Chapter 184 - More than one life (3)

Jason had counted on having more time to regroup and strategize, but now it seemed that his respite was cut short… still, at that point in time, he was used to that kind of situation.

"You recovered pretty fast," Thrud said. "This might look unfair, but it is the kind of challenge that you will face many times from now on, so you should get used to it."

"I will, no worries," Jason said while strengthening his grip on the handle. of the sword.

Jason took a deep breath and then got ready to fight again. Fighting in that kind of situation was troublesome since he had no idea how many times the enemy would return, and his exhaustion would remain. At the same time, Thrud could tell that for Jason, a longer battle would be his worst nightmare, so she could count on that and take her time as well.