Chapter 07 - Bloodbath

 The forest was dense enough that Jason couldn't see anything more than one hundred meters ahead. While he could see the footprints of the trolls, he still felt a bit worried… they might turn around and catch him pretty fast. He was still hurt, and his breathing made his ribcage hurt like hell. It was getting better with every passing minute, though, thanks to his regeneration.

"I guess Regeneration works every second… almost dying is what is saving me now," Jason thought. "The question is, does this work just for recovering HP or mend bones as well?" 

 Eventually, he would find the answer to those questions, so Jason decided to focus on the path ahead.

 While moving through the forest and using the back of the trees to hide now and then before moving forward, Jason realized that there were no signs of wildlife. He wondered if the land just expanded and the number of animals didn't increase… Jason assumed that what was happening would also affect that… since he thought that the expansion was because his earth fused with others. That would explain the expansion… then again, the monsters would kill pretty much everything in sight.

 Jason stopped moving when, all of a sudden, he noticed something in the air… it smelled like blood. He looked around, and he didn't find anything… no signs of humans, animals, or monsters.

"My senses improved because of my Perception? Am I smelling something far ahead?" Jason thought. 

 Now that he thought about it, Jason realized that his vision was more accurate than before… Also, the environment seemed more colorful. It felt like reality turned from 1080p to 4k.




 Jason suddenly heard a scream and then some gunshots in the distance… the hunting areas should be much further behind… then Jason recalled that he couldn't count on his memories for the environment anymore.

"No time to play hero… but I need to check what is ahead before taking a detour," Jason thought while he was approaching and also summoned a Mana Arrow by using five MP.

 While using the trees as cover again, Jason approached. He eventually noticed the area ahead of the clearing, but he didn't hear any more shots or screams. It didn't take long for him to understand why… Jason found four trolls ahead. One of them was bleeding through his stomach and had marks of bullets, while the others were stepping on the bodies of a man and woman wearing hunting vests. 

 Jason's curiosity got the better of him, and he ended up looking at the bodies… he regretted that. Their heads had been smashed, and their chests suffered the same fate. The trolls weren't doing anything that would make Jason think that they would eat the bodies… They were killing for sport or to clear the area from other lifeforms.

 Out of reflex, Jason nocked the arrow and aimed at the wounded beast… he wondered why he was doing that when he had decided not to play the hero. Still, it looked like his instincts had other plans.

"Their numbers are low, and I am at a higher level… I should be able to fight and defeat them," Jason tried to convince himself.

 Jason's aim was really steady, and his arrow was pointing directly at the head of his target. He couldn't imagine himself missing, even though he had never used a bow before. Was that because he increased his dexterity and Perception? Either way, Jason fired, and then the arrow flew in a straight line to the back of the monster's head and pierced it.

(You obtained 100 experience points.)

(You obtained 10 SP.)

 The body slowly fell forward, and Jason nocked another arrow during that time. When the enemies noticed what happened and then looked in his direction, Jason fired another shot, and the arrow pierced the right eye of another beast.

(You obtained 100 experience points.)

(You obtained 10 SP.)

 As soon as the second beast fell, the others dashed toward Jason and furious their eyes. Jason had the chance to nock and fire another arrow at the third before they could get ten meters away from him. The beast imagined that Jason would go for the head again, so it protected its face with both arms. Still, Jason adjusted his aim and hit the heart of the beast. Even Jason was surprised to see the arrow piercing it deeply.

(You obtained 100 experience points.)

(You obtained 10 SP.)

 The final enemy got close enough and tried to use a body slam. Jason threw himself to the side and then rolled on the ground before he could get up. He saw the troll hitting a tree and making it tremble from top to bottom… a hit like that would hurt.

 The monster quickly recovered and charged toward Jason while protecting its head and chest, but that didn't stop him from shooting as quickly as posing and hitting the right knee of the monster. The arrow pierced deeply and made the beast fall.

 Without hesitation, Jason took a step backward, nipped another arrow, and fired at the monster's head, killing it. 

(You obtained 100 experience points.)

(You obtained 10 SP.)

 Jason stared at the body for a short while until his head cooled down enough to make him understand what he had done… that had been quite something.

"... This wasn't so bad," Jason thought while feeling his heartbeat racing like crazy. "I didn't think too much about it, but I didn't let the situation overwhelm me… this instinct thing isn't so bad."