to see what caused the glass to shatter he saw something that left him speechless.

Humans able to fight demons on equal grounds but that's not the strange part.

The strange part was the sun was setting but its morning and thunder and rain fell. When it was dark he and the lighting fell which gave a flash of light on the shadows of the humans that were killing the demons with no effort and what he saw was the shadows but it has wings.

Where is he said the angel to a demon that was heavily wounded.

I don't know what you talking about said the demon with a smile on his face as he spat in the angels face.

The angel killed him out of anger by smashing his head in till it was nothing but a paste.

The angel felt someone looking at her and turned and saw her target and told the other angels to attack the house he was.

Jack got scared and ran away from the window and told his wife to hide and get to safety even when he was scared to death as to what was coming.

He got his guns out from under his bed and prepared himself.

Just as he was wondering how he was gonna survive his encounter with the angels he thought back to his theory from yesterday that if he blacks out the other personality can take over but he does not know if the other one will take over as it has a choice but then he saw the wife that hide away and steeled himself and knocked himself out by hitting his head as hard as he could against the wall and passed out.

As Jack passed out his wife ran out to make sure he was ok as she knew her husband would not act like that.

The angels broke through the door and as they saw the women over Jack they went straight to kill her but just as they got close two shots fired hitting them head first making the angels that came to attack stagger back.

Fin who took control after Jack passed out looked at the angels and saw that the part that he shot was red and starting to swell which made him know that they may be resistant to bullet damage it can still them if shot in the same place over over and since he had to 6 shooters he had to make his way to the kitchen for the hell blade as the best place to hide something of importance in to hide it in plane sight.

Fin then looked at his wife and gave her a kiss and nodded his head as if conveying a sign to do something and the wife nod back and Fin got ready to attack.

The first angel came to attack which Fin side stepped and pointed his gun at the angels head and fired 3 rounds in the same spot which allowed the 3rd bullet to penetrate the angels head and then the angel glowed a bright golden light and the body fell to the floor lifeless.

Fin then ran and a angel then shot a flash of light at Fin who slid under it to the front of the angel and fired 4 rounds into the bottom of the angels head that glowed and fell lifeless a second later.

Fin stood up and head to the kitchen and saw a female angel standing with a silver blade in her hand that looked elegant and pure.

Fin rushed in and dodged a swing from the female angel that attacked which brought time for his wife to run in and get the hell blade which Fin saw and shot the angel in the leg twice and then went around her and caught the hell blade that his wife tossed to him when she saw he was clear and he caught it and stabbed the female angel 4 times in her head as she was on her knee due to Fins shots to the leg. 

As Fin turned around to praise his wife he saw a angel from earlier that he shot from the bottom stab his wife in her neck and all Fin saw was red and shot the angel in the head which made the angel stagger and Fin started stabbing him after stabbing the angel that died after the 1st stab to the head Fin saw the body that he stab 34 times but did not care and went to his wife that was bleeding out in his arms and for the first time in a long time Fin cried.

No stay with me okay you gonna be fine everything is fine remember how we said we gonna have kids and start a family Fin said crying trying his bets to keep his wife with him.

Grace lift her hand and cupped Fin cheek to tell it was all gonna be fine and then her hand fell limp and Grace died in the arms of the man she loved more then she did her own life.

NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! screamed Fin with anger, sadness and frustration and then he blacked out.

As soon as Jack woke up he was in his own world driving in the car with Kev 


Thank you all for reading enjoy your day further peace