Chapter 205 - Infinite Nunchaku

In no time, Jason caught up with Montezuma, and despite the fact that he had a bunch of arrows in his arms and shoulders, he punched him with all his might. Blood began to spurt from all the wounds, but he ignored that.

Montezuma kept blocking his attacks, but eventually, Jason fired a Mana Blade from his fist, and at that distance, the enemy was unable to block. The blade, shimmering with an otherworldly glow, cut through the air with a menacing hiss.

Montezuma's reflexes, refined by countless battles and his extraordinary experiences, kicked in just in time. He twisted his head to the side with a sharp, instinctive jerk, narrowly avoiding a fatal blow. The mana blade missed beheading him by mere inches, but it wasn't a complete miss. A searing pain erupted in Montezuma's neck as the blade grazed him, leaving a deep, jagged wound. Blood began to flow from the gash, staining his regal armor and cascading down his chest.