Bloodstained Deliverer

Andre, a storm of shadows on his horses back, tore through Xin'an's panicked streets.

His loud voice reverberated through the chaos, causing people to scatter like startled birds. "Seek shelter! The Azure Empire has come to liberate you!"

Many obeyed, searching for any shelter that was accessible. Andre thoroughly enjoyed the chaos he had created. Today, he would get his revenge.

He arrived at the grand entrance of the Jade Palace, which serves as the seat of power for the Vor'talon. A few figures, their shapes twisted by sinister sorcery, appeared on the walls, casting spells with crackling energy in their extended hands.

"Foolish whelp," one of them rasped his voice a gravelly parody of human speech. "You think you can breach these defences?"

Andre chose not to respond. Using a quick motion of his hand, he hurled a dark orb that shot towards the gate. Exploding with intense brightness, the blast shattered the huge oak doors into fragments.

Andre's face broke into a wild smile. He didn't need elaborate speeches or grand declarations. His language was destruction, and the Jade Palace would understand it without any difficulty.

He got off his horse, the stallion whinnying nervously as he felt the dark energy coming from his owner. Andre leaped strongly, clearing the debris and landing smoothly inside the palace grounds.

The interior was filled with dust motes that danced in the air and the smell of decay hung in the air. The once luxurious halls were now shrouded in darkness, with the only source of light coming from the gaps in the boarded windows. Andre easily made his way through the complex maze of corridors, his senses sharpened by the shadows. There were no undead, meaning that the Vor'talon wanted Andre alone.

At last, after what seemed like forever, he arrived at the enormous entrance of the throne chamber. With one strong kick, the doors shattered, exposing a view that startled him.

Seated on an elevated platform was the Vor'talon of Discord. He still had his non-existent form. It was like he blended into the surroundings as a swirling mass of chaos.

Yet, despite the monstrous visage, Andre recognized the glint of those cold eyes.

The Vor'talon held his gaze, a flicker of something resembling surprise crossing his monstrous features. Then, a slow, humorless chuckle rumbled through the cavernous hall.

"Andre," he rasped, his voice distorted by the dark magic coursing through him. "Even after all this time, even after your transformation… you're still the same pathetic whelp."

Andre felt a surge of rage, a primal fury that threatened to consume him. And that is what he planned on doing.

"You're wrong," Andre snarled, his voice a low growl. "I'm not the same. I'm the Shadow Sovereign, and I've come for your head."

The Vor'talon threw back his head and roared, a sound that shook the very foundation of the palace. "Then come, little shadow," he boomed, a twisted amusement in his voice. "Let's see if your darkness can match mine!"

The throne room echoed with the clang of steel as Andre drew Revenant, its Onyxium surface gleaming in the light.

Andre rushed forward, Revenant becoming a blur of black as he targeted the Vor'talon's chest. The monstrous knight, sharpened reflexes from years of fighting, skillfully dodged with unnatural speed. A huge hand with sharp claws slashed out, causing a deep cut on Andre's chest.

Andre let out a primal scream filled with both pain and anger. Despite the intense pain, he fought back, releasing a burst of dark energy from his hands. The Vor'talon let out a defiant roar as a chaotic vortex of magic erupted from his hand. The dark spheres smashed into the spinning whirlpool, neutralizing one another with a loud blast that created shockwaves in the throne room.

Particles of dust floated and twirled in the shadows while the two opponents moved around each other, looking intensely at each other in a fierce battle of determination. The Vor'talon, emanating a terrifying aura that caused the surrounding atmosphere to crackle with energy, lifted his second hand, his sharp claws curling menacingly.

"Foolish whelp," he boomed, his voice a distorted echo. "You think your pathetic darkness magic can match the raw power of chaos?"

With a snarl, the Vor'talon slammed his hand down, his fingers tracing a vicious sigil in the air. The air shimmered, and tendrils of dark energy materialized, twisting and writhing like malevolent serpents.

Andre reacted instinctively, his own shadow magic surging to life. He flung out his hand, his voice a guttural growl. "Obscure!" A black wave of darkness erupted from his palm, slamming into the writhing tendrils. They writhed in defiance for a moment before dissipating into wisps of dark smoke.

The Vor'talon let out a frustrated bellow. This wasn't supposed to be this hard. Andre, fueled by vengeance and dark power, was proving to be a more formidable opponent than he had anticipated.

Andre, his movements imbued with a supernatural grace, danced around the Vor'talon's brutal attacks, his sword flashing with deadly precision. The monstrous knight, however, was a juggernaut of raw power, his every blow shaking the very foundations of the palace.

Andre, agile and deadly, landed a flurry of cuts on the Vor'talon's monstrous form. The knight, in turn, slammed Andre into the wall with a bone-crushing blow, sending him sprawling across the floor.

Andre coughed, blood trickling down his chin. His vision blurred at the edges, the pain in his chest a constant throb. But he wouldn't give up. Not now. Not when he was so close.

He pushed himself up, his gaze burning with an unholy fire. He raised his hand, channeling every last ounce of his dark power. "Extinguish!" A massive orb, blacker than night, materialized above his palm, crackling with malevolent energy.

Just as Andre unleashed his most potent attack, a booming voice echoed through the throne room, shattering the rhythm of the fight. "Enough!"

Standing in the doorway, bathed in the faint light filtering through the cracked windows, was a figure clad in crimson armor. His face was obscured by the shadow of his helmet, but the colossal greatsword strapped across his back glinted with a cold, malevolent light.