Uncharted territory

Eldred guided them around the busy camp, with the scent of cooking meat and the heat from bonfires surrounding them. Laughter mixed with the steady sound of metal hitting metal as they walked by the blacksmith's workshop. The feeling of togetherness, of a common goal, resonated in the atmosphere, sharply different from the emptiness they had experienced previously.

At last, Eldred came to a halt in front of a spacious tent adorned with intricate decorations, featuring the phoenix emblem on its canvas. Two guards, wearing leather armor and showing a strong resolve, stood on either side of the entrance.

"Eamon will take you from here," Eldred said, his voice warm with a hint of amusement. "He enjoys… introductions."

Anya raised an eyebrow, a playful smile dancing on her lips. "Introductions, huh? Sounds like a fun time."

Eamon, a slender man with a well-groomed beard and a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, moved ahead. "Don't be concerned," he comforted Anya, "Corvus can be very direct. However, his intentions are good."

Acknowledging Eamon's gesture of gratitude, they entered the tent with Eamon. The inside was completely different from the outside. On the walls were maps and battle plans, while numerous individuals, both men and women, sat over tables with a blend of focus and worry evident on their faces.

In the middle of the tent, surrounded by many scrolls and papers, there sat a man who commanded attention with his strong presence in the room. His leather jerkin stretched over his broad shoulders, while his battle-scarred face exuded an authoritative presence that commanded respect. They were aware that this was Corvus, the leader of the rebellion.

"Ah, Eamon," Corvus exclaimed loudly, his voice rough yet tinged with a hint of humor. "Are you back already?" I trust you didn't encounter any rogue squirrels during your travels?"

Eamon let out a dry rasp as he chuckled. "No, Corvus, luckily not. However, these travelers did face a more... challenging adversary during their journey here."

Corvus's amusement disappeared. He looked at them all, pausing briefly on Andre before focusing on Marcus. "New recruits i see. Well. We can always use additional powerful fighters."

He made a hand gesture indicating an empty spot at the table, prompting Marcus to approach while reaching out his hand for a handshake. "Marcus Giada," he stated in a resolute tone. "Meeting you, Corvus, is a privilege."

Corvus firmly held Marcus's hand with an unexpected level of force. "I am honored, Prince Marcus. Silas has high praise for you and your friends." He then looked at Andre, his forehead wrinkling in a frown.

"But," he continued, his voice dropping to a low growl, "what in the seven hells is a demon doing in our camp?"

Anya quickly reached for her sword, her green eyes filled with rage. "Corvus!" she exclaimed sharply. "Andre is with us. He fights against the Vor'talon, not with them"

"Don't be a fool, Anya," Eldred interjected, his voice laced with concern. "No one with a Black Mana Arc can be good. It's a mark of darkness, a corruption."

Andre's brow furrowed in confusion. "Black Mana Arc? What are you talking about?"

Corvus leaned forward, his eyes narrowed. "You mean you don't know? You wield a Black Mana Arc and you don't even know what it is?" He reached into a sheath at his hip and pulled out a gleaming sword. "Then perhaps you don't belong here."

Res advanced, with her hand close to her daggers. "Wait a minute," she interrupted. "There is no doubt that this is a misunderstanding."

Feeling the increasing tension, Eamon coughed to make his presence known. "Maybe you need some clarification, Corvus. These travelers might not be acquainted with the customs of Mana."

Corvus groaned, his eyes moving back and forth between them. "Okay," he agreed, placing his sword back in its sheath with a ringing sound. "But do it fast."

Anya cleared her throat, taking charge of the situation. "Alright, listen up," she said, her voice surprisingly calm. "Andre doesn't know what a Mana Arc is. He just… has an ability."

Marcus nodded in agreement. "He can control a dark energy, yes, but he uses it for good. He's saved our lives several times over."

Corvus scoffed. "Saved your lives, huh? Sounds convenient. But a Black Mana Arc is not a toy, child. It's a conduit for immense power. And power… corrupts."

Andre, his frustration reaching a boiling point, finally spoke up. "Alright, alright! I get it! You think I'm bad news because of this ...Black Mana Arc," Andre finished, his voice laced with a hint of irritation. "But honestly, I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about. Mana, Arcs… it all sounds like gibberish to me."

Corvus observed him closely for an extended period, with his forehead showing signs of deep thought. Andre's skepticism sounded sincere, in contrast to the deceptive falsehoods Corvus was skilled at identifying.

"Alright," Corvus eventually agreed, reclining in his seat. "Maybe Eldred is right. You could be... unique, but not necessarily bad". He motioned towards the unoccupied chairs at the table. "Take a seat. We will have a meeting first, and then we can go over your 'Black Mana Arc' more thoroughly."

When they sat down at the table, Corvus coughed to get everyone's attention. "Now," he started, his voice becoming authoritative once again, "as everyone is aware, the Vor'talon's control over the land is getting stronger every day. Their strength increases, their brutality becomes more evident. We must be ready for a large-scale attack.

