Whispers of the Dark

Andre felt the weight of Corvus' words pressing down on him like a heavy cloak. The fire, formerly representing comfort and friendship, now appeared to shimmer with a threatening light. He quickly looked at his family, seeing their faces filled with a new concern that matched his own.

His thoughts were interrupted by a sudden hand landing on his shoulder. He looked at Corvus, his emerald Mana Arc glowing softly, shining a strange green light on his face.

"Andre," Corvus said, his voice low and serious. "May I speak with you in my tent? There's something you need to hear."

Andre felt a knot form in his stomach. The urgency in Corvus' voice sent a tremor of unease through him. "Of course, Elder Corvus," he replied, forcing a smile for his family's sake. "Just give me a moment to…"

He let his sentence taper off, hesitant to cause them more concern. Anya's comforting hand on his arm brought a sense of peace in the midst of the approaching storm. "Go," she said gently. "We'll be here."

With a nod of agreement, Andre quietly followed Corvus, the sound of their footsteps crunching on the frost-covered ground. The festive atmosphere had completely disappeared, giving way to a thick silence that filled the room.

They arrived at the Elder's war tent, which was bigger and more ornate compared to the tents of regular soldiers. Corvus motioned for Andre to come in, and he ended up crouching a bit due to the low ceiling as he entered.

Corvus entered behind him and closed the flap after them. The inside was poorly illuminated, with only one oil lamp creating moving shadows on the maps and parchments hung on the walls.

Corvus motioned towards a stool, prompting Andre to sit on it, maintaining a straight back despite feeling anxious. Corvus continued to stand, his eyes locked on a map spread across a makeshift table.

"Andre," Corvus finally began, his voice heavy with a burden. "The situation is worse than we initially thought. The presence of undead within the Supreme Dungeon suggests a darker power at play."

Andre nodded, his throat suddenly dry. "The necromancer… Lord Vrn?"

Corvus gave a curt nod. "The Oracle's warnings seem to be coming true. We need to act fast, before his influence spreads further."

He turned and pointed to the map, tracing a line across the sprawling continent of Decaoria. "This," he declared, "this is the plan. We call it the 'Big Push.'"

Andre inclined his body, tracking Corvus' finger with his gaze. The map showed the ten kingdoms of Decaoria, with each one labeled with a symbol indicating their military power.

"We're sending reinforcements to all ten kingdoms," Corvus continued, his voice tight with determination. "A coordinated attack, pushing back the Vor'talon forces on all fronts. We'll cut off their supply lines, isolate them, and crush them once and for all."

Andre felt a spark of hope in his heart. A synchronized assault, a strong resistance - it seemed like a pivotal moment in the conflict. However, upon taking in the enormity of the map, a new worry emerged.

"That's a massive undertaking," he said, unable to keep the question back. "Who are they sending?"

Corvus met his gaze, his emerald eyes blazing with unwavering conviction. "We're sending our best. And Andre," he said, his voice dropping to a low murmur, "I'm drafting you, Res, and Marcus for the Sunfire Dominion."

Andre's breath caught in his throat. The Sunfire Dominion. One of the strongest kingdoms in Decaoria, famous for their elite Sunfire Legion, celebrated for their expertise in fire sorcery and widely regarded as the gods of flames.

"Why us?" he stammered, his mind racing. "There are plenty of others more experienced."

Corvus placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Your skill and resilience in battle are undeniable, Andre. But it's more than that. You possess the Mana Spark, and…" he hesitated for a moment, his eyes scrutinizing Andre's face.

"There's something else, isn't there?" Andre pressed, a strange feeling churning in his stomach.

Corvus gave a slow nod. "A prophecy," he admitted. "A vague one, but one that speaks of a young warrior, marked by fire, who will rise to lead Decaoria out of darkness."

Then he paused.

"And then he will lead it back into the darkness"

Andre gazed at him, a variety of feelings swirling inside him. Dread, anticipation, a feeling of immense burden. He was simply a soldier, a war he barely comprehended. However, Corvus' words, the significance of the prophecy, seemed like a summons to duty, a fate he couldn't resist.

"Thank you, Corvus," Andre said finally, his voice filled with newfound determination. "I won't let you down."

Corvus nodded curtly, a flicker of satisfaction in his eyes. "I know you won't," he said. "Now go, get some rest. You leave at dawn."