Awaken the Archon of War

The strong smell of rot hung in the air like a veil, a sharp contrast to the steady noise of metal hitting bone. The 10th Legion had been swiftly advancing through the Jade Kingdom for 48 hours, cutting through waves of zombies without stopping during the night for rest. The scenery consisted of ruined villages and barren forests, showing the impact of the Vor'talon of Discord's cruel rule.

Leading the way, Andre wove a lethal dance of darkness and metal. Revenant, was like a blur of black in his hand. It sliced through the sluggish corpses with a great efficiency. The Orbs around Andre hit the undead and they exploded into an array of organs and limbs. Haha, raining organs.

"Keep moving!" Corvus roared above the din of battle, his weathered face etched with grim determination. "Xin'an awaits!"

Their destination right now was Xin'an, the capital city of the Jade Kingdom. It was like a sparkling gem surrounded by a thick forest, with its green buildings shining in contrast to the apparent autumn already hitting Decaoria.

That night, with only short intervals of restless sleep taken beneath the vigilant observation of a crimson moon. The moon had been like this for a while. No one knew why but ever since the Vor'talon appeared, this was a constant reminder.

After enduring two tough days, the dense greenery of the Jade Forest transformed into the impressive view of Xin'an's outer wall. The formerly pure white stone was now marked with blood and dirt, serving as vivid memories of lost battles.

Corvus, his voice hoarse from shouting orders, pointed towards the massive gate barring their way. "There! Xin'an! Breach those gates and the Vor'talon is ours!"

The soldiers felt a sudden rush of adrenaline. The assurance of bringing an end to this brutal campaign motivated their last effort. With a loud battle yell, they sprinted towards the massive gate.

The defending group, a mix of undead and corrupted mages, responded with a chaotic mix of fearful spells and urgent sword attacks. However, the 10th Legion's forces were too powerful for them to handle. Andre, a powerful force of dark energy, took the lead, with Revenant cutting down enemies in their path.

Andre released a barrage of orbs filled with dark magic, causing the defensive wards around the gate to shatter. The colossal wooden doors shattered loudly, causing debris to scatter in the air.

Disregarding the storm of arrows and bolts being directed at them, the soldiers of the 10th Legion advanced courageously, overwhelming the city with their steel weaponry. Andre, a dark storm at the forefront, roared a challenge. "Xin'an falls today! Where is your precious Vor'talon, huh p****'s?!"

His voice echoed through the blood-soaked streets, a chilling promise of vengeance. The fight for Xin'an had begun. They had breached the outer defenses, but within the city walls, a far more formidable foe awaited them.


Somewhere in a chamber in Xin'an

A deep, throaty roar, mixed with the sound of metal clashing, broke the calm quiet of Xin'an's sacred center. General Li Wei, the Archon of War, suddenly sat up in his meditation room, his eyes filled with the fury of a warrior. The atmosphere was filled with a sense of unease that made him shudder. What was interrupting his Reaping especially when he was trying to ascend to Archon 2.

He hastily got up. A stream of black smoke poured into the night sky through an opening in the detailed window shutters, casting a foreboding red light over the previously luxurious city. Clashing steel and screams could be heard on the wind.

Straining his eyes, Li Wei saw a red flag with a bold phoenix flying through the haze. He caught his breath.The 10th Legion, the day had finally come. Months of plotting, of waiting in the shadows, were finally coming to fruition. The Jade Kingdom had been under the Vor'talon's iron fist for too long. The time for liberation had come.

He walked angrily towards a secret corner in his room. There, engraved on the gleaming marble ground, was a subtle magical symbol, hardly noticeable to the inexperienced observer. Li Wei skillfully drew the sigil using his bloody finger while quietly reciting a primal incantation.

The atmosphere was filled with intense energy as the symbol throbbed with a red glow. A short time afterward, the floor sparkled, and a suit of armor appeared in front of him in a whirl of energy.

Blood-red plates, gleamed under the ethereal glow. A flowing white cape, edged with shimmering silver thread, billowed dramatically behind it. Finally, at the heart of the display, a colossal greatsword, its blade the color of polished obsidian, vibrated with an otherworldly hum.

The Archon of War was finally here. Li Wei grinned, a feral expression that sent chills down even his own spine. He ran a hand along the cold, smooth surface of the greatsword, a surge of power coursing through him.

Li Wei put on the armor with a final, deep battle cry that reverberated in the chamber. As he lifted the huge greatsword, the red plates made a menacing sound, creating a familiar feeling in his skilled hands.

The true battle for Xin'an was just beginning. Li Wei, the Archon of War, was a force to be reckoned with. Let the invaders beware. The Jade Kingdom wouldn't fall without a fight.