Chapter 06 - Freedom

 After recovering his weapon and transforming it into a bow, Jason felt a lot better. A few seconds had passed already, but there were no signs of the trolls returning.

"Didn't they notice the fight?" Jason asked. "I guess this works for me…"

 Jason was at a higher level than the trolls, so despite his lack of experience, he could face them in one-on-one battles. It would be hard to imagine that they would be that cooperative, though.

 Before anything, Jason also decided to save his points and see what would happen next… the idea of keeping getting those titles would benefit him. Still, he had to get a good feel of the fights first.

"There is nothing here. How did that thing show up here, then?" Jason said while looking around. The system said that the portal to other worlds had been opened, but I can't see it here. The boss summoned the trolls, so maybe it is something only a creature of that level can do."

 Before leaving, Jason checked the bow in action and frowned a bit when an arrow appeared out of nowhere. Soon after, he hit a wall and left a hole that was a few centimeters deep—stronger than a bullet.

"My aim is pretty good as well at twenty meters away. I just need to be able to keep my focus at that distance and in combat," Jason nodded to himself and then began to walk toward the exit of the dungeon.

 Before long, Jason confirmed that the path was going upward. It seemed that he was below sea level… which would explain a lot since the mountains had moved away from him.

 In any case, Jason didn't find any signs of monsters while he was going upward… there was a chance that he would be ambushed as soon as he left the place, so he didn't drop his guard.

 It took only ten minutes for Jason to find the exit of the place. He was surprised by that, but he was even more surprised by the fact that he didn't find a single troll… until he left the cave and found them spreading across the area.

"It isn't noon yet, and they didn't have time to find a place to camp…" Jason said and then looked around. "The mountains disappeared completely… I know that I came from the South, but I can't see any landmarks… I wonder if my car is fine… finding it will be hard."

 Jason's first goal was to return to his hometown… he had no idea how he would do that. Still, he decided that following the trolls probably would be the best idea since they were all heading in the same direction.

 Jason couldn't see the mountains, any signs of the lake, or the road that he used as well. Still, it was a fact that trolls probably would look for large concentrations of people… they were invading, and when invading, the best option for the invaders was to prevent any signs of resistance.

"Okay….Aside from making sure that I wouldn't be surrounded by those fuckers, what else do I need to survive?" Jason asked while he increased the grip on his bow. "Stay calm and assess the situation… Take a moment to evaluate my surroundings, resources, and any immediate threats. Keeping a clear head will help me make better decisions."

Find shelter… Look for natural shelters such as caves, rock formations, or fallen trees. If none are available, build a makeshift shelter using branches, leaves, and other natural materials. Jason didn't want to use the dungeon, and when monsters were involved, it was better to look for other people… However, he didn't have anyone to look for or count on.

"I feel like the king of depression with these thoughts," Jason thought and then sighed.

Start a fire… Fire provides warmth, light, and a means of cooking and can be a signal for rescuers. Learn how to build a fire using available resources, and always prioritize safety when starting and maintaining a fire.

"That will only reveal my position…" Jason shook his head.

Aside from that, to locate a water source… Water is crucial for survival. Look for streams, rivers, or lakes nearby. If necessary, collect rainwater or dew using containers or improvised methods. Remember to purify water before drinking by boiling, using water purification tablets, or using a water filter if available.

"I don't think that things will be so bad that I will have to use the second part so soon… but I should stay close to clean water sources," Jason thought.

 Signals for help, navigation, stay dry and warm… those things were useless for now. It wasn't raining, and it wasn't that cold either, but eventually it would. What Jason had to really consider was to look for food and stay positive.

"The lake can help with that, but I won't have anywhere to run… I had some snacks in the car, but I won't be able to find either… I guess returning to the city is my only option," Jason muttered and then sighed.

 Jason liked to go fishing, so if something happened, he would read a bunch of survival books. He didn't think that he would have to use that knowledge in any situation similar to that, but at least it helped him quite a bit.

 After he made up his mind, he began to walk toward the South… or what was supposed to be the South and the road that he used to reach the lake—but he only found an endless sea of Pine trees.