Ashes and Ambitions

A chilling breeze swept through his tent as Andre woke up the next morning, bringing with it the smell of morning breeze and the smell of trees and damp soil. Andre, completely naked stood up and swirled the shadows into his black robes. Andre was feeling the burden of his triumph weighing heavily on him. He had emerged victorious over Corvus, changed the course of history, and solidified his position as the Shadow Sovereign.

But, it seemed that achieving victory was only the starting point. The dark energy pulsating in his hand revealed that The Grimoire of Shadows held more secrets than he had first expected. By flicking his wrist, he quickly turned the pages, the smell of sulfur and ancient sorcery burning his nose ,a smell he was going to get used to.

Suddenly, a passage jumped out at him, the words glowing with an eerie light. It spoke of something called "Awakenings." His heart hammered in his chest. This was new. This was uncharted territory.

The passage went on to detail the different forms these Awakenings took, each race marked by a unique transformation. Humans, it said, lacked the potential for a true Awakening. They could only ascend to a higher plane of existence, becoming something akin to divine entities.

Verdant Kin, the humanoid beings resembling plants, were said to develop a radiant green complexion decorated with detailed floral designs. Their eyes turned into luminous, colorful petals, as their hair reflected the shifting seasons.

On the contrary, it was believed that demons possessed a frightening grandeur. Their skin transformed into a rich purple hue, adorned with intricate golden designs. Barbed tails emerged from their backs, while others developed wings and horns, these additional features increasing in size and strength.

Detherborn were defined as a breathtaking combination of a dragon and a phoenix. Their skin had the texture of a human's but gleamed slightly, resembling scales just underneath the surface. Their eyes constantly changed color, mirroring the intricate nature of their background. Their hair became more vibrant, and their original draconian or phoenixian wings changed into an impressive blend of dragon and phoenix feathers. An impressive change was finished with a long tail covered in feathers and a pointed end.

However, he then noticed the part discussing a Corrupted Human's Awakening. Reading, he felt a chill run down his back. This...he was the one.

He discovered that the darkness would completely devour his human form. His eyes would turn into singular orbs of absolute darkness, lacking any hint of light. His hair would change into a swirling dark energy, constantly crackling with dark lightning. His spheres of offensive magic, which he now controlled, would increase in size and power, able to destroy anything they came into contact with.

He'd develop shadow wings, which were dark and not solid, and his body would be covered in dark flames. He would transform into a physical representation of darkness, a powerful entity driven by pure shadow energy.

He closed the grimoire, enough forbidden knowledge today.

Exiting his tent, Andre faced the bright daylight. The battlefield, previously a place of slaughter, was now bustling with movement. Soldiers hurried around, removing rubble and caring for the injured. Although the smell of death lingered in the air, a fresh feeling of determination hummed underneath it all. The Azure Empire emerged victorious, with Andre now known as the Shadow Sovereign, standing as its powerful champion.

A wave from across the field caught his eye. It was Corvus, a cheerful grin plastered across his face. Andre scoffed. The old fool clearly had no memory of their fight last night, thanks to the memory-stealing spell. Maybe that was for the best. Dealing with a remorseful Corvus would have been a pain in the ass.

He spotted Marcus and Res sitting near a makeshift fire, their heads bent close together. A flicker of something sharp and unwelcome pricked at his chest. Res, his Res, the girl he'd harbored dumb feelings for before his disappearance, was now… well, not his.

He strode over, his shadow trailing behind him like a dark cloak. "Alright lovebirds," he drawled, his voice dripping with a forced nonchalance. "Who's up for some sparring?"

Marcus, startled, looked up. "Uh, maybe later, Andre," he stammered, his voice laced with nervousness. Res, however, met his gaze with a steely glint in her eyes.

"No, Andre," she said, her voice firm. "Go practice on your own. We're… busy."

Doing what, exactly? It was clear he was intruding on something, something he had no right to be a part of anymore. With a curt nod, he turned and walked away, the prick in his chest turning into a dull ache.

He hadn't realized how much he'd clung onto that sliver of hope, that delusional belief that Res might still be waiting for him. He'd changed, become something monstrous. And she, it seemed, had moved on.

He wasn't going to lose his cool over it, not now. He wouldn't let this newfound vulnerability derail him. But deep down, a seed of resentment was planted. He, the Shadow Sovereign, wouldn't be ignored. He'd make them both regret this someday. But for now, he had bigger things to worry about – like becoming a god.


The following days were a fast-paced mix of debris and reconstruction. Soldiers with blood-stained dark armor assisted civilians in clearing rubble and salvaging items.

Constantly utilizing his dark magic, Andre unexpectedly proved to be quite useful. Using his newly acquired abilities, moving heavy beams and removing fallen masonry became effortless. The civilians, who were cautious at first of their dark-clothed rescuer, promptly showed their appreciation.

"Thank you, Shadow Sovereign," a wizened old woman said, her voice trembling slightly as Andre cleared a fallen beam from her doorway. "You've saved our city."

Andre grunted in response, a flicker of something resembling warmth flitting across his features. He wasn't used to gratitude, not after the way he'd been ostracized before. But this… this was different. He was their protector, like their dark knight in a world filled with monsters.

In the evening, with the sun setting and the sky painted in fiery colors, Corvus gathered the remaining soldiers in the main square. His typically serious face had a hint of determination, despite the usual grizzled expression.

"Men," he boomed, his voice hoarse but powerful. "We have won a battle, but the war is far from over. Nine more kingdoms languish under the Vor'talon's tyranny. Nine more chances to deliver freedom."

A low murmur of agreement rippled through the ranks. They were weary, battered, but the fire of defiance still burned bright in their eyes.

"Next stop," Corvus continued, pointing a weathered finger eastwards, "The Jade Kingdom."

A collective gasp arose from the soldiers. The Jade Kingdom, a land of towering jade structures and mystical martial arts, was legendary. But it was also rumored to be under the iron fist of the Vor'talon of Discord, a monstrous knight even more formidable than the one they had just defeated.

With a dark smile shaping his lips, Andre moved ahead. The Jade Kingdom. The place where the Vor'talon of Discord resides, the individual who caused the death of Marcus's father. He shouldn't really be caring, The battle for Decaoria was one matter, but this... this was personal.