Chapter 206 - Instincts

When Montezuma died, the buffs that he offered to his soldiers also died with him, and their morale dropped as well, so soon the situation on the battlefield turned around. Still, when Jason returned, he saw that a bunch of people had been moved away from it thanks to heavy injuries, so things were still troublesome.

With the nunchaku, Jason arrived in the area and then began to spin it around and smash the head of the enemies with it like it was a morning star since he didn't have confidence in using it properly.

The nunchaku was red, and some parts were made of metal in the shape of small dots that increased Jason's grip. Connecting the handles was a sturdy, high-tensile chain designed to withstand the intense force of combat. The chain links are meticulously engineered for smooth, fluid motion, ensuring that the nunchaku can be wielded with precision and speed.