
Ok let me get this straight said Kev 

You got sent back in time and have someone else in your mind who can kill demons with ease as well as angels but wont come out now due to him being depressed because his wife died.

Yes said Jack with a straight face that did not suit him.

Ok so we can kill angels but not demons since we don't have hell metal and angels can be killed with simple bullets said Kev.

Well no said Jack 

What do you mean said Kev 

Well the demon part you got right but the angel one not so much as those bullets had runes on it that activates once it makes contact with a vital organ since angels and demons take over the bodies of humans.

Ok and the one who knows how to make the runes wont come out, just great said Kev with sarcasm. 

Well I've been saving some cash just incase we needed a vacation but it seems we need it now might as make us of it said Kev

Where we going to said Jack

Vegas said Kev with a smirk on his face as he was going to let loose a bit.

Jack was excited as it would be his first time going to Vegas.

As they traveled for a couple days as they wanted time to clear there minds they arrived in Vegas and went to a hotel and booked 2 rooms as Kev planned to enjoy his time and hopefully get Jack some action as we all know he needs it and as the day begun they left and had fun for a week in Vegas 

Well hope you enjoyed just wanted to give something that's not monster related and plz don't expect the non monster chapters to be long since I have not been around the world and can't think of anything they could do in future chapters like this vacation one