The Reaping of Mana

Eldred guided them away from the busy camp, following a winding path up the mountain pass. The air became colder, with the winter's chill lingering in the shadows even as summer drew near. In the end, they arrived at a clearing illuminated by the otherworldly light of a full moon. In the middle, a small lake glistened, being supplied by a cascading waterfall that thundered with a continuous, white noise.

"We'll start here," Eldred declared, his voice almost drowned out by the loud water. "A place of strength, of unrefined vitality. It will assist you during the Reaping."

He made a hand motion downward. "Take a seat, with legs crossed. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Release thoughts, release worries and stay in the present moment."

They obeyed, settling on the frosty, wet ground. Andre experienced a cold chill run up his spine, the freezing temperature contrasting with the warmth left over from his talk with Eldred. He shut his eyes, the sound of the waterfall continuously buzzing in his ears.

"Reaping is a precise procedure," Eldred's voice whispered softly, seeming to originate from all directions at once. "Harnessing your raw Mana requires drawing it out and pushing your body to unlock its potential. It can be demanding. Especially for those who are new to it. There have been..." he paused, a shadow of something grim passing over his face, "Deaths."

Anya abruptly opened her eyes, a hint of concern passing through them before she regained her composure. "Deaths?" she murmured, her words barely audible.

"Rare," Eldred quickly reassured them. But not unheard of. Friends, this isn't a game. You need to handle this situation with reverence and care.

He breathed deeply, lowering his voice even more. "Close your eyes. Imagine your Arc.

"Imagine it as a wellspring of energy, just beneath your chest. Feel it. Can you feel it?"

Andre concentrated on his chest area, looking for a feeling. Was that… a faint thrumming pulse? He wasn't sure, but he focused on it, nurturing it, coaxing it to grow.

Eldred kept giving instructions, his calming voice acting as a comforting guide as they followed the steps. He talked about managing their breath, imagining the movement of Mana, and achieving total Zen.

It moved at a painfully slow pace. Time seemed to drag on endlessly as minutes turned into what seemed like hours. Andre kept going despite his leg cramps and sore eyes that were shut. He had to decipher this enigmatic Black Mana Arc, it held a mysterious power.

Suddenly, there was a change. The throbbing in his heart grew stronger, turning into a never-ending pounding. It seemed like a barrier on the verge of breaking, ready to overwhelm him with a surge of intense power. Fear surged inside him, the sudden desire to yell, to resist the force.

"Don't fight it," Eldred's voice cut through the chaos. "Let it flow, but control it. Channel it. Remember the dam, the visualization. Be the master, not the slave."

Andre clenched his jaw, imagining a sturdy barrier containing the rushing water. He resisted the force by pushing back, guiding the energy to flow steadily. He fought hard, sweat dripping down his forehead, the mettalic tang of blood in his mouth.

And then he had a breakthrough. The pulsating sensation calmed down into a consistent beat, a strong flow running within him but under control of his determination.

He felt... different. Not stronger, not necessarily faster, but... different. He had experienced the unprocessed strength of his abilities, the central essence of his existence.

At last, he found the courage to peep through his eyelids. The world appeared more illuminated, the atmosphere buzzing with a slight vitality. He glanced at his hand, somewhat anticipating to see a transformation, but nothing. Just his plane old hand.

Anya and Marcus opened their eyes around the same time, exchanging relieved glances. Res remained still, a frown etched on her face. Eldred, his eyes closed, held his position for another full minute before relaxing with a sigh.

A collective sigh of relief rippled through the group. The tension had been thick as fog, and the fear of failure very real. Eldred, his eyes still closed for a moment longer,

seemed to bask in the aftermath. Finally, he cracked open one eye, a weary smile spreading across his face.

"Well done," he rasped, his voice slightly hoarse. "You've all successfully Reaped. Not an easy feat, especially for newcomers. Now," he continued, his voice regaining its usual strength, "let's see what kind of Mana Arcs you've awakened."

He gestured to Anya, who hesitantly extended a hand. Eldred placed his own hand on hers, his eyes closing as he focused. A moment later, his eyes snapped open, a flicker of surprise crossing his face.

"Ivory," he announced. "A classic. You have a foundation for both healing and offensive magic, Anya. A well-balanced Arc for a versatile fighter."

Anya beamed, relief quickly morphing into a playful grin. "Versatile, huh? Sounds like me all right."

Eldred chuckled, then turned to Marcus, who held out his hand with a nervous anticipation. The same process repeated, Eldred's eyes closed, then open again, this time with a hint of satisfaction.

"Ivory as well, Marcus," he said. "Similar potential to Anya's. You have the makings of a formidable warrior, young prince."

Marcus thumped his chest with a newfound confidence. "Excellent! I always knew I was destined for greatness."

Res, her brow furrowed in concentration, was next. Eldred closed his eyes once more, but this time, a longer silence followed. When he finally opened them, his expression was unreadable.

"Res," he began cautiously, "your Arc is… unique. It's a shade of silver I haven't encountered before. It seems your connection to Mana is… unconventional, to say the least."

Res remained silent, her gaze fixed on the cascading waterfall. A hint of frustration flickered across her face, but she simply nodded in acknowledgement.

Finally, Andre hesitantly extended his hand. Eldred's touch sent a familiar warmth through him, but the wait this time seemed agonizingly long. Finally, Eldred pulled back, his brow furrowed in a deep concentration that worried Andre.

"Andre…" Eldred began, his voice laced with a hint of confusion. "Your Arc… it's still Black."

Andre's heart sank. "Still Black? But shouldn't it have… changed after Reaping?"

Eldred shook his head. "Normally, yes. But yours seems… resistant. It's unlike anything I've ever seen." He paused, a contemplative look on his face. "However, the strength of your Mana… it's remarkable. Even for a Black Arc, the raw power you possess is… staggering."

"Staggering?" Andre echoed, unsure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Eldred placed a hand on Andre's shoulder. "Listen, Andre. While your Arc remains Black, your overall strength suggests a level of a Magar 1. That's impressive, even for a seasoned initiate."

Anya's eyes widened. "Magar 1? That's higher than all of us!"

Marcus, a hint of competitive spirit flickering in his eyes, nodded in agreement. "He may not have a fancy colored Arc, but he packs a punch."

Andre felt a surge of pride despite the lingering mystery surrounding his Black Mana. "A Magar 1, huh? Not bad for someone who just… Reaped."

Eldred smiled, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Indeed. Now, let's get back to the camp. You've all taken your first steps on this path, but the journey is far from over. Tomorrow, your real training begins."