Chapter 10 - Monster's Camp

 The path ahead and beyond the forest was a mix of hills and long grasslands. Jason couldn't even see any signs of his hometown. He had only moved twenty kilometers away, but he couldn't help but frown when he couldn't find a single paved road or energy pole.

The undulating terrain stretches out before him, a blend of earthy hues and vibrant greens. The hills rise and fall gracefully, creating a sense of gentle movement throughout the landscape.

As he walked through the grasslands, the delicate rustling sound accompanied Jason's every step, adding to the tranquil atmosphere.

The sky above was adorned with a blanket of clouds, painting the canvas above in various shades of gray. The clouds seem to float effortlessly, creating ever-changing patterns and casting shadows on the land below. The sunlight intermittently peeks through the cloud cover, illuminating patches of the landscape with golden rays, lending an unexpected quality to the scenery.

"Not for long… and it was sunny this morning, too," Jason scratched the back of his head. "Anyway, I ended up pretty far away from any signs of civilization, and this isn't good since I found a dungeon in such a place… if the monsters keep multiplying in this kind of place…"

 Jason kept moving around with his shield in his hand. Since his skill was passive, he couldn't level it up out of combat, and that was a bit bothersome… Still, at least he was gaining some time.

"I can't see any signs of smoke in the distance, so the city should be fine…" Jason thought. 

 It would be hard to see the smoke if the city was two hundred kilometers away… also, while Jason didn't have anyone important for him there anymore, he was only worried about his house. After he had inherited it from his parents, he had to pay quite a sum to keep it regulated, and the end of the world wasn't what was going to prevent him from getting some return from his investments.

 After running for ten minutes, Jason slowed down because he was out of stamina. He tried to pace himself, but since the dealing with his wounds getting healed was getting the better of him, he had a hard time doing that properly. Still, that worked better for him since he had the chance to see some movements ahead, and then he lowered his posture to approach slowly.

"Oh boy… it seems that an amusement park was set up here while I wasn't looking," Jason thought as he slowly approached and found a camp of monsters in the middle of several hills.

 Jason barely saw the camp and the creatures, even though they were one hundred meters ahead. That was because of the hills… Regardless, the monsters weren't trolls.

Gray Giant - Lv 33


HP: 550/550 (1.0 Regen)

MP: 110/110 (0.1 Regen)

SP: 280/280 (1.0 Regen)


Power: 45 - 65

Constitution: 55

Dexterity: 22

Magic: 14

Spirit: 11

Perception: 28

Available Status Points: 00


Titles: Minion (F), 

Bloodlines: Gray Giant (F)

Skill: Hard Skin (D), Violence (D)

Jobs: None

Job Skills: None


The beasts were a large and hulking creatures with a muscular build. Their bodies were covered in rough, bluish-gray skin that seemed tough and resistant. The beasts stood on two legs and were three meters tall, emphasizing its intimidating presence. It possesses a humanoid shape, albeit with several notable features that set it apart.

Its head is particularly striking, featuring a pair of elongated, curved horns that protrude from its forehead. These horns can be twisted and gnarled, adding to the monster's menacing appearance. The beasts' eyes are typically glowing with a fiery hue, emitting an aura of aggression and power.

The beasts' faces were distorted and unsettling. They had wide mouths filled with sharp, jagged teeth, and their facial structure appeared distorted and twisted, giving them an overall monstrous visage.

The beast's physique was imposing, with bulging muscles and a broad chest. Its limbs are thick and muscular, ending in large, clawed hands and feet that hint at its formidable combat abilities. The monster's entire body exudes an aura of malevolence and raw strength.

"Well, they sure are quite the group of monsters…" Jason thought while he was seeing the monsters working.

 The beasts were not only setting up camp there… they were building a fortress. In the distance, Jason saw them punching trees and knocking them out before bringing them back to their base, cleaning them, and turning the trunks into large stakes. Afterward, they would put those around the area and punch them until they pierced the ground. Those beasts had large fists and enough power to do that…

"I have around the same power, but I don't think that I can do that…" Jason furrowed his eyebrows.

 Hundreds of those things were setting around their base around the entrance of their dungeon. It won't take long until they have a pretty good base… leaving them alone could be a bad idea, but Jason wasn't sure if he could take them one at a time.