Haunted Homecoming

The journey to the Jade Kingdom was long and arduous. Andre remained silent, stoically riding while his mind was consumed by dark thoughts and hidden anger. Every day brought the Jade Kingdom closer, serving as a constant reminder of the intimidating Vor'talon waiting for them.

After weeks of constant travel, they finally arrived at Veridan Haven, the modest hometown where Andre grew up. He was struck with surprise as he looked at the well-known scenery. Veridan Haven, situated among gently sloping green hills, appeared... unique. More shiny. The town no longer had ramshackle buildings and an air of despair after his disappearance. Currently, stores were filled with busyness, while freshly built houses showed off colorful painting works.

Anya, feeling Andre's curiosity, nudged her horse nearer to him. "The Azure Empire's been pouring resources into rebuilding the border towns," she explained. "Veridan Haven's practically thriving now."

Andre made a grunting sound to show he acknowledged, feeling a flicker of pride in his chest. Perhaps, just perhaps, something positive had emerged from this entire experience.

They were headed to the Aetheris mansion, a large building that had been the focal point of Veridan Haven since Andre's childhood. It was his home during his childhood as well. He hadn't entered it since he was taken, and he felt a surge of worry come over him.

Upon nearing the mansion, its well-known shape causing a shiver in him, Andre spotted a youthful female by the impressive doorway. The bright golden sunlight reflected off her lengthy, lively yellow hair, a shade just as vivid as the renewed vitality in Veridan Haven. He felt his heart skip a beat.

The woman saw Anya first, a radiant smile breaking out across her face. She rushed forward, engulfing Anya in a warm embrace. "Anya! You're finally back!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with a joyful energy that seemed to clash with Andre's dark mood.

Anya chuckled, pulling back from the hug. "Elara, honey, calm down! We've got company."

Elara's smile faltered slightly as she turned towards Andre, her eyes widening in surprise. Then, recognition dawned on her face, a mixture of disbelief and joy flooding her features.

"Andre?" she breathed, her voice trembling slightly. "Is that really you?"

Andre managed a curt nod, unable to meet her eyes for long.

Elara, however, seemed to overcome her initial shock quickly. Her smile returned, wider and brighter than ever. "Come on in, you lot!" she chirped, ushering them towards the mansion. "I've prepared a feast fit for heroes!"

The tired soldiers, happy from the journey, shouted with joy when they arrived at the mansion. With the assistance of a busy team of servants, Elara had prepared a feast that would embarrass a king's banquet. The grand dining room was filled with roasted meats, exotic fruits, and a plethora of pastries to feed a small army.

Following what seemed like hours of dining together and bonding, the soldiers eventually scattered to their designated lodgings. Andre, Corvus, and Marcus were surprised to find themselves all sharing a bedroom that was surprisingly spacious. The space that used to be his safe haven now seemed unfamiliar and impersonal.

Andre was standing next to the window, looking out at the night sky filled with stars. Memories, whether they were cherished or painful, flashed through his mind. This is where he had grown up, where he had imagined becoming a hero. While he may be a hero, he is also dark and twisted.

Anya and Elara were out of harm's way, Veridan Haven flourishing… perhaps the situation wasn't entirely negative. However, the heaviness of his previous experiences, the shadows that now enveloped him, appeared to be an overwhelming challenge. He released a lengthy exhale, the noise reverberating in the quietude of the room.

"You alright, Andre?" Marcus's voice, laced with concern, broke the silence. Andre turned to see both Corvus and Marcus looking at him with a mix of curiosity and worry. He knew he couldn't keep them in the dark forever. The secrets he carried, the darkness that consumed him, would eventually spill out. But for now, he simply shrugged.

"Just… thinking," he muttered, his voice a low growl. "About what lies ahead." With that, he turned away, pulling the darkness around him like a cloak, and retreated into a restless sleep. The battle for the Jade Kingdom was upon them, and Andre, the Shadow Sovereign, would be at the forefront.


The room was filled with a gentle golden light as the sunlight passed through the decorative curtains. Andre, wearing his dark robes, felt a usual irritation as he stretched. Mornings were something he despised. In particular, the mornings before a battle.

He took a quick look at the other two people in the room. Corvus, always the experienced fighter, was already awake and getting ready his armor. On the contrary, Marcus was lying on his cot, sound asleep and snoring with a peaceful and innocent expression on his face. Andre was close to feeling jealous of him – his innocent hopefulness, his carefree soul.

Anya slipped into the room, a steaming mug in her hand. "Coffee," she announced, placing the mug on Andre's bedside table. "Elara sends her love. She's… well, she's trying not to smother you when you wake up."

Andre chuckled, a dry, humorless sound, devoid of emotion. "Probably for the best." He took a sip of the coffee, the bitter taste jolting him awake. He liked his coffee with milk, had him becoming the Shadow Sovereign make Anya believe that he wasn't the same Andre.

Anya lingered for a moment, her blue eyes filled with a mix of sadness and concern. "Are you sure about this, Andre?" she asked softly. "About who you've become?"

He met her gaze, his black eyes holding a depth of darkness that made her shiver. "I don't have a choice," he said, his voice cold and emotionless. "Not anymore."

Anya sighed, her shoulders slumping in defeat. "Just… be careful, okay? Don't forget who you are."

Giving a brief nod, Andre completed his coffee and made his way to the stables. Today was not the time to be sentimental. Today, he embodied warfare, a shadowy tempest seeking revenge.

The gathered soldiers, a large group of soldiers in armor, hummed with anxious anticipation. Andre, on his horse Revenant, wearing shiny obsidian armor under the morning sun, looked around at the surroundings. He sensed the excitement pulsing in the group, a primal energy reflected in the surge of dark power coursing through him.

Revenant, sensing his mood, whinnied impatiently."Ready for another taste of battle, old friend?" Andre murmured, stroking the sentient sword's hilt.

A deep, booming voice resonated through the field. "Soldiers of the Azure Empire! Today, we march into the Jade Kingdom. Today, we liberate another kingdom from the Vor'talon's tyranny!" It was Corvus, his voice filled with a gravelly determination.

The soldiers erupted into cheers, their swords and shields raised in a salute. Andre felt a flicker of something resembling pride stir within him. This wasn't just about revenge; it was about freedom. He was fighting for Veridan Haven, for Elara, for a future where darkness didn't reign supreme.

Corvus turned to him, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Alright, Shadow Sovereign," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of amusement. "Ready to raise some hell?"

Andre's lips curved into a cold smile. "More than you know," he replied. With a surge of adrenaline, he kicked his horses flanks, and the mighty steed surged forward, leading the charge. They rode through the border gate, leaving behind the familiar landscape of Veridan Haven. Ahead lay the Jade Kingdom, a land shrouded in mystery and guarded by an army of the undead.

Andre tightened his grip on the horses reins, his eyes narrowed. This wasn't going to be a cakewalk. The Vor'talon of Discord clearly wasn't messing around. The path to Xin'an, the Jade Kingdom's capital, and his confrontation with his tormentor, had just begun.