Chapter 97 - In Check

Chiron, sensing an opportunity to gain the upper hand, began to dash around the chamber, firing arrows at Jason with uncanny speed and accuracy. Each arrow flew with deadly precision, aimed at vulnerable spots in Jason's defenses.

But Jason was ready. With quick motions, he raised his shield, blocking each incoming arrow with expert timing and precision. The clang of metal against metal echoed through the chamber as Jason deflected the onslaught, his focus the same despite the intensity of the attack.

As Chiron continued his assault, the effects of Jason's earlier poison began to take hold. A faint mist began to form around the chamber, slowly filling the chamber with its noxious presence. At first, it was barely noticeable, a subtle haze drifting through the air. But with each passing moment, it grew thicker and more opaque, obscuring visibility and making it difficult for both combatants to see clearly.

"Ugh…" Chiron grunted in annoyance.