Chapter 11 - Rank Up

 Jason studied the area for a while and confirmed that he could take a long detour to avoid that massive army. Those things were big, and his experience with the trolls told him that monsters tend to be faster as well.

 There was nothing around that Jason could use in his favor to fight that army head-on… still, it looked like his brain cells had been lost when he fell during the boss fight because he wanted to fight those guys even if he was in a bad position.

"This is another chance to get a lot of levels… I bet that few people are actively looking for fights, so I should get ahead as much as possible," Jason thought.

 Jason found the two armies of enemies only a couple of kilometers away from each other, and since the world had expanded, that was a bad sign. It meant that the number of enemies was much higher, and considering the rate at which they were spawning, it was only a matter of time before they outnumbered humans and began to massacre them… Jason needed the strength to protect himself against those odds as much as possible.

 Where there is a will, there is a way; Jason moved to the left side of the area where some of the monsters were gathering the lone trees that they were chipping. Soon enough, they will have to expand their area of influence, and Jason wants to use that and fight them when they don't have the chance to ask for help from their allies in the base. The best option was to slowly decrease their numbers.

"Even if they feel the smell of blood, they won't abandon their base to look for an enemy that they aren't completely aware of," Jason thought.

 Eventually, Jason left the area of the hills, and he found a hard time hiding from the monsters. He was one kilometer away from their base. Still, he wasn't confident that he could take down twenty enemies by himself before they could inform the others… that was their number in that area.

"Let's see what I can do…" Jason said while looking around. "I guess I should wait until some of them finish gathering the trees and leave for their base."

 Jason confirmed that no monster was coming, but some finished the job earlier and were preparing to leave… Then Jason had another idea. He returned to the nearest hill and then hid behind it after transforming the shield into a bow.

 The enemies were carrying the trees on their left side, leaving their right side exposed. At the same time, they couldn't see anything in the opposite direction. Jason could kill them without alerting their friends. The only problem was that he had to kill them from a distance of more than fifty meters up to one hundred.

"They are tougher than Trolls, but they will still die if their brains are damaged," Jason thought. "I am not sure yet if I should follow the archer's route, but I guess it is the best one while I build my strength."

 It was a risky move, but nothing that is truly valuable never comes without risks. Jason used all of his free points into Dexterity, and he wondered if power would be a better option. If he hit the head, he would cause critical damage, and the higher his max output, the higher the damage would be. At the same time, he would have to be more skilled to hit the target with less Dexterity.

 In the end, Jason split them. His magic also influenced the power of his Mana Arrows. Still, the potential of the skill was determined by his physical attack. Getting a two hundred percent bonus when attacking and dealing with critical damage was the maximum. After doing some math, Jason assumed that he could do around 450 points of damage… If the Enemy's skull were that hard, killing them would probably be impossible. However, critical hits can happen in other spots aside from the head.

 The monsters finally approached the hills, and Jason smirked when they formed almost a perfect line. They were five meters away from each other, but that wasn't really a problem.

 Jason got up slightly from his position and then began to aim. He felt his aim trembling a little for the first time since the distance was the highest… Still, he forced himself to fire when he saw the target's head moving. Before the creature could see him, Jason fired an arrow, and it pierced the Enemy's neck almost completely.

(You obtained 300 experience points)

"That is what you get from having a low Spirit," Jason thought, already nocking the next arrow.

 The first body fell and made some noise alongside the tree. Still, the other enemies would have to either turn completely or change the positions of the trees they were carrying before finding out what had happened… the enemies punching the other trees couldn't hear anything since they were making noise, so Jason hit the second in the neck as well without being bothered or even discovered.

(You obtained 300 experience points)

(You leveled up and received six status points.)

(Congratulations! For being the first human to reach level thirty, the title True Figher reached the rank (D). All energy regenerations increased by one hundred percent.

 Jason smirked. He was determined to get all the rewards from that title… which would allow him to fight for as much as he wanted.