He opened up a map on the table, running his finger along a route connecting several red dots. "These are the known outposts," he clarified. "Our scouts have observed a rise in activity close to the border in the south. There is a high possibility that they will soon launch an offensive towards the Ironclad Duchy as they haven't been taken over yet."

Anya bent closer, her gaze locked on the map. "The Ironclad Duchy? However, they are neutral."

Corvus nodded in a somber manner. "Indeed. However, maintaining neutrality can be a delicate situation, particularly when confronted with superior power. We must take action before the Vor'talon establishes a presence there. We must interrupt their supply routes, bother their posts, and demonstrate that their rule of fear will not be unopposed."

He glanced at each person's eyes around the table, one by one. "This is a war, not a skirmish. It will require sacrifice, bravery, and steadfast dedication. Are you ready for what is coming next?"

Marcus locked eyes with a resolute determination. "We are," he stated firmly, his voice filled with belief.

Anya and Res both nodded in agreement, their expressions somber yet determined. Andre, still struggling to understand Mana and Arcs, stayed quiet, but a new determination flamed in his gaze. He was an unfamiliar figure in an unknown territory, possessing a mysterious ability he couldn't comprehend, yet he was determined to engage in battle. He was prepared to battle for liberty, for his new friends, and for a world teetering on the edge of destruction.

"Excellent," Corvus commented, a hint of contentment flashing across his face. "Next, we shall start getting ready. The time for yapping is over. It is time to take action now."

While the rest focused on the specifics of the upcoming task, Andre leaned in towards Eldred. He whispered softly as he mentioned the Mana Arc. "What is it exactly?"

Eldred leaned in closer, lowering his voice to a secretive whisper. "Okay, Andre, here's the scoop on Mana and Arcs." Picture a central source of power inside of you, supplying energy to enhance your… abilities. That is your Mana Arc. It serves as a pathway, directing your determination and converting it into pure sorcery.

Andre's forehead creased. "So... does it enable you to cast spells?"

Eldred laughed quietly, a hoarse sound slipping out of his mouth. "Spells are included, however, there is also a lot more to it. Depending on your training and the level of your Mana used to cast the various kinds of spells, it has the potential to improve various abilities like strength, speed, and reflexes.

"Wait, are there various kinds of spells?" Andre interrupted, his interest piqued.

"Indeed," Eldred affirmed. There are two general classifications: X-magic and Cero magic. X-magic, the most common than the other type, eliminates the requirement for Mana completely. It is a natural skill that everyone has. Your basic fireball is an X-magic spell because it doesn't deal with Mana or gestures.

He stopped to assess Andre's response. The young man's forehead stayed wrinkled, his eyes shining with a hunger for learning.

"Cero magic, meanwhile, is used by the minority of individuals. It demands concentration, precise movements – known as 'incantations' by some – and of course, Mana. Your Mana Arc serves as the connection, transforming your desires into magical results.

Eldred lightly tapped his own chest, a playful sparkle in his gaze. "All individuals possessing Mana are assigned a level corresponding to the power and hue of their Arc. Do you see this?" He said pulling back his cloak, he exposed a glimmering blue core nestled close to his chest. "That is my Mana Arc. A Sorcerer level 2, my arc colored in midnight blue. Capable of summoning a strong fireball as big as a boulder or creating a strategic shield.

He made a gesture in the direction of Corvus, who was currently engaged in a deep discussion with another rebel leader. "On the contrary, Corvus is also an Elder. Tier 1, the top level. His Arc, now that's something amazing to see."

Eldred's voice lowered to a respectful hush. "Emerald green, resembling a lightning bolt caught in a moment. It gives him great power, the capacity to control the very essence of the world."

Andre gazed at Corvus, feeling a new sense of admiration growing within him. However, instead of clarifying things, the conversation had only increased his own sense of bewilderment. "What about me, then? My... Black Mana Arc?"

Eldred sighed, his face covered in a fleeting shadow. "It's not often we come across Black Mana, Andre. Rumors speak of great power, however it usually comes with a high price. It is... unstable, uncertain."

He put his hand on Andre's shoulder, his tone becoming gentler. "Before making assumptions, let's properly assess your Arc. There is a procedure known as Reaping, a traditional practice. It requires reaching a profound meditative state, enabling your Mana to flow without obstruction. It may feel painful and harrowing at first for beginners, but it is the sole method to fully grasp your capability."

Andre paused, feeling a wave of fear running through him. This Mana, this Arc... it was unfamiliar terrain. However, a feeling of resolve crystallized inside him. He required solutions, and Reaping appeared to be the sole way to move ahead.

"Okay," he eventually stated, his voice resolute even with the remaining fear. "Let's go ahead with this Reaping thing. I want to know what i am dealingwith."

Eldred grinned, a hint of respect shining in his eyes. "Good lad," he said, patting Andre on the shoulder. "It will be challenging, but it will be enlightening. Simply keep in mind to concentrate on your determination, manage your feelings, and allow the energy to flow freely.