Seeds of an Inferno

The initial light of morning inched above the horizon.

He got up from his improvised bed, feeling his muscles ache with a dull pain. He had trouble sleeping, his thoughts filled with the potential dangers and opportunities that were on the horizon. He quickly put on his old leather armor and picked up his ol'reliable Voidbane. Anya had already prepared his limited possessions - an extra change of clothes, a small amount of jerky, and a couple of bottles of healing potion.

She showed her worry as she carefully folded his old cloak, her hands staying on it for a little longer than needed.

"Ready?" she asked softly, her voice barely a whisper.

Andre looked at her, her face etched with worry and unspoken pride. "As I'll ever be, I guess," he replied, forcing a smile.

He came out from the tent and into the refreshing morning breeze. The camp was so full of action - soldiers getting ready for patrols, cooks minding fires, and a strong feeling of anxious excitement all around.

Andre scanned the camp, his eyes landing on Corvus, Res, and Marcus huddled around this weird, glowing platform that looked like a giant stepping stone for a sparkly ghost. Mystic symbols swirled across its surface, freaking him out a little. What in the actual world were they doing with that thing?

As Andre approached, Corvus faced him, his emerald Mana Arc glowing faintly. "Ah, Andre. You're awake."

"Ready to go," Andre confirmed, his voice firm.

Corvus gestured towards the pulsating platform. "This," he explained, "is a dimensional portal. A Riftwalker will open it for us, but be warned – these portals can be fickle things. We can only keep it open for a few seconds, just enough time for us to pass through."

He realized the importance of acting quickly – any delay could let a Vor'talon, or something even more dangerous, to break through their defenses.

A tall silhouette appeared from the darkness, his brown cloak flowing in the soft morning wind. His face was hidden by a hood, yet Andre discerned the distinct energy of a Riftwalker - an expert in navigating the spaces between.

"Are ya ready?" inquired the Riftwalker, his voice a quiet growl disguised by the hood.

Andre gave a brief nod. "As ready as I'll ever be."

The Riftwalker lifted his hand, uttering powerful words in an ancient language that grated against Andre's ears. The platform buzzed with increased strength, the swirling energy coming together to form a sparkling portal. It throbbed with an unpredictable force, poised to crumble at any second.

"The portal is open!" yelled the Riftwalker, his voice barely heard over the buzzing noise. "But keep in mind, just a couple of seconds!"

Anya moved closer, gaze fixed on Andre. She hugged him tightly, her warm body providing a stark difference to the chilly morning air and his own pale icy skin. When she spoke, her voice was heavy with feeling.

"Be careful, Andre," she murmured. "Return to me as the same Andre, not some demon-possessed fiend."

Andre embraced her tightly, the unsaid words lingering oppressively. He was aware of the risks that were waiting for him in the Sunfire Dominion, the chance that he may never lay eyes on her once more. However, at that moment, all he could sense was a strong resolve to achieve success, to struggle for a future where they could unite.

He moved away, locking eyes with her. "I promise," he assured firmly with determination in his voice.

Looking one last time at his family and new companions, Andre unsheathed his sword. Taking a deep breath, he moved forward and jumped into the swirling vortex of the dimensional portal. The world transformed into a mix of colors and swirling energy, the Riftwalker's voice fading into the distance as an echo.


Sunfire Dominion, 9043km away from Valconia. *For context that is about the length from Germany to Japan*


The world transformed into a vortex. Andre experienced a sensation of falling through a dark emptiness, with the noise of fast wind echoing in his ears. Suddenly, the chaos calmed down just as abruptly as it had started. He tripped ahead but managed to steady himself on firm footing.

He blinked, his eyes adapting to the strong sunlight that shone down relentlessly. He discovered that he was located in the center of a crowded city square. Paved roads extended in every direction, bordered by structures constructed from red sandstone and decorated with vibrant banners. People moved quickly, their voices a jumble of strange words.

The air was pulsating with warmth, a sharp difference from the chilly atmosphere on Mount Wyrmtor. Andre's forehead glistened with sweat as he surveyed the area. A brief instance of normality momentarily contrasted with the chaos of the war-torn world he had departed.

However, he then noticed a tall obelisk that loomed over the main square. Made from polished obsidian, the obelisk had detailed runes on its surface that glowed dimly in a disturbing red light. On top of the obelisk, a swirling vortex of magma crackled with an otherworldly warmth.

Andre's face showed a frown as he felt a growing sense of unease in his stomach. This city was not just any ordinary one. The buildings were decorated with banners displaying a frightening emblem - a black sun with a menacing white flame at its center. The combination of red, orange, and black colors caused a feeling of fear to run down his back. It represented wickedness, a precursor of shadows.

Out of nowhere, a horrifying scream broke through the loud noises of the busy city. Andre quickly turned his head, feeling his heart beating rapidly in his chest. In the midst of the crowd, a woman stood with a face twisted in fear.

Fire exploded around her, consuming her skin immediately.

As her screams faded to a gurgling sound, her face dissolved and transformed into a bony figure surrounded by flames. The fiery skeleton growled harshly as it aggressively moved towards a vendor, extending its blazing claws.

There was a sudden outbreak of panic in the square. The crowd panicked and screamed with fear as the fiery skeleton moved through them. And as if triggered by an invisible force, other people nearby started to burst into flames without warning, with their terrified screams adding to the increasing disorder.

Andre's heart was consumed by fear. This city wasn't just occupied by Vor'talon, but was also experiencing a terrifying nightmare where reality itself seemed to be falling apart.

He gripped Voidbane, feeling the sword's familiar heft as chaos raged around him.

He had to act to help the vulnerable people stuck in this destructive predicament. Just as he was getting ready to charge into the fight, a hand suddenly gripped his shoulder. Swiftly turning around, he raised his sword defensively.

"Take it easy, buddy!" He heard a rough voice booming from behind him. "Let's avoid escalating the situation."

Andre put down his sword and looked into the eyes of a strong man wearing leather armor. His face showed signs of aging and sun damage, proving he had lived a rough life in the desert sun. His face showed concern, yet his eyes displayed resolve.

Before Andre could respond, the man pointed towards an alleyway branching off from the square. "There," he said, his voice urgent. "We need to get out of here. Now!"